چهارشنبه 25 مهر 1403






منو سخنرانی مکتوب

ENGLISH shiaquest

منو بهداشت و سلامت

Brief Account of Muhajireen, Ansar and Companions

Hayat Al-Qulub Vol. 1,
By: Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
Ibn Babawayh has narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Abi Imamah that the Messenger of Allah (S) said, “Cheers for one who sees me and brings faith.” And he repeated this statement seven times.
Through good chains of narrators it is narrated from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) that he said: “The Messenger of Allah (S) had 12000 companions; 8000 from Medina, 2000 from Mecca and 2000 emancipated persons. None of them was Qadariya who believe in the divine compulsion and neither was there any Murjia who say that the faith of every person is distinct.
And neither was there any Hururia who talk ill of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and neither was there any Mutazali who say that the Almighty Allah cannot interfere in the actions of people and those who did not say anything regarding the religion of Allah and they used to weep and wail day and night and say: O Allah, please capture our souls before we receive the news of the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.). According to another report they used to say: Give us death before we eat bread prepared from Maidah.[554]
Through another chains of narrators it is narrated from the Messenger of Allah (S) that he said, “Cheers be for one who saw me and what to say about one who meets one who has met me. And what can be said about one who has seen one who has seen me!”[555]
Shaykh Tusi has narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Amirul Momineen (a.s.) that he said: “I advise you about companions of the Prophet that you must not abuse them. And the companions of your Prophet are those who have not created innovations in religion after the Prophet and neither have they given shelter to anyone who has created innovations. Indeed the Messenger of Allah (S) requested me about them.”
Moreover it has been narrated through correct chains of narrators from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) that Amirul Momineen (a.s.) performed the Morning Prayer in Iraq with the people and after that addressed the gathering, himself wept and made other people also weep of the fear of Allah.
Then he said: “I swear by Allah, that I saw a group of people during the period of my friends, the Prophet who spend their days in night in such a condition that their hair were in disarray, smeared with dust, empty stomachs, their foreheads like knees of goats due to excessive prostrations. They spent the nights in remembrance of God. Sometimes they were in Qiyam, sometimes in Ruku and sometimes in Sujood. And they used to tire their foreheads and legs. They always beseeched their Lord in whispered prayers, and weeping, plead to Him to free them from the punishment of Hellfire. And by Allah, I always found them terrified of divine chastisement.
Through another chain of narrators, it is narrated from Abdur Rahman Jehni that he said: “One day I was in the company of the Messenger of Allah (S); suddenly we decried two riders.
When the Messenger of Allah (S) saw them, he said: These two are from the tribe of Madhij tribe. When they came near, it was known that they were indeed from the Madhij tribe. One of them came to the Prophet to pay allegiance. When the Holy Prophet (S) held his hand for allegiance, he said: O Messenger of Allah (S), inform me of the reward of one who visits you, brings faith on you, testifies to your prophethood and follows you.” His Eminence replied: “There is Tooba for him.” So the man paid the oath of allegiance and went away.
Then the second approached the Prophet and held his hand to pay the oath of allegiance and he said: “O Messenger of Allah (S), inform me of the reward of one who brings faith in you, believes in your statements and follows you, but who has not met you.” His Eminence replied: “There is Tooba for him also.” That man also paid the allegiance and went away.
Through another chain of narrators it is narrated from some companions of the Prophet that: One day we were having breakfast in the company of the Prophet when we asked: O Messenger of Allah (S), is there anyone better than us? Because we accepted Islam and performed Jihad in your service. His Eminence replied: “Yes, better than you are those from my Ummah who will be born after me and have faith in me.”
Through authentic chains of narrators, it is narrated by Kulaini that Abu Amr Zubairi asked Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) if there were different grades of faith due to which believers have excellence over each other in the view of Allah. His Eminence replied: “Yes.” Amr said, “Please explain so that I may also understand.” The Imam said, “The Almighty Allah has kept competition between believers like horses are raced after laying bets. And the believers are made to compete with each other in good deeds and no one has precedence on one who precedes him. And no inferior one has any precedence on one who is superior to him.
Therefore those who accepted faith at the end of this Ummah and if those who had precedence in faith had no excellence, everyone who brought faith later, the last of the Ummah would have joined the first. Rather due to good deeds he would have even achieved excellence over him. Therefore there is no excellence of those who have believed first. But due to the different grades of faith, the Almighty Allah has considered foremost those who accepted faith before.
Because we see some believers who brought faith later, that their prayer, fasting, Hajj and Zakat, Jihad and charity etc. is more than the ones who came later. If there had been no excellence of precedence of faith, those who accepted faith later, would have gained precedence over the former ones due to their excessive good deeds. Thus one who is given precedence by Allah cannot be considered less than the one who is kept behind.” Abu Amr said, “Please tell me about those matters that the Almighty Allah has encouraged in order to increase the grades of faith.” Imam (a.s.) said, “The Almighty says:
سَابِقُوا إِلٰى مَغْفِرَةٍ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَا كَعَرْضِ السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ أُعِدَّتْ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا بِاللَّهِ وَرُسُلِهٖ

“Hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and to a garden the extensiveness of which is as the extensiveness of the heaven and the earth; it is prepared for those who believe in Allah and His apostles…”[556]
Then He said:
وَالسَّابِقُونَ السَّابِقُونَ. أُولٰئِكَ الْمُقَرَّبُونَ
“And the foremost are the foremost, these are they who are drawn nigh (to Allah).”[557]
And then He says:
وَالسَّابِقُونَ الْأَوَّلُونَ مِنَ الْمُهَاجِرِينَ وَالْأَنْصَارِ وَالَّذِينَ اتَّبَعُوهُمْ بِإِحْسَانٍ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمْ وَرَضُوا عَنْهُ

“And (as for) the foremost, the first of the migrants (from Mecca) and the helpers (among the people of Medina), and those who followed them in goodness, Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him…”[558]
Then He said:
تِلْكَ الرُّسُلُ فَضَّلْنَا بَعْضَهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ ۘ مِنْهُمْ مَنْ كَلَّمَ اللَّهُ ۖ وَرَفَعَ بَعْضَهُمْ دَرَجَاتٍ

“We have made some of these apostles to excel the others, among them are they to whom Allah spoke, and some of them He exalted by (many degrees of) rank…”[559]
Then He said:
وَلَقَدْ فَضَّلْنَا بَعْضَ النَّبِيِّينَ عَلٰى بَعْضٍ

“… and certainly We have made some of the prophets to excel others…”[560]
Then He said:
انْظُرْ كَيْفَ فَضَّلْنَا بَعْضَهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ ۚ وَلَلْآخِرَةُ أَكْبَرُ دَرَجَاتٍ وَأَكْبَرُ تَفْضِيلًا

“See how We have made some of them to excel others, and certainly the hereafter is much superior in respect of excellence.”[561]
Then He said:
هُمْ دَرَجَاتٌ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ

“There are (varying) grades with Allah.”[562]
Then He said:
وَيُؤْتِ كُلَّ ذِي فَضْلٍ فَضْلَهٗ

…and bestow His grace on every one endowed with grace…”[563]
Then He said:
الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَهَاجَرُوا وَجَاهَدُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ بِأَمْوَالِهِمْ وَأَنْفُسِهِمْ أَعْظَمُ دَرَجَةً عِنْدَ اللَّهِ

“Those who believed and fled (their homes), and strove hard in Allah’s way with their property and their souls, are much higher in rank with Allah…”[564]
Then He said:
فَضَّلَ اللَّهُ الْمُجَاهِدِينَ بِأَمْوَالِهِمْ وَأَنْفُسِهِمْ عَلَى الْقَاعِدِينَ دَرَجَةً ۚ وَكُلًّا وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الْحُسْنَىٰ ۚ وَفَضَّلَ اللَّهُ الْمُجَاهِدِينَ عَلَى الْقَاعِدِينَ أَجْرًا عَظِيمًا. دَرَجَاتٍ مِنْهُ وَمَغْفِرَةً وَرَحْمَةً...

“Allah has made the strivers with their property and their persons to excel the holders back a (high) degree, and to each (class) Allah has promised good; and Allah shall grant to the strivers above the holders back a mighty reward: (High) degrees from Him and protection and mercy…”[565]
Then He said:
لَا يَسْتَوِي مِنْكُمْ مَنْ أَنْفَقَ مِنْ قَبْلِ الْفَتْحِ وَقَاتَلَ ۚ أُولَٰئِكَ أَعْظَمُ دَرَجَةً مِنَ الَّذِينَ أَنْفَقُوا مِنْ بَعْدُ وَقَاتَلُوا

“…not alike among you are those who spent before the victory and fought (and those who did not): they are more exalted in rank than those who spent and fought afterwards…”[566]
Shaykh Tusi has narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: “Indeed the Ansar are my shield in warding off the enemies. Therefore forgive them their mistakes and help the good ones among them.”
Ibn Babawayh has narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) that he said: “When people were joining the religion of the Messenger of Allah (S) in groups, there arrived a delegation for the Azd tribe; the people of this clan were sweet spoken and tenderhearted. Companions said: “O Messenger of Allah (S), we have understood the delicateness of the hearts, but why are they so sweet spoken?” He replied: “Because they used to brush their teeth during the period of Jahiliyya.”
And Shaykh Tusi has narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) that he said: “Swords of the Muslims did not come out and their rows were not formed in prayers and jihad and the Azan was not recited in a loud voice, and the verse of: ‘O people who believe,’ was not revealed in Qur’an before the tribes of Aws and Khazraj (Ansar) embraced Islam.”[567]
Ibn Babawayh has narrated through authentic chains of narrators that Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) heard a Quraish man talking to a Shia person that he was boasting of his lineage. The Imam in its reply said to the Shia man: “You tell him that you are more excellent than him due to Wilayat and devotion of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.).”
Through correct chains of narrators, it is narrated from Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) that the Messenger of Allah (S) was fond of people of four tribes: Ansar, Abdul Qays, Aslam and Bani Tamim. And he despised four tribes: Bani Umayyah, Bani Hunaif, Thaqif and Bani Hudhail. And he used to say that my mother has not given birth to me because I am Bakari or Thaqafi. And he used to say: “There is a noble in every tribe except in Bani Umayyah.”
Shaykh Tusi has narrated that one day Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said: Call the Ghani and Bahila tribes so that they may take their share of gifts. By the God Who split the grain and created the creations, they have no concern with Islam and I will testify at Hauz Kauthar and Maqam Mahmud that they are my enemies in the world and the Hereafter and if my Caliphate is established I will transfer some tribes to others; and indeed I will legalize the killing of sixty tribes because they have no share in Islam.”
[554] Superfine flour
[555] The author says: This tradition is related through Sunni chains and there is no doubt that faith is necessary for this.
[556] Surah Hadid 57:21
[557] Surah Waqiah 56:10-11
[558] Surah Taubah 9:100
[559] Surah Baqarah 2:253
[560] Surah Bani Israel 17:55
[561] Surah Bani Israel 17:21
[562] Surah Aale Imran 3:163
[563] Surah Hud 11:3
[564] Surah Taubah 9:20
[565] Surah Nisa 4:95-96
[566] Surah Hadid 57:10
[567] The author says: The praise and excellence mentioned in these verses for Companions, Muhajireen and Ansar are in fact for those who neither left the fold of Islam nor gave way to hypocrisy; who never followed anyone except Amirul Momineen (a.s.). And the companions who became infidels and apostates, and who helped the enemies of Amirul Momineen (a.s.), are worse then infidels. Thus the Holy Prophet (S) said: “Many of my companions on Judgment Day will be driven away from Hauz Kauthar; so I will say: they are my companions; the Almighty Allah will say: O Muhammad you don’t know what they did after you. After you they turned on their heels and apostasied from faith.” Numerous traditions will be mentioned through Shia as well as Sunni channels in the coming pages on this topic.
Ref: Imam Reza Network

Are The Shi'ites Negative Towards The Sahaba?

By Ayatullah Muhammad Jawad Chirri
Late Director of the Islamic Center of America

Muslim scholars differ in answering two questions pertaining to the companions of the Messenger of God:

1. Who are the companions of the Prophet Muhammad?
Most of the Sunni scholars consider all those who adopted Islam during the time of the Prophet, saw the Prophet, and prayed with him to be of his companions. However, it seems that the Messenger himself did not agree with these scholars.
Al-Tabari in his History part 3, page 68, reported that there was an argument between Khalid Ibn Al-Walid and Abdul Rahman Ibn Awf when Khalid killed some members of Banu Jadhimah. The Messenger of God sent Khalid as a missionary for Islam (not as a fighter). Khalid exceeded the order of the Messenger and killed a number of men from Banu Jadhimah after he gave them the assurance of no-harm.
Some men from Banu Jadhimah had killed Al-Fakih Ibn Al-Mughirah Al-Makhzumi, uncle of Khalid, and Awf Ibn Abd-Awf, father of Abdul Rahman, before the conquest of Makkah. Now Khalid acted in revenge in spite of the Prophet's orders. In their heated dialogue, Abdul Rahman said to Khalid: "You followed the method of the pre-Islamic era."
Khalid said:
"I only avenged the killing of your father."
Abd Al-Rahman:
"You lie. I already killed the killer of my father, but you avenged the killing of your uncle."
Their heated argument led to a verbal abuse on the part of Khalid. When the Prophet found out about it, he said to Khalid:
"...Khalid, leave my companions alone. By God, should you have a piece of gold the size of Uhud Mountain, and you spend it in the path of God, your charity would not compare to a morning or evening trip in defense of Islam by any one of my companions." (Ibn Hisham, in his Sirat of the Prophet, part 2, page 421).
This statement of the Prophet indicates that Khalid was not considered a companion of the Prophet because he told him to leave his companions alone. Thus, the Prophet clearly indicated that Khalid is not one of his companions. Yet, this statement was uttered by the Prophet after the conquest of Makkah (which took place two years after Khalid adopted Islam, shortly after the pact of Al-Hudaybiyyah).
The exclusion of Khalid from the community of the Prophet's companions means the exclusion of thousands of companions who adopted Islam during the time of the Prophet, who met the Prophet, and who prayed behind him.

2. Are all Companions of the Prophet Righteous?
The righteousness of all the companions and their worthiness of confidence are matters about which the Shi'ites and the Sunnis argue. The majority of the Sunni scholars believe that all the companions are righteous and worthy of our confidence.
The Shi'ite scholars are selective. The Sunni scholars cite Qur'anic verses for substantiating their claim: "Muhammad is the Apostle of God; and those who are with him are firm against unbelievers, compassionate towards one another. You see them bowing and prostrating, seeking grace from God and His satisfaction ... The mark of prostration shows on their faces... Allah has promised those among them who believe and do righteous deeds forgiveness, and a great reward." (ch. 48. v. 29)
Thus, the Almighty described the companions of the Messenger as firm against the unbelievers, merciful among themselves; and that they bow and prostrate. The mark of their prostration shows on their foreheads; and that Allah promised those who believe and do righteous deeds forgiveness and a great reward.
All these descriptions substantiate the piety and virtue of the companions. The verse, however, does not include all the companions. It only includes the companions who were firm against the unbelievers, merciful among themselves. Thus, the companions who were not firm against the unbelievers or were unmerciful to the believers would not be included by the verse.
It would be only logical to say that those who shed the blood of Muslims without justification in civil wars such as Talhah, Zubayr, and Mu'awiyah are not included in this Qur'anic statement, plus all companions who joined them in their unrighteous wars against Imam Ali, and those who divided the Muslims and destroyed their unity.
Furthermore, the end of the verse clearly indicates that the praise was not to include all the companions because it declares that only those who believed in Islam and did good deeds will be entitled to forgiveness and great rewards. One of the verses which is offered as evidence of the righteousness of all the companions of the Prophet is the following: "And the early Muslims from the Makkan migrants and the Madinite Ansar (the helpers) and those who followed them with their good deeds, Allah is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Him; and He has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever. That is the mighty achievement." (ch. 9, v. 100)
This verse, however, speaks of the virtue of the migrants and Madinites who adopted Islam at the early state of the Islamic era. Thus, it does not include the thousands of the companions who adopted Islam after the Hudaybiyyah truce or after the conquest of Makkah. These were not from the early Muslims. Their Islam took place about twenty years after the proclamation of Islam and about eight years after Hijrah. Another verse which is cited for the righteousness of all companions is the following:
"Allah was well pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance unto thee beneath the tree; He knew what was in their hearts, and He sent down tranquility to them and rewarded them with a speedy victory..." (ch. 48, v. 18) This verse also does not include all the companions who declared their Islam after signing the Hudaybiyyah pact which took place during the sixth year after Hijra.
The declaration of the allegiance to the Prophet under the tree took place shortly before signing the pact. The companions who gave allegiance under the tree at Hudaybiyyah were about fourteen hundred. It is worthy to mention that a number of students of the companions (such as Sa'id Ibn Al-Musayyab and Al-Shi'abi and Ibn Sirin) said that the early migrants were those who prayed to the two Qiblas (Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa and Al-Ka'bah). (Abu 'Umar Yusuf Ibn Abd-Barr, Al-Isti'ab part 1, pages 2-3)
Do The Hadiths Of The Prophet Substantiate The Righteousness Of The Companions
Some scholars tried to substantiate the righteousness of the companions through a number of hadiths:
l. It is reported that the Messenger of God said, "None of those who attended the battle of Badr or the pact of Hudaybiyyah will enter Hell."
2. It is also reported that the Prophet said: "None of those who gave their allegiance under the tree (during the event of Hudaybiyyah) will enter the Fire." (Ibn Abd al-Barr, page 4) The two hadiths do not substantiate the righteousness of any companions except the companions who were present at Badr and Hudaybiyyah. Putting them together, their number would not reach two thousand, while the number of the companions was much bigger.
Those who attended the conquest of Makkah were ten thousand, and those who went with the Prophet to Tabuk were about twenty-five thousand. Thus, the majority of the companions of the Prophet would not be included in these two hadiths.
The Opinions of The Selectionists
The Shi'ite Muslim scholars did not put all the companions in one rank; nor did they say that all of them were righteous. Some of them were righteous to the highest degree. Some of them were truthful and worthy of confidence, but they were not entirely righteous. Some of them were not known to be righteous or unrighteous, and some of them were known to be devious.
Qur'anic Verses Support The Selectionists
These scholars who view that some of the companions were neither righteous nor in a place of confidence support their view with a number of Qur'anic verses:
"And they say: 'obedience'; but when they leave thee, some of them spend the night planning other than what they say to you. Allah records what they plan by night. Disregard them and put thy trust in Allah. Allah is Sufficient Trustee." (ch. 4, v. 81)
This verse declares that a number of those who were residents of Madinah were Muslims, and they prayed with the Prophet and attended his gatherings and heard the Messenger commanding the Muslims to do some good deeds. They used to say to the Prophet: "We heard you and we will obey you;" but when they left him, they did not obey the Messenger.
We find in chapter nine of the Holy Qur'an many verses which indicate that some of the companions of the Messenger were people of hypocrisy, and the Messenger did not know their hypocrisy.
"And among those around you of the wandering Arabs are hypocrites and among the people of Madinah there are some who persist in hypocrisy whom thou (0 Muhammad) know not. We know them and We shall chastise them twice; then they will be relegated to a painful doom." (ch. 9, v. 101)
"O Prophet! Combat the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be hard on them. Their abode is Hell, a hapless journey's end. They swear by Allah that they said nothing (wrong), yet they did say the word of disbelief. They disbelieved after they declared their Islam, and they plotted that which they could not carry out, and they sought revenge only because Allah and His Messenger enriched them of His bounty..." (ch. 9, v. 73)
"Among them are men who made a covenant with Allah (saying): If He gives us of His bounty we will give alms and become of the righteous. Yet, when He gave them of His bounty, they hoarded it and turned away, averse. So He made a consequence (to be) hypocrisy in their hearts until the day when they shall meet Him, because they broke their word to Allah and because they lied." (ch. 9, vs. 75-77)
We also find in chapter 33, "The Confederates": "And when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease say 'Allah and His Messenger promised us nothing but delusions.' And when a party of them said:
'Oh folk of Yathrib! There is no stand possible for you; therefore, go back.' And some of them even ask permission of the Prophet, saying:
'Our homes are exposed to the enemy, and they lay not exposed.' They only wished to flee." (ch. 33, vs. 12-13)
The chapter of Al-Munafiqun is a clear evidence that a number of Muslims (who declared their Islam at the time of the Prophet, and lived with him in Madinah, and prayed with him, were hypocrites. They came to the Prophet to defend themselves by taking an oath in the presence of the Prophet that they did not betray him, and they were liars.
They had believed in Islam then deserted it and Allah sealed their hearts. "When the hypocrites come to thee (O Muhammad), they say: 'We bear witness that thou art indeed Allah's Messenger. And Allah knows that thou art indeed His Messenger, and Allah bears witness that the hypocrites indeed are speaking falsely. They made their oaths a shield so that they may turn (men) from the way of Allah. Verily, evil is that which they wanted to do. That is because they believed and then disbelieved; therefore, their hearts were sealed so that they understand not.' " (ch. 63, vs. 1-3)
These numerous verses which are in many of the Qur'anic chapters testify clearly that many of the people who declared Islam during the time of the Prophet, and who lived and prayed with him, were hypocrites. What testimony could be bigger than the testimony of the Qur'an? These hypocrites were living with the rest of the companions, and their names were not known. Therefore, it is impossible to avoid taking hadiths from them or know how many they were.
Historians, among them Al-Tabari in his History, part 2, page 504, and Ibn Hisham in his Al-Sirah Al-Nabawiyyah, part 2, page 64, reported that when the Messenger went with his army to Uhud, he had with him one thousand companions. But Abdullah Ibn Abi Salul left the Prophet and went back to Madinah accompanying three hundred from the Madinites. Islamic history did not inform us of the names of any of the three hundred except the name of their chief, Abdullah Ibn Abi Salul. Knowing that the situation was so, how can we avoid taking hadiths from these hypocrites, who were not separated from the good companions through any mark of distinction?
The Companions Who Shed The Blood Of The Muslims
We should not forget that there were among the companions some prominent men such as Talhah, Zubayr, Mu'awiyah, Amr Ibn Al-As, Al-Nu'man Ibn Bashir, and Samurah Ibn Jundab who shed Muslim blood. These should not be considered in a place of confidence after they shed the blood of thousands of Muslims in order to reach their worldly goals. Allah declared in His book the following:
"And whoever kills a believer deliberately, his reward is Hell forever, and the wrath of God is upon him, and He cursed him and prepared for him a great punishment." (ch. 4, v. 73)
Thus, if a person kills a believer, his abode will be the Fire and the wrath of Allah is upon him, and He curses him and prepares for him a great chastisement. This will be the fate of people such as Mu'awiyah, Amr Ibn Al-As, Talhah, and Zubayr who shed the blood of more than forty-thousand Muslims.
It would be very illogical to consider people who committed so many sins righteous and their reports acceptable. There are people who say that these men who committed such sins are from the companions whom Allah likes, because they were from the early Makkan and Madinite Muslims, and they were among the ones who gave their allegiance to the Messenger under the tree of Hudaybiyyah.
These are from among the ones whom Allah was pleased with; and whoever Allah was pleased with one time, He will never be angry with. This would be clear when we look at the end of the verse which gives the early Muslims of Makkah and the Madinah the good tidings that they will have gardens under which rivers flow, wherein they will dwell forever. But this verse and the verse of allegiance under the tree of Hudaybiyyah did not include men such as Mu'awiyah and Amr Ibn Al-As because they were not from the early Muslims nor from the early migrants from Makkah to Madinah; nor were they from the people of the allegiance under the tree of Hudaybiyyah.
Amr Ibn Al-As adopted Islam after Hudaybiyyah and Mu'awiyah adopted Islam after the conquest of Makkah. Furthermore, we cannot find in the Qur'an any verse that declares that whomever God has been pleased with, God will not be angry with. It is inconceivable that Allah will give a permanent immunity against punishment to a person who did a good deed, such as being of the early Muslims or early migrants from Makkah to Madinah, and that Allah will forgive his shedding the blood of thousands of believers without any justification. If it were so, it would mean that a companion could cancel all the Qur'anic rules and the instructions of the Prophet. Certainly, we can not believe this when we remember that Allah said to His own Messenger Muhammad:
"Say: surely I fear (if I disobey my Lord) the chastisement of a grievous day." (ch. 6, v. 15)
If a companion can interpret the Qur'anic verses and the Prophet's words the way he wants, he may be able to give a verdict that the five daily prayers are only desirable and not imperative. He may say
"I understand from Aqimu Al-Salat (offer prayer) that the prayer is only desirable. Nor do I understand from the word "salat" that it has to contain bowing and prostrating, or reading from the Qur'an or the declaration of the Shahadah. It would be sufficient in the prayer to supplicate the Lord to forgive or to give sustenance or to prolong life because the word Salat used to mean supplication before Islam.
The Messenger Of God Predicted The Deviation Of Many Of His Companions
The Messenger informed the Muslims that many of his companions will deviate after him. Al-Bukhari in his Sahih, part 2, page 149, reported that the Prophet said:
"A number of my companions will come to drink from the basin. When I recognize them, they will be taken away from my sight. I would say:
'My Lord, these are my companions.'
And Allah will say:
'You do not know what they innovated after you.'
" The same source, page 150, recorded that Abu Hazim reported that Sahl Ibn Sa'd reported that the Prophet said:
"I shall come to the Hawd (basin of water) before you. Whoever meets me there will drink water. And whoever drinks of it will never be thirsty afterwards. Groups will come to me, and I will recognize them and they will recognize me and they will be screened from me."
Abu Hazim said: "Al-Nu'man Ibn Ayyash heard me and said:
'I testify that Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri said and I heard him adding to it the following: I will say:
"May God put away from me whoever deviated after me.' " Similar to this is reported by Muslim in his Sahih, part 15, pages 53-54.
Al-Bukhari reported in the section of Al-Hawd that Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of God said:
"On the Day of Judgement a group of my companions will come to the Hawd (Basin), and they will be prevented from drinking out of the basin. I will say: 'My Lord, these are my companions.'
He will say: 'certainly you do not know what they innovated after you. They deserted their religion.'
" Al-Bukhari reported in his Sahih, part 4, page 169, that one reporter quoted Ibn Abbas as saying that the Prophet said:
"You will be resurrected bare footed, unclothed, and uncircumcised." Then he read: 'As We started the first creation, We shall resurrect it, a promise on Our part. Certainly We shall fulfill it.' "
"Certainly a number of my companions will be taken to the left side, and I will say:
'My companions, my companions.' Allah will say:
'They continued deserting their faith after you left them.'"
I will say as the good servant of God (the Messiah) said:
"And I was a witness on them as long as I was with them..."
Muslim in his Sahih, part 10, page 59, reported that the Messenger of God said:
"I will be the first one to come to the Basin, and I shall be challenged about some people and I will lose them, then I will say:
'My Lord, these are my companions; these are my companions.'
I will be told: 'You do not know what they innovated after you.'
"Muslim in his Sahih, part 10, page 64, recorded that Anas Ibn Malik reported that the Prophet said:
"Men from among the people who accompanied me shall come (on the Day of Judgement) to the Basin. When I see them and they are brought to me, they will be taken away from me. I will say: 'My Lord, these are my companions.' It will be said to me: 'You do not know what they innovated after you' "
Ref: Imam Reza Network

An Account of some Senior Companions

Hayat Al-Qulub Vol. 1,
By: Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
Ibn Babawayh has narrated from Kariza bin Salih that he said: I heard from His Eminence, Abu Zar that he said that the Messenger of Allah (S) mentioned three points about Amirul Momineen (a.s.): That even if one of them had been in my favor, I would have preferred it over the world and whatever is in it. First: O Allah help him and seek help through him only and help him and take revenge from his enemies.
Indeed he is Your slave and the brother of Your Messenger.” Then Abu Zar said: “I testify that Ali is the Wali of Allah and the brother of the Messenger and his successor.” Then Kariza said: “This testimony gives him precedence on all Muslims like Salman Farsi, Ammar Yasir, Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari, Abul Hasheem bin Taihan, Khuzaimah bin Thabit Zul Shahadatain, Abu Ayyub Ansari and Hashim bin Atba Naufal (r.a.), who were senior companions of the Prophet.”
Through reliable chains of narrators, it is reported that people asked Amirul Momineen (a.s.) about His Eminence, Abu Zar. He said: “He was having the knowledge of truth and he had tied up its end secretly in such a way that nothing can be lost from it.” Then they asked him about Huzaifa. Ali (a.s.) said that he well remembered the names of the hypocrites. Then they asked him about Ammar. He said: he was such a believer whose bone marrow was filled with faith. And he used to forget errands and when people reminded him, he used to remember immediately.
Then they asked about Abdullah bin Masud. He said: He recited the Qur’an and it was revealed before him. People asked him about Salman Farsi. His Eminence said: He achieved the knowledge of the formers and latters. And he is an endless ocean of knowledge and he is from us, Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). People said: O Amirul Momineen (a.s.): “Tell us about yourself.” The Imam said: “I was such that when I asked a question the Holy Prophet (S) used to bestow knowledge and when I was silent he initiated the discussion.”
Moreover, it is narrated from Habba Arafi that Abdullah bin Umar found ten persons arguing about Ammar. Each was claiming to have eliminated him. Abdullah said: “You are fighting to get priority in going to Hell. Because I have heard from the Holy Prophet (S) say that the killer of Ammar, one who plunders his weapons and one who removes his garments, will all go to Hell.” It is also narrated that when His Eminence, was killed, people came to Huzaifa and said that Ammar has been killed and people are debating whether he was on the right or not, so what was his opinion? Huzaifa said: “I have heard from the Holy Prophet (S) that he repeated thrice: Abul Yaqzan is firm on the nature Islam and he will not leave it as long as he lives.”
It is also narrated from Ayesha that the Holy Prophet (S) said: “When Ammar is given two choices, he opts for one which is the most difficult.”
It is mentioned in Qurbul Asnad, through correct chains of narrators from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: “Allah has commanded me to love four persons. Companions asked who they were. The Holy Prophet (S) said: “One of them is Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.),” and then he fell silent. Then he said: “The Almighty Allah has commanded me to love four persons.” “Who are they,” asked the people. He replied: “Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.), Miqdad bin Aswad, Abu Zar Ghiffari and Salman Farsi.”
It is narrated from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) through authentic chains of narrators that when the Almighty Allah revealed the following verse:
قُلْ لَا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرًا إِلَّا الْمَوَدَّةَ فِي الْقُرْبٰى

“Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives…”[568]
… the Holy Prophet (S) arose and said: “O people, the Almighty Allah has made a duty incumbent on you with regard to me. Will you fulfill it?” No one replied. The Prophet returned without any assurance. The Messenger of Allah (S) again came to his companions the next day and asked the same question but again he did not receive any response. On the third day the Messenger of Allah (S) repeated the same question.
When no one responded, the Holy Prophet (S) said: “O people, whatever the Almighty Allah has made incumbent on you with regard to me is not from gold, silver or any edible item.” Then the people said: Then tell us what it is?” The Holy Prophet (S) said: “The Almighty Allah has revealed this verse and has made love of my Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) as the recompense of my prophethood.” Then the people said: “We accept.” After that Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) said: “By Allah, this promise was not fulfilled by anyone except the following seven persons: Salman, Abu Zar, Ammar, Miqdad, Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari, freed slave of the Prophet, known as Thabeet and Zaid bin Arqam (r.a.).”
Ali bin Ibrahim has narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) that:
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ كَانَتْ لَهُمْ جَنَّاتُ الْفِرْدَوْسِ نُزُلًا

“Surely (as for) those who believe and do good deeds, their place of entertainment shall be the gardens of Paradise.”[569]
This verse revealed in praise of Abu Zar, Miqdad, Salman and Ammar (r.a.) and the Almighty Allah has fixed Jannatul Firdos as their final abode.
Ibn Babawayh and Shaykh Mufeed etc. have narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: “Allah has commanded me to love four of my Companions and He himself loves them. Companions asked: “Who are they, we all like to be from them?” The Holy Prophet (S) said: “They are: Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.), Salman, Abu Zar and Miqdad.”
Ibn Babawayh has narrated from the Messenger of Allah (S) through authentic chains of narrators that Ammar Yasir used to say in the Battle of Siffeen: “I have fought thrice under this banner in the service of the Prophet, and this is the fourth time. By Allah, if these people kill me, or take us to date orchard of Hijr, even then we will continue to believe that we are on the right and they are wrong.”
Moreover, it is narrated from Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) through authentic chains of narrators that the Holy Prophet (S) told Amirul Momineen (a.s.): “Paradise is eager for you, Salman, Abu Zar, Ammar and Miqdad.”
Through authentic chains of narrators, it is narrated from Amirul Momineen (a.s.) that His Eminence, said: “Five persons have precedence in faith: I am the first among Arabs, Salman is the foremost among Iranians, Suhaib is the first among Romans, Bilal is the first among the Abyssinians and Khabab from the Copts.”
Through authentic chains of narrators, it is narrated from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) and Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) that love and Wilayat of those believers is obligatory who after their Prophet didn’t make any changes in the Caliph of Allah and the religion of Allah. For example: Salman Farsi, Abu Zar Ghiffari, Miqdad bin Aswad Kindi, Ammar bin Yasir, Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari, Huzaifa bin Yaman, Abu Haitham bin Taihan, Suhail bin Hanif, Abu Ayyub Ansari, Abdullah bin Samit, Ubadah bin Samit, Khuzaimah bin Thabit, Zul Shahadatain and Abu Saeed Khudri and those who walked on their path and performed deeds like them.
It is narrated from Amirul Momineen (a.s.) that the world was created for the following seven persons, for whose sake the inhabitants of the world get their livelihood and through their auspiciousness rain falls, and only through their sake are the people helped. And they are: Abu Zar, Salman, Miqdad, Ammar, Huzaifa and Abdullah bin Masud (r.a.).” After that His Eminence said: “I am their Imam and chief. And it them alone who were present at the funeral prayers of Fatima Zahra (s.a.).”[570]
Through authentic chains of narrators, it is narrated from Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: “Ammar will be on the right when he will be killed between two armies. One of them would be on my religion and Sunnah and the other would have gone out of the pale of religion.”
It is mentioned in Tafsir Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) that when the Holy Prophet (S) came to Medina, the Jews, who were enemies of Allah, came with Abdullah Bin Surya to His Eminence (S). Ibn Surya asked His Eminence (S): O Muhammad, what is the condition of your sleep? Because we know about the sleep of prophets. His Eminence (S) said: My eyes sleep, but my heart is awake. Abdullah said: That is right, now tell me whether the child is created from the father or mother? His Eminence (S) replied: Bones, muscles and veins are from the father and flesh, blood and hair from the mother. He said: It is so.
Then he asked: O Muhammad, how is it that sometimes a child resembles his maternal uncle and not the paternal uncle? And sometimes he resembles his paternal uncle and not the maternal? He (S) said: He resembles one whose fluid is dominant over the other. Abdullah said: That is right.
Then he said: O Muhammad, how is it that some have issues and some don’t? His Eminence (S) said: When the sperm becomes red and turbid, a child cannot be conceived and when the sperm is clean, a child is conceived. Then he asked: Tell me, what your Lord is? Allah revealed Surah Tauheed. Ibn Surya said: It is right. Now one point is left, if you give me the right answer, I shall bring faith on you and obey you. Tell me, which angel brings the divine commands to you? His Eminence (S) said: Jibraeel (a.s.).
He said: This angel is our enemy who arrives with battles, severity and calamities of war. Our ambassador is Mikaeel (a.s.), who brings peace and happiness for us. If angel Mikaeel (a.s.) brought Allah’s commands to you we would bring faith. Mikaeel used to make our kingdom strong whereas Jibraeel destroyed it, that is why he is our enemy. Salman Farsi (r.a.) asked: How did this enmity begin?
He replied: Yes, Salman, he has always been inimical to us. It was the time when Allah revealed to His prophets, that an unfortunate person will destroy Baitul Maqdas and in that time also we got this information. And Allah brings one command after another, as He likes, and does what He wants. When we came to know about Baitul Maqdas, our elders sent a man, whose name was Daniyal; he was a prophet at that time. He was very famous and a strong fighter in Bani Israel.
He was sent to search out that person and eliminate him; he was also sent with a lot of wealth and many things. When he went in his search, he found a man in the city of Babel who was very thin and weak. Our man wanted to kill him, but Jibraeel (a.s.) forbid it and said: If he is the one Allah has appointed to destroy you, you will not be able to subdue him and if he is not such, why do you want to kill him?
Our companions agreed and returned to us again and informed us about it. Nebuchadnezzar became very strong and after becoming a king, came to fight us and destroyed Baitul Maqdas. That is why we consider Jibraeel our enemy. Salman (r.a.) said: O! Ibn Surya, you don’t use your common sense and are misguided. See, your elders selected a man to kill him, how was his action? Allah had informed His prophets in His books that Nebuchadnezzar will become a king and he would destroy Baitul Maqdas.
Now they intended to falsify Allah’s apostles and their information and blamed them; or they accepted Allah’s information and wanted to overwhelm Allah. Those who went to fight Nebuchadnezzar were infidels. How is enmity possible from Jibraeel (a.s.)? He (Jibraeel) restrained him from falsifying divine prophecy and overwhelming Allah. Ibn Surya said: Indeed Allah informed through His Apostles, but He erases whatever He wants and sets up what He likes.
Salman (r.a.) said: If it is so, then do not believe in any information of Taurat; first or last, because Allah erases what He likes and sets up whatever He likes. Hence, it is also possible that Allah might have cancelled the prophethood of Musa and Harun (a.s.); and what they informed you that it will occur, may not occur and what they informed will not occur, may occur.
In this way their saying that such and such thing occurred, may not be true for it might not have occurred. And Allah has promised you reward but may be He cancels it and also erases the chastisement. Because Allah erases whatever He likes and whatever He wants to establish, He does. At last, Salman (r.a.) said: You are unaware of the meaning of:
يَمْحُو اللَّهُ مَا يَشَاءُ وَيُثْبِتُ

“Allah makes to pass away and establishes what He pleases.”[571]
Because you are disbelievers and falsify the divine messages and you have gone out of the pale of religion.
Then Salman (r.a.) said: I witness, that those who are enemies of Jibraeel are also enemies of Mikaeel and they both are enemies of those who are inimical to them and they are at peace with those who are at peace with them. Then Allah revealed the following verse in support of Salman’s (r.a.) statement:
قُلْ مَنْ كَانَ عَدُوًّا لِجِبْرِيلَ

“Say: Whoever is the enemy of Jibraeel…”[572]
O Muhammad, tell them, those who are enemies of Jibraeel (a.s.) because he helps the friends of Allah against their enemies and he descends with Ali’s greatness by the command of Allah they are My enemies and I am also their enemy.
فَإِنَّهٗ نَزَّلَهٗ عَلٰى قَلْبِكَ بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ

“…for surely he revealed it to your heart by Allah’s command…”[573]
How Jibraeel (a.s.) brought this Qur’an on your heart by Allah’s command?
مُصَدِّقًا لِمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ

“…verifying that which is before it…”[574]
That verifies all the heavenly scriptures that descended before it…
وَهُدًى وَبُشْرٰى لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ

“…and guidance and good news for the believers.”[575]
And it guides the misguided ones and it is a good news for those who believe in the prophethood of Muhammad and Wilayat of Ali and the other Imams (a.s.), who are, in fact, the true friends of Allah.
After that His Eminence (S) told Salman (r.a.): Salman, Allah has verified your words and Jibraeel (a.s.) says from Allah that Salman and Miqdad are two brothers, who sincerely love you and your brother, your successor and your chosen one, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) and they are from your companions just as Jibraeel and Mikaeel (a.s.) are from the angels. One who bears enmity with one of them, both are his enemies. And one loves both of them and you and Ali (a.s.), they love him.
And one who bears enmity to Muhammad and Ali and their friends, they are his enemies. And if the people of the world had sincerely loved Salman and Miqdad, just as angels of the empyrean and the heavens love the two and Muhammad and Ali (a.s.) and their friends and enemies of their enemies, because of this, Allah would not have punished any of them.
It is mentioned in Ihtijaj from Amirul Momineen (a.s.) that he said: “When the Holy Prophet (S) passed away and I buried him after giving him shroud and bath and began to collect the Qur’an, and when I concluded it, I held the hands of Fatima, Hasan and Husain and went to the houses of all the companions of Badr and those who had precedence in faith and adjured them of my right and asked for their help, but except for four persons, no one accepted it and they were Abu Zar, Salman, Miqdad and Ammar and according to another report, twenty-four persons paid allegiance to him.
Imam Ali (a.s.) told them to shave off their heads the next day and come to meet him fully armed and that they should swear that they will not forsake him till death. But no one arrived the next morning, except for Salman, Abu Zar, Miqdad and Ammar. Imam Ali (a.s.) called the people in this manner for three consecutive nights but except for these four persons no one responded.
Through authentic chains of narrators it is narrated from Salman that: “When Amirul Momineen (a.s.) concluded the shrouding and funeral bath of the Prophet, he called me, Abu Zar, Miqdad, Fatima, Hasan and Husain. He stood in front of us and we formed a row behind His Eminence and we prayed the funeral prayer of the Messenger of Allah (S) in this manner. Ayesha was in the same room but Jibraeel had closed her eyes and she could not see us.”
It is narrated from Asbagh bin Nubatah that Abdullah bin Kawwa asked about the companions of the Prophet. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said: “Whose circumstances do you want to know?” “Abu Zar Ghiffar,” he replied.
Imam Ali (a.s.) said, “I have heard from the Messenger of Allah (S) that he said: The green sky has not shaded and the dusty earth not borne the weight of any speaker more truthful than Abu Zar.” Then he asked about His Eminence, Salman (r.a.). He said: “Salman is from us, Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) and how can the earth bring anyone else one who is like the Hakim Luqman? He was cognizant of the former as well as the latter sciences.” Then the inquirer asked about Ammar.
Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “He was such that his flesh and blood the Almighty Allah has prohibited for the fire of Hell.” Then the inquirer asked about Huzaifa bin Yaman. Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “He was such that he knew the names of the hypocrites and if you ask him about the divine penalties, you will find him aware and intelligent.” Then the inquirer said: “Please say something about yourself.” Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “I was such that when I asked a question the Holy Prophet (S) used to bestow knowledge and when I was silent, he initiated the discussion.”
According to some authentic reports, a group of people came to Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) and said: “We are Shia of Amirul Momineen (a.s.).” Imam (a.s.) did not allow them audience and they were not able to meet the Imam for a long time.
When at last they were permitted, they complained why they were denied access to him for so many days. “Why should I not have stopped you when you falsely claimed to be Shia of Amirul Momineen (a.s.), while the truth is no one is Shia of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) except Hasan, Husain, Salman, Abu Zar, Miqdad, Ammar and Muhammad bin Abi Bakr. They were such that they did not disobey the Imam in anything.”
Shaykh Tusi has narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Husain Asbat that he said that he heard from Amirul Momineen (a.s.) when he was busy in the Battle of Siffeen: “O Allah, if I come to know that Your pleasure lies in that I throw myself from this mountain, I will do it. And if Your pleasure lies in that I lit a fire and jump into it, I will do that also. And I am not fighting the Syrians except for Your pleasure. And I hope that You will not make me despair of that which I have decided.”
Sayyid Ibn Tawus has narrated from Sunni channels from Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: “Paradise is eager for four persons of my Ummah.” But the awe of the Prophet prevented me from asking him who they were. So I went to Abu Bakr and asked him to inquire from the Prophet.
Abu Bakr said: “If I will not be from those four, Bani Tamim will condemn me.” So I went to Umar and asked him to ask the Prophet. He also said that if he is not from the four, Bani Adi will ridicule him. After that I went to Uthman and requested to make this inquiry. He also said that if I am not from the four, Bani Umayyah will condemn me.
At last I came to Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) who was watering his orchard. I said: The Messenger of Allah (S) has said that Paradise is eager for four persons. I plead you to ask the Prophet who the four are? He said: By Allah, I will indeed ask him about it. If I am from those four, I will thank the Almighty.
If I am not from them, I will ask Allah to make me of them and I will love them. Thus Imam Ali (a.s.) set out to make the inquiry and Anas followed. When they came to the Prophet, they saw that the head of the Prophet was in the lap of Dahiya Kalbi. When Dahiya Kalbi saw Amirul Momineen (a.s.) he stood up to pay respect and said: Take your cousin’s head, as you are more deserving of it.
When the Holy Prophet (S) awoke and found his head in the lap of Ali (a.s.), he said: “O Ali, perhaps you have come to ask something?” He said: “May my parents be sacrificed on you, when I came here, I saw your blessed head in the lap of Dahiya Kalbi. So he arose and after greeting me said: “Take your cousin’s head in your lap.” The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Did you recognize who he was?” Ali (a.s.) said: “It was Dahiya Kalbi.” The Holy Prophet (S) said: “He was Jibraeel, who addressed you as Amirul Momineen.”
Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “May my parents be sacrificed on you, O Prophet of Allah, Anas told me that the Prophet has said that Paradise was eager of four persons from my Ummah. So please tell us who the four are?” The Messenger of Allah (S) pointed to Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and said thrice: “By Allah, you are the first of them.” Then Amirul Momineen (a.s.) asked him: “May my parents be sacrificed on you, who are the other three?” The Holy Prophet (S) said: “They are Miqdad, Salman and Abu Zar.”
Ibn Idris has through authentic chains of narrators narrated from Mufaddal that he asked Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) about a group of people who had apostasied from faith after the passing away of the Prophet. I was mentioning each name and the Imam was saying: Be away from me. Till I mentioned the name of Huzaifa bin Masud. The Imam continued to say that. Then he said: If you want to know about those who were not haunted by the least doubt, they were Abu Zar, Miqdad and Salman.”
Ayyashi has narrated through authentic chains from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) that when the Messenger of Allah (S) passed away from the world, except for the following four persons all had become apostates: Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.), Miqdad, Salman and Abu Zar. The narrator asked what the Imam says about Ammar? Imam (a.s.) said: “If you ask about those who never had an iota of doubt, they were only these three.”
It is mentioned in Tafsir Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) that the Holy Prophet (S) turned towards his companions and asked: Has anyone of you today given any benefit to your believer brother employing your rank? Ali (a.s.) replied: O Allah’s Messenger! I have done so. The Holy Prophet (S) said: Describe the event. Ali (a.s.) said: Today I happened to pass by Ammar Yasir who was apprehended by a Jew, who had loaned him thirty Dirhams. Ammar complained to me: Dear brother of Allah’s Messenger!
This Jew has apprehended me only to harass and disgrace me and that too only because I befriend you, Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). Kindly use your rank and position and get me released. I intended to request that Jew to favor Ammar with kindness, but Ammar (r.a.) spoke up: Dear brother of Allah’s Messenger! Your honor in my eyes and heart is much more than that you make recommendation to him, who would never reject your word, even if you ask him to give feast to the whole world.
Please just request Almighty Allah to help me to return his money and protect me from seeking loans in future. So I raised my hands to the sky and prayed: O Allah! Please fulfill Ammar’s need. Thereafter I said to him: Pick up any stone or brick in front of you from the ground and it will turn into gold by Allah for you. So he picked up a stone weighing a few kilograms. It became gold in his hands.
Then he asked the Jew: How much do I owe you? He replied: Thirty dirhams. He was asked how much in gold coins? He replied: Three Dinars. Ammar (r.a.) prayed to Allah Almighty: O Lord! Kindly make this gold soft so that I may slice it off and give to this Jew. Allah softened the metal. He took off three Mithqal gold and gave it to that Jew. Then looking at the remaining gold, he said: O Allah: I have heard that You have said in Holy Qur’an:
إِنَّ الْإِنْسَانَ لَيَطْغٰى. أَنْ رَآهُ اسْتَغْنٰى
“Nay! man is most surely inordinate, because he sees himself free from want.”[576]
I don’t wish to be that much wealthy. Therefore, O Allah: for the sake of one, for whom You made this stone, gold, please return it to its original form. So it became a stone and Ammar (r.a.) threw it away and exclaimed: O dear-most brother of Allah’s Messenger! Your friendship in this world and Hereafter is enough for me.
Upon hearing this, the Prophet of Allah (S) said: Ammar’s contentment made even the angels wonder. They described Allah’s glory. Allah’s mercy continues to rain on him from high heavens. Then turning towards Ammar Yasir (r.a.) he said: O Abal Yaqzan: Good news for you. You, in honesty, are Ali’s (a.s.) brother and are the most high ranking in his friendship.
You are among those who will be killed due to your devotion for him. You will be killed by a rebellious group and in this world, your last provision will be some uncooked milk and your soul shall join with the souls of Muhammad and his progeny (a.s.). You are, in my sight, among the desired Shias.
It is mentioned in the same Tafsir that when Muslims suffered a great shock in the battle of Uhad, after a few days some Jews met Ammar Ibn Yasir and Huzaifa Ibn Yaman and said: See how much you grieved on the day of Uhad? And the battle of Muhammad (S) is like that of kings who are worldly persons. Sometimes he wins and sometimes he loses.
If he were a prophet, he would not have been defeated; he would have been victorious every time. You should give up his religion. When Huzaifa (r.a.) heard this, he said: Woe on you. I am not sitting with you and not talking with you or hearing your arguments. I am afraid of my belief and soul because of you and I am running away from here; and saying this he went away from there.
And Ammar (r.a.) continued to sit there and said to them: O Jews, Muhammad had taken promise from Muslims on the day of Badr that if they observe patience, they will succeed. So they were patient and got victory. In Uhad also, they were promised victory on being patient but they took to cowardice and opposition, so they had to suffer. If they had obeyed and remained patient and not opposed the order of His Eminence (S), they would never have been defeated and indeed succeeded.
The Jews said: O Ammar, if you obey Muhammad, would you gain an upper hand on the chiefs of Quraish in spite of your thin shin bones? Ammar (r.a.) said: Indeed, by one except whom there is no deity, who sent Muhammad as a true prophet, His Eminence (S) has filled me up with excellence and knowledge, because he taught the excellences of his prophethood and excellence of his brother, successor and best of creation after him, and explained and ordered me to be obedient to his purified progeny and also that I should pray through their sake in difficult times.
Then Ammar said: If the Prophet orders me something and I do it with full concentration, obeying the Prophet; indeed I shall be able complete it. So much so, that if the Prophet orders me to bring the sky down to the earth and carry the earth to the sky, then indeed Allah will give me strength despite my thin shinbones to obey his orders. On hearing Ammar’s arguments, the Jews said: It is not so, O Ammar. By Allah, the status of Muhammad is lesser near Allah, contrary to what you say and your status is also lesser near Allah and Muhammad, than what you claim.
At that time, forty hypocrites were also present among the Jews. Ammar (r.a.) stood up from there and said: I have fully conveyed the proof of Allah and advised you also but you don’t like it. And Ammar (r.a.) returned from there and came to His Eminence (S). His Eminence (S) said: O Ammar, I know everything about you two. Huzaifa (r.a.) came here running to save his religion from Satan and his companions and he is one of the true believers of Allah and you have struggled in the religion of Allah and are also a well-wisher of Muhammad (S) and you are also included among warriors in the way of Allah.
The Prophet, Ammar and Huzaifa were discussing this, when the Jews who were talking with Ammar came there and said: O Muhammad, your friend says that if you order him to raise the earth to the sky and bring the sky to the earth and if he has faith and is obedient to you, Allah will definitely help him. If you are a prophet, we don’t want more. If Ammar (r.a.) picks up this rock, despite his thin shinbones it would be enough for us. At that time the Prophet (S) was outside Medina and that rock was lying before him. It was so huge and heavy that even two hundred men would not be able to move it.
The Jews said: O Muhammad, if Ammar tries to lift this rock, he cannot even move it and if he lifts it, his shin bones will break and his body will disintegrate. His Eminence (S) said: O Jews! Don’t underestimate Ammar’s shinbones, because they are heavier than Mount Thawr, Mount Basir, Mount Hira and Mount Abu Qubais; rather heavier than the whole earth and all it has. And on account of reciting benedictions on Muhammad and Aale Muhammad, things heavier than this rock have become light; like the empyrean, which seems light on the shoulders of eight angels, even though before that numerous angels could not lift it.
After that His Eminence (S) said to Ammar (r.a.): O Ammar, believe in my obedience and pray: O Allah, for the sake of Muhammad and Aale Muhammad’s excellence give me strength to lift this rock, make it easy for me just as You made it easy for Kalib bin Yohanna to pass over the sea and he crossed it on horseback, because he prayed to Allah through Muhammad and Aale Muhammad. Ammar (r.a.) prayed thus, placing faith in the Prophet and lifted the rock and exclaimed: Allah’s Messenger, by One Who sent you as a true Prophet, this rock seems lighter than a twig in my hands.
Then His Eminence (S) pointed to a mountain, three miles away and told him to throw that rock on the top of that mountain. Ammar (r.a.) threw it in the air and that rock rose up high and fell down on the peak of that mountain. After that the Prophet said to the Jews: Have you seen Ammar’s strength? They said: Yes. Then His Eminence (S) said to Ammar (r.a.): Go to the mountain peak, you will find a rock heavier than this one.
Bring it to me. Ammar (r.a.) took a step to move, the earth drew close together and in the second step, he reached the mountain peak, picked that rock and in the third step came back to His Eminence (S). The Prophet (S) told him: Throw it hard on the ground. Seeing this, the Jews ran away in fear. Ammar (r.a.) threw it with force on the ground and it disintegrated and dispersed in the air. After that His Eminence (S) said to the Jews: O Jews! You have seen the signs of Allah, now you must accept faith. Some Jews believed and some were overpowered by wretchedness and remained deprived of faith.
Then His Eminence (S) said: O Muslims! Do you know what this rock is like? They said: No. The Prophet (S) said: By One Who sent me as a true prophet, when one of our followers, whose sins are many times more than the earth, mountains and the sky, seeks forgiveness and renews the Wilayat of us, Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) in his mind, his sins hit against the ground harder than this rock was hit. Besides, there is a man whose worship acts and obedience is like mountains, seas, skies and earth but he does not believe in our Wilayat; his worship acts and devotion will be thrown away as Ammar (r.a.) threw the rock and it dispersed in air.
When he will be brought in the hereafter, he will find nothing good in his record of deeds and his sins will be greater than skies and earth and his account will be taken very severely and he will remain in chastisement forever.
When Ammar (r.a.) got this much strength that he threw the rock with full strength on the ground and broke it into small pieces, he said: O Allah’s Messenger, allow me to fight the Jews and destroy them. His Eminence (S) said: O Ammar, Allah says:
فَاعْفُوا وَاصْفَحُوا حَتّٰى يَأْتِيَ اللَّهُ بِأَمْرِهٖ

“…but pardon and forgive, so that Allah should bring about His command…”[577]
That is His chastisement, victory of Mecca and other things that He has promised.
In the mentioned book it is narrated from Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) that the verse:
وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَنْ يَشْرِي نَفْسَهٗ ابْتِغَاءَ مَرْضَاتِ اللَّهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ رَءُوفٌ بِالْعِبَادِ

“And among men is he who sells himself to seek the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is Affectionate to the servants.”[578]
…was revealed about the good companions of the Prophet whom the people of Mecca oppressed and tortured so that they may recant their faith of Islam. And they were: Bilal, Suhaib, Khabbab, Ammar bin Yasir and his parents. Bilal was purchased by Abu Bakr bin Abi Qahafa in exchange for two black slaves. When he came to the Prophet, he paid more respects to Amirul Momineen (a.s.) than he was respectful to Abu Bakr. So a group of mischief makers said: O Bilal you have shown thanklessness and caused disrespect of Abu Bakr who is your master, who had purchased you and set you free from the infidels.
Although Ali has not done any such favor on you and you respect him more than Abu Bakr, it is nothing but thanklessness.” Bilal said: “Is it necessary for me to respect Abu Bakr more than the Prophet?” They said: “How can we say this?” Bilal said: “This statement opposes your previous saying that I cannot honor Ali (a.s.) more than Abu Bakr, because he has purchased and emancipated me.”
They said: “The Holy Prophet (S) and Ali is not equal, because the Prophet is most excellent of all the creatures. Bilal said: Ali is also in the view of Allah better than all after the Messenger of Allah (S), because when the roasted bird was brought for the Holy Prophet (S) he prayed: O Allah, send me one who is most beloved to You so that he can share this bird with me. So Ali (a.s.) arrived and joined him.
And Ali is most resembling the Prophet because the Almighty Allah made him as his brother in religion; therefore Abu Bakr cannot hope from me that which you people state, because he knows that Ali is superior to him and Ali has more right on me. It is so because it is Ali who saved me from divine punishment. And due to his love and for considering him superior to others I became eligible for perpetual bounties of Paradise.”
Imam (a.s.) said with regard to Suhaib: “He used to tell the infidels: I am an old man and my company with you will not give you any advantage and neither will my separation harm you. Therefore take away my money and leave me on my religion. So the infidels took away all his belongings. The Holy Prophet (S) asked: “How much wealth did you possess?” He said: “Seven thousand dirhams.” His Eminence, asked him if he had surrendered that amount willingly. Suhaib replied: “By the one who has sent you with truth.
If the whole world had been of pure gold and I had owned it all, I would have given it all just to glance at your elegance and the face of your brother and successor, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.).” The Holy Prophet (S) said: “You have made the treasurers of Paradise helpless to be in your favor for the wealth the Almighty Allah has given you in exchange of the wealth you sacrificed, because no one except Allah can encompass all that.”
Imam (a.s.) then mentioned the merits of Khabbab bin Aras that when infidels tied him in heavy chains and put an iron collar in his neck, he beseeched the Almighty Allah in the name of Muhammad and his Purified Progeny. The Almighty Allah through their Barakat made that chain into a horse on which he mounted and converted that iron collar into a sword which he wore and came out of that place.
When the infidels saw him in this condition, no one dared to approach him and he used to say: Whosoever from you likes may come to me and see how I prayed in the name of Muhammad, and Ali and his Progeny and I know that if along with this faith, I hit this sword on Abu Qubais, it will also split into two.” Thus none of them approached him and he came to the Holy Prophet (S).
Then Imam (a.s.) explained about the mothers of Yasir and Ammar that they had observed patience in order to seek the pleasure of Allah till the infidels martyred them after a severe torture.
Regarding Ammar he said: “Abu Jahl was harassing him when the Almighty Allah made the ring of his finger so tight on his finger that he fell down due to the pain and He made his garments so heavy on his body that they became heavier than a coat of mail. So Abu Jahl asked Ammar to release him from this trouble “because it is only due to the strange phenomena of Muhammad.”
Ammar removed the ring from his finger and took off his clothes. Abu Jahl said: “Now you don’t remain in Mecca or you would cause embarrassment to me and say that you have taken off my ring and garments. So Ammar set out for Medina. When he came to the Prophet, companions said: “Khabbab was freed through the miracle that was shown for him. What is the reason that your parents were tortured till death?”
Ammar said: “It was the command of that God who saved Ibrahim from the fire and involved Yahya and Zakariya to be killed.” The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “You are very intelligent.” Ammar said: “Only this much is sufficient for me in knowledge that you are the Messenger of Allah and the best among His creatures, and that your brother, Ali is your successor and Caliph and he is the best of those who will survive you.
And your statement and his statement is truth. And your behavior is truth and I know that the Almighty Allah has not given me good sense except to remain devoted to you in the world and the hereafter.” The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “You are right, Ammar, and indeed the Almighty Allah will strengthen the religion through you and cut off the excuses of the careless ones and expose the malice of the enemies, when you will be killed by a group of those who have rebelled from their rightful Imam.”
Then he said: “O Ammar, reach to the level of excellence due to knowledge, and increase your knowledge so that your excellence increases. Because when a man goes out to seek knowledge, the Almighty Allah calls him from the Empyrean: “Welcome O slave, do you know what position you are seeking? You are trying to be like proximate angels. I will indeed fulfill your wish and complete your mission.”
Shaykh Mufeed has narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) that he said: “I heard Jabir Ansari say: If Salman and Abu Zar are made alive again, and they see the group who claims the love of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) they will say that they are liars. And if the claimants of your love, see people like Salman and Abu Zar, they would indeed exclaim that they are insane.”
Kulaini etc. have narrated through authentic chains from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) that faith is having ten levels. And Miqdad was on the eighth level, Abu Zar was on the ninth and Salman was at the tenth level.
It is narrated from Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) in Ruzatul Mawaizeen etc. that on Judgment Day a caller will call out from the Almighty Allah: “Where are the close companions of Muhammad bin Abdullah, who did not break their oath of allegiance and who remained faithful to their covenant as long as they lived?” Salman, Abu Zar and Miqdad will arise. Again it will be announced: “Where are the close companions of successor of Muhammad, Ali?” Amr bin Hamaq Khuzai, Mitham Tammar, Muhammad bin Abi Bakr and Owais Qarni will arise.
It is mentioned in the same book that a person asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) what he said about Ammar. Imam (a.s.) said thrice: “May Allah have mercy on Ammar. He fought Jihad on the side of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and was martyred.” The narrator says that I thought to myself that there cannot be anything greater than this.
Imam (a.s.) said: “Do you think he can be like those three: Salman, Abu Zar and Miqdad? It’s a pity, it’s a pity.” The narrator said: “Did Ammar know that he would be martyred that day?” Imam (a.s.) said: “On that day when he saw that the battle was raging and becoming more intense and more people were being killed, he separated from all and came to Amirul Momineen (a.s.). He asked: “Is it time for my martyrdom?” Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “Go back to your row.”
Ammar asked this question thrice and every time Imam Ali (a.s.) gave the same reply. Finally he said: “Yes.” So Ammar the brave came back to his row and began to fight valiantly, saying: “I will meet my friends today who are from Muhammad and his group.”
Moreover it is reported in the same book from the Holy Prophet (S) that he said: “Paradise is eager for three persons.”
“Who are the three?” asked Amirul Momineen (a.s.). He replied: “You are the first, then it is Salman Farsi, indeed there is no arrogance in him. He is your well wisher, so you must consider him as your friend. Third is Ammar bin Yasir; who will be on your side on many occasions and on each occasion his good deeds will be more, his effulgence will be great and his reward will be more.”
Moreover, Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) has mentioned that there is a noble from every family and the noble from the worst family is Muhammad bin Abi Bakr.
Furat bin Ibrahim has narrated from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) in the exegesis of the following verse:
إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ فَلَهُمْ أَجْرٌ غَيْرُ مَمْنُونٍ

“Except those who believe and do good, so they shall have a reward never to be cut off.”[579]
…that His Eminence, said: This verse was revealed about Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.), Salman, Abu Zar, Miqdad and Ammar (r.a.).
It is narrated in Ikhtisas that Hamza bin Isa asked Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) about the four persons about whom the Holy Prophet (S) had stated that Paradise was eager for them. Imam (a.s.) said: “Yes, they are Salman, Abu Zar, Miqdad and Ammar.” The narrator asked: “Who is the best of them?” Imam (a.s.) replied: “Salman.” After a moment he again said: “Salman possessed such knowledge that if Abu Zar had that knowledge he would have become infidel.”[580]
Through authentic chains of narrators, it is narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) that Jabir Ansari said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (S) about Salman Farsi. The Prophet said: “Salman is the ocean of knowledge and no one can reach to its extreme end.
Salman is exclusive in every knowledge. Allah hates one who hates Salman, and loves one who loves him.” Jabir asked what the Prophet said about Abu Zar. The Prophet replied: “He is from us, Allah hates one who hates him and loves one who loves him. Jabir asked what the Prophet said about Miqdad. The Prophet replied: “He is also from us, Allah hates one who hates him and loves one who loves him.” Jabir asked what the Prophet said about Ammar.
The Prophet replied: “He is also from us, Allah hates one who hates him and loves one who loves him.” Jabir says that I took the leave of the Prophet and came out so that I could give them the glad tidings of what the Prophet had said. Again the Prophet called me and said: “O Jabir, you are also from us. May Allah hate one who hates you and may He love one who loves you.” Jabir says: I asked: “O Messenger of Allah (S), what do you say about Ali?” The Prophet said: “He is the dearest to me.”
I said: “What do you say about Hasan and Husain?” He replied: “They are my souls and their mother, Fatima is my daughter. One who hurts her, hurts me and one who pleases her, pleases me. I hold Allah as a witness that I am at war with one who is at war with them and I am at peace with one who is at peace with them. O Jabir when you want to supplicate Allah and you wish Him to accept your supplication, you must supplicate through their names, because these names are the favorites of the Almighty Allah.”
Shaykh Kishi has narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) that Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said: “The earth has become straitened for seven persons through whom the inmates of the earth receive their sustenance and through who they are helped. Among them are Salman, Miqdad, Ammar and Huzaifa.”
Amirul Momineen (a.s.) says that I am their Imam and it is they who attended the funeral prayer of Fatima.” Moreover, through authentic chains, it is narrated from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) that people become deviated after the Messenger of Allah (S) except for Salman, Abu Zar and Miqdad. Then they were joined by Abu Sasan, Ammar, Shatita and Abu Amr thus they were seven persons in all.”
It is mentioned in Ikhtisas through authentic chains of narrators from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) that the Holy Prophet (S) said: “O Salman, if your knowledge is revealed to Miqdad, he will become a disbeliever,” and he told Miqdad, “If your patience is presented to Salman, he will be become an apostate.”[581]
It is narrated from Salman Farsi: “One day I came out of my house after the passing away of the Messenger of Allah (S) and met Amirul Momineen (a.s.) on the way. His Eminence, said: “Go to Fatima, she has received a gift from Paradise which she wants to share with you.” So I came to the honorable lady.
She said: “Yesterday I was sitting at the same spot yesterday in a pensive mood and the door was closed and I was thinking that we have been deprived of divine revelation and the angels have stopped visiting our home. Suddenly the door opened and three girls entered; such that no one must have seen more beautiful, delicate and fragrant than them.” I stood up and asked: “Are you from Mecca or Medina?”
They said: “O daughter of Prophet, we are not from the folks of the earth. The Almighty Allah has sent us to you from Paradise. We were very much eager to visit you.” I asked the name of the one who seemed to be eldest of them and she replied: “Maqduda.” I asked why she was named thus? She replied that because I am created for Miqdad bin Aswad. Then I asked the name of the second girl.
She said: “My name is Zarra.” When I asked why she was named thus, she said that she had been created for Abu Zar Ghiffari. I asked the third and she said: “Salma.” I asked the reason she said that she was named thus as she is created from Salman Farsi.” Lady Sayyidah says that after that those girls took out some dates for me which were as big as a bread. Whiter than snow and more fragrant than musk.
Salman says that Lady Fatima gave one of the dates to me and said: “Break your fast with this date today and bring the seed to me tomorrow.” I took it from her and returned. Whenever I passed a group of companions they used to ask if I was carrying Musk, and I always replied in the positive. When I broke the fast with it, I could not find any seed in it. The following day I came again to Lady Fatima and stated that there was no seed in it.
She said: “How it could have any seed, because it was from the tree that the Almighty Allah has created in Paradise due to the supplication that my respected father has taught to me, and which I recite every morning and night. Salman said: “Please teach it to me also.” She said: “If you want that you should not have fever as long as you remain alive you must recite the following supplication regularly. It is as follows: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. In the name of Allah the light. In the name of Allah light of the light. In the name of Allah light upon light. In the name of Allah Who is the controller of the affairs. In the name of Allah, the One Who has created the light from the light. Praise be to Allah, the One, Who created the light from light.
And sent down the light upon Tur in a written book in a scroll that is spread in a limited quantity upon the delighted prophet. Praise be to Allah, the One having celebrated power and by the pride which is well-known. And upon all sorrows and joys I am thankful. And may Allah bless our chief Muhammad and his purified progeny.”
Salman says that he learnt it and taught it to more than a thousand people of Mecca and Medina who were sick with fever. All of them were cured of their illness by the leave of Allah, the Exalted.
[568] Surah Shura 42:23
[569] Surah Kahf 18:107
[570] The author says: This tradition requires interpretation: Perhaps it implies that if they had not supported Amirul Momineen (a.s.) that day and all had pledged allegiance of Abu Bakr, the Almighty Allah would have sent chastisement on the people and no one would have survived. And whatever is mentioned in this report about Ibn Masud is opposed to other reports that condemn him and there is doubt in his integrity.
[571] Surah Raad 13:39
[572] Surah Baqarah 2:97
[573] Surah Baqarah 2:97
[574] Surah Baqarah 2:97
[575] Surah Baqarah 2:97
[576] Surah Alaq 96:6-7
[577] Surah Baqarah 2:109
[578] Surah Baqarah 2:207
[579] Surah Tin 95:6
[580] It is very likely that he would not have understood the secrets of that knowledge and he would have denied it, and it would have led to his infidelity.
[581] These traditions tell us about the level of the knowledge of those personalities, therefore no one should harbor doubts about them which could lead one to sin.
Ref: Imam Reza Network

Ammar is with Truth

By: Kamal al-Syyed
Translated by: Jasim al-Alyawy
The people in Makkah lived in ignorance and darkness. The strong persecuted the weak and deprived them of their rights. No one supported the weak.
The Quraishi leaders were traders. Each year, they had two trade journeys.
In summer, their caravans went to Shaam. In winter they went to Yemen.
The people in Makkah were of two classes: one class was rich, the other was poor. The rich persecuted the poor. Some poor people were slaves. They had nothing, not even their freedom.
Our Master Muhammad [s] lived in that time. He went to Mount Hira. There he thought of his people. He felt pain for them because they worshipped idols.
Our Master Muhammad [s] became forty years old.
One day, Jibreel came down from the sky. He told Muhammad [s] about Islam.
Our Master Muhammad [s] came down the mountain. He was carrying the Mission of Islam. He intended to spread it among people to live peacefully.
The poor and the persecuted listened to the Mission of Islam. They believed in it. So their hearts were filled with love for Islam.
The traders and the rich of Quraish heard about Islam. Thus, they had spite against our Master Muhammad [s]. in the meantime, they plotted against Islam and the Muslims.
Abu Jahal was the most spiteful polytheist. He mistreated our Master Muhammad [s] very much.
Al Arqam's House
Our Master Muhammad [s] met the believers secretly in al-Arqam's house. He wanted to keep his religion a secret so that Abu Jahal, Abu Sufyan and other polytheists would not hurt the Muslims.
One day Ammar bin Yasir came and saw a man standing at the door. The man's name was Suhaib. Ammar said to him: Suhaib, what are you doing here?
Suhaib answered: I've come to hear Muhammad's words. And what are you doing?
I've come to hear his words, too.
Then Ammar and Suhaib came into al-Arqam's house. They humbly began listening to Allah's words and to the Verses of the Holy Qur'an. Ammar's heart was full of belief as streams are full of rain water.
When Ammar and Suhaib wanted to leave al-Arqam's house, our Master Muhammad [s] said to them: Stay here till evening.
Allah's Apostle [s] was afraid that Quraish would hurt them. Ammar waited until it got dark. Then he left al-Arqam's house and hurried towards his house. His mother and father were waiting for him anxiously.
When Ammar entered, the little house was full of happiness. He began telling his parents about Islam, Allah's religion.
Yasir's Family
Ammar belonged to Yemen's tribes, but how did he come to Makkah?
Yasir, Ammar's father, and his two brothers al-Harith and Malik looked for their missing brother everywhere. But they did not find him. Therefore, they decided to go to Makkah to look for him. They did not find him there, too.
Al-Harith and Malik wanted to come back to Yemen, but Yasir decided to stay in Makkah to live near Allah's Holy House.
Yasir joined the tribe of Bani Makhzoom. Then he became one of its members. He married a female slave. Her name was Summayya.
Days passed. Summayya gave birth to a baby. His father named him Ammar.
Ammar was born four years before the year of the elephant. Our Master Muhammad [s] was born in that year.
When Ammar became a young man, he made friendship with our Master Muhammad [s]. then he became his companion.
Ammar loved our Master Muhammad [s] because of his good behaviour.
Ammar was twenty-nine years old. Meanwhile our Master Muhammad [s] was twenty-five years old.
One day, while Ammar was walking with our Master Muhammad [s] between al-Safa Mount and al-Marwah Mount, Hala, Khadijah bint Khuwailid's sister came.
Hala took Ammar aside and said to him: Ask Muhammad to marry my sister, Khadijah.
Our Master Muhammad [s] accepted her. Then the blessed marriage took place.
When Allah appointed our Master Muhammad [s] as Prophet, Ammar, his father Yasir and his mother Summayya believed in him.
The Revenge
Abu Jahal heard that Ammar became a Muslim. So, he got crazy.
Abu Jahal led a group of polytheists and went to Yasir's house. Torches were in their hands. They burnt the house and took Yasir, Ammar and Summayya to a desert outside Makkah.
They chained and began torturing them. First, they whipped them till blood flowed out. Then they brought torches and began burning their bodies. But that small family went on their firm belief.
Abu Jahal brought rocks and put them on their chests. They were breathing hard. Still they were believers.
It was noon. The heat was intense. Abu Jahal and the polytheists came back to Makkah. They left Yasir's family in the intense heat of the sun.
In the meantime, our Master Muhammad [s] passed by the family. When he saw them he wept and said: Yasir's family, be patient! Your reward will be Paradise!
Summayya said with belief: I confess that you're Allah's Apostle. And your promise is true.
The criminals came back. Abu Jahal was in advance. There was a long spear in his hand. He began torturing them savagely.
Ammar, Yasir and Summayya were unconscious. So the criminals showered them with water. When they got well again, Abu Jahal shouted at Summayya stormily:
Praise our gods; dispraise Muhammad!
Summayya spat in his face and said: How bad you and your gods are!
Abu Jahal boiled in anger. Thus, he raised his spear high and it Summayya on the belly. Then he began stabbing her body with his spear until she died. For this reason, Summayya became the first martyr in the history of Islam.
Then Abu Jahal began kicking Yasir on the belly savagely until he died.
Ammar saw what happened to his parents and he wept. Then Abu Jahal shouted angrily: If you don't praise our gods, I'll kill you!
Ammar could not endure that cruel torture. So he reluctantly said: Hubal (an idol) is great!
Ammar praised their idols to save himself from torture. So they unchained and left him.
The Belief in the Heart
Ammar went weeping to our Master Muhammad [s]. He did not weep for his parents or for himself or for the torture he had suffered - he wept because he praised the polytheists' idols.
Allah's Apostle consoled Ammar on his parents martyrdom. Ammar went on weeping. Then he said:
Allah's Apostle, the polytheists did not release me until they forced me to praise their gods!
Our Master Muhammad [s] said kindly: Ammar, what about your heart?
Ammar answered: Allah's Apostle, my heart's certain of faith.
The Prophet [s] said:
Don't worry! Allah sent down a verse concerning you: "Not, he who is compelled while his heart is at rest because of his faith."
The Migration
The condition of the Muslims in Makkah became critical. So, our Master Muhammad [s] ordered his companions to immigrate to Yathrib.
Ammar was one of those who migrated for Allah.
When our Master Muhammad [s] immigrated too, happiness covered al-Madina al-Munawwara. And the immigrants lived peacefully with their brothers in Yathrib.
First, Allah's Apostle [s] thought of building a mosque so that the Muslims would worship Allah alone. In the meantime it would be a symbol for the Muslims strength and a castle for the Muslim nation.
With enthusiasm, the Muslims began building the Prophet's Mosque.
Some Muslims were carrying dust. Some were making bricks and some were carrying the dried bricks to make the walls.
Our Master Muhammad [s] was working with his companions. Ammar, though covered with dust, was working actively.
Each Muslim was carrying a brick. But Ammar was carrying two bricks. For this reason, our Master Muhammad [s] said to him: They (the Muslims) will get a reward; you'll get two rewards.
To encourage his Muslim brothers, Ammar repeated the following enthusiastic words: Those who build the mosque do not equal those who avoid dust.
Some companions were avoiding dust. They became displeased with Ammar's words. Uthman came to Ammar and said threateningly: I'll hit you on the nose with this stick!
Ammar looked at Uthman but did not say a word.
Our Master Muhammad [s] heard about Uthman's threat. He felt pain. Then he came to Ammar and said: You're dear to me!
Our Master Muhammad [s] rubbed the dust from Ammar's face. Thus the great companions heart was filled with love for the Holy Prophet.
Jihad (Holy War)
Days and months passed. Allah, the Glorified, wanted to punish those who persecuted the Muslims in Makkah and robbed them of their money.
The Battle of Badr took place. Ammar was one of the fighters who went to hinder the Quraishi caravan coming from Shaam. The Muslims heard that the polytheists had formed an army. Abu Jahal headed the army. He was heading for al-Madina al-Munawwara.
The Prophet asked the advice of his companions. Finally, he took a decision to face the polytheists. Our Master Muhammad [s] sent Ammar bin Yasir and Abdullah bin Masoud to get him information about the polytheists' army.
Ammar was brave. He approached the polytheists caravans and went round their camp to collect information.
Ammar and his friend came back to our Master Muhammad [s]. Ammar said: The army is afraid. The horse wants to neigh. But its owner hits it on the face. And its raining heavily. Therefore, they can't move easily. Generally speaking, the polytheists are in low spirits.
In the morning, when the polytheists woke, they found strange footprints. Munbih bin al-Hajjaj had a good knowledge of footprints. He said: By al-Lat and al-Uzza, these are Ammar's and Abdullah's footprints.
The Battle of Badr
On the morning of 17th Ramadan, 2 A.H., the great Battle of Badr, the first battle in the history of Islam, took place. At that battle, Allah granted the believers victory over the polytheists.
Ammar was fighting with enthusiasm. When the polytheists escaped, Ammar saw Abu Jahal. So, he remembered those days when Abu Jahal tortured the Muslims and tortured his parents. Now, the swords of the persecuted got revenge on the unjust. Ammar looked at the sky and thanked Allah, the Glorified, for his victory.
Ammar was with Truth
Ammar was sixty years old. However, he was more eager than the young men to strive for Allah. Ammar deeply believed in Allah. He loved the Apostle of humanity, our Master Muhammad [s]. The Prophet [s] also loved his old friend, Ammar. He praised him on several occasions:
Ammar is with truth and truth is with Ammar. Truth is always with him.
Ammar is full of faith. Blessed is Ammar, the unjust group will kill you. Your last food in this world will be a cup of yoghurt.
Days, months and years passed. Ammar was always with our Master Muhammad [s] he was always striving for Allah against the enemies of Islam and humanity.
In 11 A.H., our Master Muhammad [s] passed away. On that occasion, all Muslims became sad. Ammar wept over his old friend, Allah's Apostle. He remembered the days of his youth in Makkah and the days of Jihad.
Ammar (may Allah be pleased with him) stayed loyal to his Islam. He was always striving for the religion and saying the word of truth. He was not afraid of anyone but Allah.
Ammar loved Ali bin Abu Talib because he heard our Master Muhammad [s] always saying: Ali, no one loves you but a believer and no one hates you but a hypocrite.
Ali, you are in the same position with respect to me as Harun was to Musa except there is no Prophet after me.
On the farewell pilgrimage, Ammar saw our Master Muhammad [s] taking both arms of Ali and raising them high, he said: Whoever, I am the master of, this man, Ali is his master. Allah, befriend whoever befriends him, be hostile to whoever opposes him. Support whoever supports him and desert whoever deserts him.
For this reason, Ammar thought that Ali bin Abu Talib would be the Caliph after our Master Muhammad [s]. Anyhow, Abu Bakr al-Sidiq became the Caliph after the Prophet. But some companions opposed his Caliphate. Ammar opposed his Caliphate too. And he stood by Ali bin Abu Talib and Fatima al-Zahra, our Master Muhammad's daughter.
After a short while, Fatima al-Zahra, the mistress of the women of the world, died.
Ammar devoted most of his time to the life of Jihad. He took part in the Muslims conquest battles. He also fought bravely against the apostasy in Yemen.
When Umar bin al-Khattab became the Caliph after Abu Bakr, he appointed Ammar to rule over Kufa.
There Ammar treated people according to Allah's law. And the people were pleased with his just, merciful and humble treatment.
Al-Shura (Consultation)
In 23 A.H., Umar bin al-Khattab was assassinated.
Some Muslims had come to Umar, earlier, and asked him to appoint a Caliph after him.
The Caliph decided that the Caliphate had to be shura (consultation). So, he elected six persons. They were Ali bin Abu Talib [a], Uthman bin Affan, Talha, Zubair, Abdul Rahman bin Auf and Saad bin Abi Wakkas.
Umar ordered the persons to hold a meeting in one of their houses to appoint one of them caliph within three days.
Ammar hoped that they would elect Ali because of his long jihad, his blood relation to our Master Muhammad [s], his knowledge, his outstanding merits and his priority in Islam.
One day passed. Then two days passed. But there was no result. There was serious competition between Ali bin Abu Talib [a] and Uthman bin Affan for the Caliphate.
Some companions such as al-Miqdad, Ammar bin Yasir, al-Abbas, and others stood by the house.
They hoped that Ali would be elected. Banu Ummayyah stood by the house, too. They hoped that Uthman would be elected.
To make Abdul Rahman bin Auf hear, Ammar loudly said: If you want to see the Muslims in agreement then appoint Ali.
To support Ammar, al-Miqdad said: Ammar has told the truth. If you appoint Ali, we'll hear and obey him.
AbdulRahman's ambition was to be a caliph. He refused to appoint Ali because Ali would not hand him the Caliphate later on.
So, Abdul Rahman appointed Uthman to hand him the Caliphate after his death.
Thus Uthman became the third Caliph.
Imam Ali went out after he had said to Abdul Rahman: This is not the first day when you support each other against us! But patience is good and Allah is whose help is sought for against what you describe.
By Allah, you have appointed Uthman caliph to hand you the Caliphate.
Ammar was very unhappy for the Ahlul Bait because they were worthier of Caliphate than other people and because Allah kept away uncleanness from them and purified them thoroughly.
Six years passed after Uthman's Caliphate.
Gradually, the Caliph deviated from Islam and from our Master Muhammad's behaviour.
Uthman appointed his blood relatives rulers over the cities. They were bad, unjust persons.
For example, Uthman appointed al-Waleed bin Utbah, his half brother, ruler over Kufa. Al-Waleed drank alcohol and went drunk to the mosque.
Uthman made Marwan bin Hakam the real ruler of the Muslim government. He appointed the rulers and dismissed them. He dismissed the great companion Salman al-Farsi from Mada-inn and appointed one of his blood relatives over it.
Uthman also dismissed Saad bin Abi Wakkas from Kufa and appointed al-Waleed bin Akabah over it.
Uthman spent the Muslims' money on his blood relatives from Bani Ummayyah and left the poor to live in pain.
The Word of Truth
There were jewels in the Muslim public treasury. Uthman divided the jewels among his daughters and wives. The Muslims became angry. They began talking against Uthman's bad behaviour.
Uthman went on with his corrupt policy. One day, he went up the pulpit and addressed the people:
We'll take whatever we need from the Public Treasury in spite of all people.
Imam Ali bin Abu Talib became sad when he heard Uthman's words. Ammar bin Yasir aged 90 stood up and said the word of truth: By Allah, I'm the first man to prevent you from that.
The Caliph became annoyed and said: Bin Yasir, how dare you say these words before me!
Uthman ordered his guards to arrest Ammar. The guards respected neither Ammar's old age nor his friendship to Allah's Apostle [s]. They drew him into Uthman's room. They chained his hands and legs.
Then the Caliph came and began hitting Ammar on the belly till he became unconscious. Some Muslims came and carried him to our Master Muhammad's wife, Umm Salama's house.
Ammar remembered the days of torture in Makkah. He could endure as many times as what Uthman did because he was a young man. But today he was unable to endure Uthman's torture because he became an old man.
Umm Salama felt pain when she saw Ammar in that bad condition. Yet Ammar said: This is not the first day when we suffer from torture for Allah.
Uthman Banishes Abu Dhar
Uthman banished Abu Dhar to al-Rabatha Desert which is uninhabited because of its bad climate.
Besides Uthman prevented the Muslims from seeing off Abu Dhar. Any how, some Companions of the Prophet went out to see off the great companion Abu-Dhar.
Ali Bin Abu-Talib, our Master Muhammad's grandsons, al-Hasan and al-Husain, and Ammar went out to see off Abu-Dhar.
Then Imam Ali [a] said: May not Allah amuse those who annoy you. And He may not make safe those who have dismayed you. By Allah, if you want their world, they'll make you safe. And if you are pleased with their actions, they'll love you.
Abu Dhar, his wife, and his daughter went to al-Rabatha Desert. He remembered the tradition of our our Master Muhammad [s]: Abu-Dhar, you'll live alone, and die alone!
The Revolution
The Muslims' anger increased because of Uthman's and his rulers' behaviour. The Prophet's Companion's in Madina wrote to people every where: If you want Jihad, then come to it. Because your Caliph has corrupted Muhammad's religion.
For this reason, the delegates from Kufa, Egypt, Basra, and the like came to Madina and went to the Caliph to ask him to change his based policy. But he dismissed them. So, they went to Ali Bin Abu-Talib, our Master Muhammad's cousin and his successor.
Imam Ali [a] hoped that Uthman would come back to the laws of Islam. Thus he went to advise him: Don't be a tool in Marwan's hand. Don't let him direct you to whatever he likes. Don't forget your position with respect to Allah's Apostle [s].
Uthman agreed to announce his repentance before people. So, he went out and apologized to people for his bad behaviour. Besides he promised them to follow a new policy Allah and his Apostle accepted. But Marwan, who was cunning, said to him:
Don't be weak before people. Threaten them!
Nayylah, Uthman's wife, knew that Marwan was a bad man and that he disliked Muslims. For this reason, she said to her husband: Listen to Ali because people love and obey him: don't listen to Marwan because people hate him.
Uthman did not listen to those who advised him. So, people revolted and killed him in his palace.
Imam Ali [a]
The Muslim masses headed for Imam Ali's house. They asked him to be the Caliph. The Imam refused that and said: Look for another man.
But people realized that the Imam was the only man who deserved the Caliphate. Therefore, they insisted on their attitude. Finally, the Imam agreed to shoulder this responsibility to deprive the ambitious of it.
The Muslims revolted for justice. They were angry at persecution. Imam Ali [a] was the symbol of justice.
The Imam did not sadden the Muslims. On the first day, he dismissed all the bad rulers Uthman had appointed. Then he appointed good rulers.
The Imam dismissed Mu'awiyah from Sham. But Mu'awiyah was always planning to control Sham first. Then he planned to control the Muslim lands in general. So, he rebelled and announced that he would get revenge on Uthman's killers. For this reason, the Battle of Siffeen took place on the borders between Syria and Iraq.
Imam Ali's army included many companions of Allah's Apostle [s]. Ammar bin Yasir, Malik al-Ashter, Abdullah bin Abbas, and others were among them.
Mu'awiyah's army included the enemies of Islam such as Marwan bin Al-Hakam, Amru bin al-Ass, bin Abi-Maayad, and those who escaped from Ali's Justice to Mu'awiyah's world.
The Unjust Group will kill You
The Muslims in both armies were always repeating our Master Muhammad [s] tradition:
Ammar, the unjust group will kill you.
Ammar was in Imam Ali's Army. He was over ninety years old. Nevertheless, he fought as bravely as the believing young man did.
He looked at the sky and said: Allah, if I know that you are pleased with throwing myself into the Euphrates, I'll do! Allah, I know that you are pleased to see me striving those corrupt people!
Ammar was with truth, and truth was always with him. So, he said: By Allah, if they (Mu'awiyah's Army) defeat and chase us to the Hajar date-palms, I'll say that we're right and they're wrong.
When the battle broke out, Ammar addressed the fighters: Who wants Allah's satisfaction?
Some believers accepted his words. So, Ammar led them towards the enemy. When the companions saw him passing through the enemy army, they followed him.
Although Ammar was fasting, he was fighting with great enthusiasm. In the middle of the battle, Ammar saw Amru bin al-Ass and said to him: Amru, Woe on you! You've sold your religion for Egypt!
Namely, Mu'awiyah promised to give Egypt to Amru bin Al-Ass if the latter stood by him.
Amru bin al-Ass said with trick: No, I'm requesting Uthman's blood!
Ammar said: I firmly believe that your action is not for Allah.
Then Ammar advised him: If you won't be killed today, you'll die tomorrow. And actions are according to intentions. So, correct your intentions because Allah will reward people according to their intentions.
The Trial
The Muslims were in a fix. They did not distinguish right from wrong. Their guide was Ammar because our Master Muhammad [s] said: The unjust group will kill Ammar.
Amru bin al-Ass deceived the people of Sham when he said to them: Be patient! Ammar will come to your front!
The days of the war passed, but Ammar was fighting at the front of right. He was always standing by Ali.
One day, Ammar and a believing group launched an attack. Ammar was fighting bravely. He remembered the days when he fought beside our Master Muhammad [s] . He remembered the Battles of Badr, Uhud and the other Muslims battles.
Though Ammar was fasting, he went on fighting. When the sun set, Ammar asked some water because he was thirsty. A fighter brought him a cup full of yogurt. Ammar smiled. Then he cheerfully said:
Tonight, I may die a martyr.
Some fighters asked him about the secret. He said:
My dear Allah's Apostle [a] has told me: The unjust group will kill you. And your final food in this world will be a cup of yogurt.
Ammar (May Allah be pleased with him) drank the cup of yoghurt. Then he continued fighting till he fell over the ground and became a martyr.
Mu'awiyah was about to fly because of happiness. Imam Ali [a] was full of sadness and sorrow. During those moments all Muslims knew the unjust group.
Some soldiers in Mu'awiyah's Army were waiting for Ammar's coming to their front. But they saw him fighting bravely beside Imam Ali [a] till he became a martyr. So, they sneered at Amru bin al-Ass' claim. In the meantime, they took advantage of the dark and began coming to join the Imam's Army. They knew that it was the front of right.
The End
Ammar's martyrdom sounded at both fronts. Imam Ali's Army was in high spirits, but Mu'awiyah's Army was in low spirits.
At that night, the Imam's Army launched a wide attack against Mu'awiyah's Army. The Imam's Army was about to win victory. But Amru bin al-Ass created a new trick. He ordered the army of Sham to raise the Koran. They were demanding the Imam's Army to turn to Allah's Book.
The fights stopped. Both armies withdrew from the Valley of Siffeen. The martyrs' bodies stayed on the battlefield. The body of Ammar, aged ninety six, stayed there too.
Nowadays, when the Muslims visit that area, they can see the big shrine of that great companion, who spent all his life in striving for Islam. When Ammar became a martyr, the Muslims knew the right front during that bitter war.
Ref: Imam Reza Network

Ammar bin Yassir: A True Companion of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)

Ammar bin Yassir was a true companion to Prophet Mohammad and Imam Ali.
Although he and his parents were brought up as idol worshippers, Ammar's heart was still pure enough to accept the Islamic message. He was extremely devoted to the Prophet and steadfast in propagating his teachings.
Ammar's parents, having observed their son's sincere belief in the Islamic faith, were also converted to the right path of the belief in the One God.
He and his family were amongst those who were tortured severely by the infidels of Quraysh. The severest form of mental torture that he endured was seeing his mother murdered before his eyes. In fact, His mother Summaya was the first woman martyred for the cause of Islam.
The Prophet's heart went out to Ammar and his family when he saw the pain that the infidels were inflicting on them. To ease this pain the Prophet would continuously say to them, "Patience O'family of Yassir, for you are destined for paradise."
The Prophet of Islam would always mention the merits of Ammar to the people. He would say, "Ammar is with the truth and truth is with Ammar",and "Ammar is all faith".
Every action of Ammar's was done in the name of Allah and for the sake of Allah. This was evident in the supplications he said before fighting against Muawiya and his lawless group, "Oh my Lord, you now that, if I knew your satisfaction will be gained by me throwing myself into this sea, then I will do it. Oh my Lord, you know that, if I knew your satisfaction will be gained by me putting this sword into my stomach then leaning on it till it comes through my back, I will do it. Oh my Lord, I only know what you have taught me and that is there is no deed this day more gratifying to you than fighting against these who have spread tyranny in the land. If I knew of any other deed that would satisfy you more than that, I would do it."
Ammar fought many battles with the Messenger of Allah. His last battle was to be at Siffeen with Imam Ali against the despotic Muawiya. On that day he said, "We fought the infidels with the Messenger of Allah under these flags that Muawiya and his army are now holding. Now the time has come when we have to fight the holders of these flags. Let it be known to you that today I will be killed. I will take the deeds of this transient world into the eternal abode. So let it be known to you that the Prince of the Faithful (Imam Ali) is my exemplar and that Allah shall judge between the righteous and the evil from amongst his subjects."
He then spurred his horse forward towards the battlefield saying, "Today I meet up with the loved ones, Mohammad and his group."
Ammar fought courageously that day until a blow struck him on the waist. As a result of that blow he was forced to return from the battlefield, where he then asked for a drink of water. One of the
companions came with a bowl of milk instead of water. When Ammar saw the bowl and it's contents he said, "The Messenger of Allah did not lie." They asked him what he meant by that
statement. He said, "The Messenger of Allah informed me that my last provision from this world would be milk."
Ammar drank the milk and soon after he passed away. He was ninety-one years old.
Imam Ali in eulogizing Ammar said, "We belong to Allah and to him shall be our return. Whoever does not feel grief over the death of Ammar is not a Muslim. O'Allah be merciful to Ammar during that time when the Angels will question him in the grave. I did not witness with the Prophet a group of three, without Ammar being the fourth, or a group of four, without Ammar being the fifth. Ammar was not deserving of paradise only once; he deserved it on many occasions. The everlasting gardens that await him are countless because he was with the truth and the truth was with him and as the
Messenger of Allah said, "It (the truth) accompanies him every which way he turns."
Then he said, "O'Allah torture the Murderer, the curser and the stealer of Ammar's weapon in hell." After that Imam Ali Prayed on his corpse then he lay him to rest in his grave.
May Allah bless him and grant him eternal life in paradise for he was a person with unwavering faith till the very last breath in his body.
Ref: Imam Reza Network


Al-Rabathah is a desert between Makkah and Madina. It is a barren land. No one inhabits it. But in the year 30 A.H., there was only one tent. In the tent there were an old man, an old woman, and their daughter.
Why did the old man inhabit that distant area in the middle of the desert? He did not inhabit it of his on accord - the Caliph banished him to die there. The old man was ill. And his wife was always in tears. So, he said to her:
Dhar's mother; why do you weep?
The old woman said:
Why shouldn't I weep and you're dying in this desert?
The old man said:
One day, my friends and I were sitting with Allah's Apostle [s]. And he said to us: "One of you will die in the desert. And a group of believers will attend his death."
All my friends passed away in their houses. And no one has remained but I. A person will come to your aid. The old woman said:
The time of Hajj (Pilgrimage) is over. And no one has passed through this desert.
The old man said:
Don't worry! Go up the hill and look at the road of caravans.
The old woman went up the hill and looked. A long time passed, in the distance, the old woman saw a caravan coming towards her. The old woman waved a piece of cloth. The riders wondered and asked each other about that lonely old woman in the desert. They approached and asked about her condition. She said:
My husband is dying. And no one is beside him. And who's your husband?
While the old woman was weeping, she said:
Abu Dhar, the companion of Allah's Apostle!
The owners of the caravan were surprised. So, they said:
Abu Dhar! The Prophet's companion! Come on! Let's see him!
The men went to the tent. When they came into it, they saw Abu Dhar sleeping in his bed. They said:
Assalamu Alaik, companion of Allah's Apostle! Wa Alaikum al-Salam, who are you?
One of them said:
Malik bin al-Haarth al-Ashtar. And there are some men with me from Iraq. We're going to Madina to tell the Caliph about the persecution we suffer from
Abu Dhar said:
My brothers, be cheerfull! Allah's Apostle [s] has told me that I'll die in the desert and that some believers will attend my death.
Malik and his friends rejoiced at that Prophetic good news. They sat down in Abu Dhar's tent. Malik al-Ashtar felt sorry for him. And he was sad to hear that the Umayyads mistreated the great companion, Abu Dhar.

Malik bin al-Haarth al-Nakhay belonged to an old Yemeni tribe. He became a Muslim in the time of the Prophet [s]. He was loyal to his Islam.
He took part and fought bravely in the Battle of Yarmook. He had brave attitudes in stopping the Romans' attacks against the Muslim Army. So, his eye was split by a sword, namely, its lower lid was split. Thus, he was called al-Ashtar.
In 30 A.H., the Muslims in Kufa and other Muslim cities were angry with their rulers' behaviour. For example, al-Waleed bin Akabah, the Caliph Uthman's brother, the ruler of Kufa, behaved contrary to Islam - he drank alcohol and spent his time in amusements.
One day, al-Waleed entered mosque drunk. He prayed four Raka'as during the morning prayers. Then he turned to the worshipers and said sarcastically:
Shall I increase my prayers?
People were displeased with his behaviour. They criticized him in markets, houses and mosques. People asked each other:
Has not the Caliph found a good ruler to replace this bad one? He drank alcohol openly. He violated the teachings of the religion and the Muslims' rights.
So, people thought about a way to solve the problem. Finally, they decided to ask the advice of the good people. So, they went to Malik al-Ashtar. Malik al-Ashtar said to them: First we'd better advise him. Then we'll tell the Caliph about his bad behaviour. Malik and some good people went to the ruler's palace. When they got into the palace, they saw him drinking as usual. They advised him to behave well. But he scolded and dismissed them.
So, they decided to go to al-Madina al-Munawwara to meet the Caliph and to tell him about the problem. The delegation met the Caliph and told him about his ruler's bad behaviour. It was unfortunate that he scolded and dismissed them. Besides, he refused to hear their complaints.
So, they became disappointed. They thought about going to Ali bin Abu-Talib, our Master Muhammad's cousin, because he was the only hope to reform the situation.

The Delegation
In the meantime, all people all over the Muslim cities complained of the rulers' bad behaviour. The companions went to Imam Ali's house. They told him about the rulers' persecution and corruption. Imam Ali [a] was sad to hear that. So, he went to the Caliph's palace. He met Uthman and advised him:
Uthman, the Muslims are complaining of the rulers' persecution. And you know that very well I've heard Allah's Apostle [s] saying: "On the Day of Judgement, the unjust imam will be brought to hell. And no one will support or excuse him. Then, he will be thrown into hell. He'll go round and round it till he gets into its intense heat." Uthman thought for a while. He bent his head sadly. He admitted his mistakes. And he promised that he would ask Allah for forgiveness and that he would apologise to the Muslims. Imam Ali [a] went out to give the Muslims good news. They were all happy. But Marwan, the hypocrite, said to the Caliph:
You'd better threaten the people so as no one would dare to say bad words against the Caliph.

The Revolution
Uthman broke his promise. He did not behave well and did not change the rulers. In the meantime, he used strict policy against people. Mu'awiyah, the ruler of Shaam, advised the Caliph to banish some companions from the land. So, the Caliph banished Abu Dhar, the great companion, to al-Rabathah Desert where he died alone.
He hit the companion Ammar bin Yasir, the son of the first two martyrs in Islam. The Caliph whipped the companion Abdullah bin Masoud, too. So, people grumbled about Uthman's and his rulers' policy. Our Master Muhammad's companions sent many letters to all Muslim cities.
The letters read as follows:
Muslims, come to us. And save the Caliphate. Allah's Book has been changed. And the Prophet's Sunnah has been changed. So, come to us if you believe in Allah and the Day of Judgement.
The Muslim streamed into al-Madina al-Munawwara from everywhere. Malik al-Ashtar represented the revolutionaries. So, he held a meeting with Uthman to reform the affairs of the Muslim State.
The revolutionaries asked Uthman to leave power. But the Caliph refused that. Imam Ali [a] tried to reform the matters. But all his efforts were in vain. The reason was that the Muslims were displeased with Uthman's and his rulers' persecution. In the meantime, Uthman stubbornly insisted on his policy. The revolutionaries besieged Uthman's palace.
The revolutionaries climbed the walls of the palace. They broke into the Caliph's room and killed him. Marwan and other hypocrites ran away. Talha and Zubair were ambitious to get the Caliphate. So, they helped the revolutionaries. But the people were thinking about only one person to be a Caliph.
And the person was Imam Ali [a]. Streams of people came into Imam Ali's house. They asked him to be a Caliph. But the Imam refused. Malik al-Ashtar and other companions insisted on Imam Ali's Caliphate. Malik addressed the people with enthusiasm: People, this is the Prophet's Regent. He has learnt the Prophet's knowledge. Allah's Book has mentioned his belief. Allah's Apostle [s] has told him that he will enter al-Ridhwan Garden. His personality is perfect The people in the past and present are certain of his behaviour and knowledge.
Thus Malik al-Ashtar was the first to appoint Ali bin Abu-Talib as a Caliph. Then the Muslims followed him. When Imam Ali [a] became the Caliph, a new time began. He dismissed all the unjust rulers. And he appointed good persons.

The Battle of the Camel
Some people were ambitious for the Caliphate. Talha and Zubair were two of them. They went to Makkah and urged A'isha, Abu Bakr's daughter, to revolt against Imam Ali [a]. Marwan took advantage of that situation.
He began spending the Muslims' money, which he had stolen, to form a big army. He announced that he would revenge himself on Uthman's killers. The army headed for Basrah.
There they uprooted the ruler's beard and dismissed him. They robbed the Public Treasury. Amirul Mu'mineen, Ali bin Abu Talib, was facing that mutiny strongly. He advanced towards Basrah to invite its people to strive against the rebels.
The ruler of Kufa was Abu Musa al-Ashary. He discouraged people from striving against the rebels. In the meantime, he ordered people to disobey Amirul Mu'mineen, Ali bin Abu Talib.
Days passed. But al-Hasan and Ammar bin Yasir did not come back. So, the Imam sent Malik al-Ashtar after them. Malik al-Ashtar was a brave, determined man. He realized that the people of Kufa were always supporting the Imam against his enemies. And he understood that only Abu Musa al-Ashary obstructed them. Malik al-Ashtar arrived in Kufa and began inviting its people to follow him.
A numerous army obeyed him. So, he could attack the ruler's palace and to dismiss the guards from it. At that time, Abu Musa al-Ashary was in the mosque asking the people to stay in their houses and to disobey Amirul Mu'mineen orders. The guards came and told him that Malik al-Ashtar occupied the palace.
Abu Musa al-Ashary asked Malik al-Ashtar for a day's time to leave Kufa. So, Malik accepted that. On the same day, Malik al-Ashtar hurried to the mosque to encourage the people to support Imam Ali [a].
Hence, Malik could form a big army. The army was more than eighteen thousand fighters. Al-Hasan headed nine thousand fighters. They marched by land. The others crossed by river. The purpose of all was to join Imam Ali's army at Dhiqaar in the southern part of Iraq.
Imam Ali [a] headed the army and advanced towards Basrah, where he met A'isha's army. The leaders of the A'isha's army were Talha, Zubair and Marwan bin al-Hakam. Malik al-Ashtar was the leader of the right wing. Ammar leader of the left wing.
Imam Ali [a] stood in the middle of the army. And Muhammad bin al-Hanafiyah, Imam Ali's son, carried the banner. A'isha's Army began attacking Imam Ali's army. They showered the Imam's Army with arrows. So, some fighters were killed and others were wounded. The Imam's Army wanted to return like for like. But the Imam stopped them and said:
Who can take this Qur'an and go to them to appeal to it? Surely they will kill him.
A young man said:
Amirul Mu'mineen, I'll take it.
A Muslim headed for the Army of the Camel raising the Qur'an. A'isha shouted:
Throw arrows at him.
So, the bow men threw arrows at him. He fell over the ground and became a martyr. During those moments, Amirul Mu'mineen raised his hands towards the sky. He prayed for Allah, the Almighty, to grant them a victory. Then he said:
Allah, the eyes are gazing at you! And the hands are extended! Our lord, judge between our nation and us with justice! And you're the best judge!
Then the Imam ordered his fighters to launch a general attack. Malik al-Ashtar advanced. He was fighting bravely. Violent clashes took place around the camel. The Imam realized that killing the camel would end bloodshed and that it would end the fighting between the two parties.
Malik al-Ashtar launched a violent attack towards the camel. He was fighting bravely and honestly. He did not kill the wounded. He did not chase the runaway. Malik al-Ashtar copied Imam Ali's good behaviour. He loved the Regent of Allah's Apostle [s]. The Imam loved Malik too, for he was God-fearing. And Allah loves those who fear him.

The Victory
After violent fights, the Imam's Army could kill the camel So, the facing army was in low spirits and its fighters began escaping from the battlefield. The Imam ordered his fighters to stop the war operations.
And he ordered them to treat A'isha kindly and to bring her back to Madina. The Imam released the prisoners of war. He ordered his fighters to cure the wounded. And he forgave them all. Malik al-Ashtar and Ammar bin Yasir visited A'isha. She said:
Malik, you were about to kill my nephew.
Malik answered:
Yes. I wanted to relieve Muhammad's nation from him. But I did not kill him because I was fasting for three days. And I'm an old man.

In Kufa
After some days stay in Basrah, the Imam headed for Kufa. Malik al-Ashtar fought as bravely as a lion. So, the enemies were afraid of him. But on the normal days, he looked a poor man. He wore simple clothing. He walked humbly. Thus most people did not know him.
One day, while Malik al-Ashtar was walking was walking in the street, a foolish person was eating some dates and throwing the stones about. Malik al-Ashtar passed before the foolish person. He threw a stone at Malik. The stone hit him on the back. The foolish person began laughing at him. A man saw the foolish person. He said to him:
What are you doing? Do you know that man?
The foolish person answered:
No, who is he? He's Malik al-Ashtar!
Malik went on walking. He did not pay attention to the foolish person. He remembered how the polytheists treated our Master Muhammad [s] in Makkah. They threw dust and rubbish at him but he kept silent.
Malik came into mosque. He began praying for Allah to forgive the foolish person. The man ran quickly. He came into the mosque. He embraced Malik apologizing and saying:
I want to apologize to you for my bad behavior! So, accept my apology.
Malik answered with a smile:
Brother, don't worry. By Allah, I've entered the mosque to pray for Allah to forgive you.

The Battle of Siffeen
The Imam chose the good persons to rule the cities. So, he appointed Malik al Ashtar ruler over Mousal, Sinjar, Naseebeen, Heet, and Anat. They are areas on the borders of Shaam.
Mu'awiyah disobeyed the Caliph. He became a dictator in Shaam. The Imam tried to persuade Mu'awiyah to obey him. He sent him several letters, sent some delegates to talk with him. But all the Imam's efforts were in vain.
Thus the Imam formed an army and gave its leadership to Malik al-Ashtar. The army advanced towards Shaam. It arrived in Kirkeesya, where it clashed with the Shamian Army headed by Abi al-Awar al-Salmy.
Malik al-Ashtar tried to persuade the leader of the army to end the mutiny and to obey Amirul Mu'mineen, but he refused. At night, the Shamian Army took advantage of time and launched a surprise attack. That action was contrary to the religion and politeness because the two parties were in negotiations. The Caliph's Army resisted the surprising attack.
It killed and wounded many attackers and forced the others to withdraw to their original places. Again Malik al-Ashtar showed his bravery. He sent a man to Abi al-Awar to invite him to duel with swords. The man said:
Abi al-Awar, Malik al-Ashtar is inviting you to duel with him!
The leader of Mu'awiyah's Army became afraid and with cowardice said: I
don't want to duel with him!
Mu'awiyah headed a big army to join the Shamian Army. The two armies met in the plain of Siffeen on the banks of the Euphrates. Some units of Mu'awiyah's Army occupied the banks and besieged the river.
That action was also contrary to the laws of Islam and the laws of war. The Imam sent Sasaah bin Suhan, one of the companions of the Prophet [s], to Mu'awiyah to talk with him. Sasaah came into Mu'awiyah's tent and said:
Mu'awiyah, Ali says: "Let's take some water. Then we'll decide what's between you and us, otherwise we will fight each other till the victor drinks."
Mu'awiyah kept silent and said:
I'll answer you later on.
The Imam's representative went out. Mu'awiyah asked the advice of some men. So al-Waleed said with spite:
Prevent them from drinking water to force them to surrender. They agreed on this opinion. Mu'awiyah gathered all the evil persons around him. They violated the laws of Islam and of human rights. Malik al-Ashtar was watching the military movements on the river banks. He saw military supplies. So, he realized that Mu'awiyah would tighten the siege. The Imam's soldiers became thirsty. Malik became thirsty, too. So, a soldier said to him:
There's only little water in my water-skin, please drink it.
Malik refused that and said:
I won't drink till all soldiers drink!
Malik went to the Imam and said:
Amirul Mu'mineen, our soldiers are very thirsty. We've nothing but fighting.
The Imam answered:
The Imam gave the soldiers a speech and urged them to fight bravely. Then he said:
Death is that man is pleased with abasement. And life is that man who dies and becomes a martyr.
Malik led the first attack at the Battle of Siffeen. And he began fighting bravely. So, he advanced towards the banks of the Euphrates.
After violent clashes, Malik could recapture the river banks and force Mu'awiyah's Army to withdraw. Mu'awiyah's Army became far from water. So, they thought of a trick to recapture its places on the River Euphrates.
On the following day, an arrow fell among the Imam's soldiers. There was a letter tied to the arrow. The soldiers read the letter carefully. They passed on the news quickly to each other. The news was:
From a loyal brother in the Shamian Army, Mu'awiyah is going to open the river to drown you. So, be careful!
The soldiers believed the news and withdrew. The Shamian Army took advantage of the situation and recaptured the river banks. But the Imam's Army launched a general attack and dismissed the Shamian Army from the region. Mu'awiyah was so worried that he asked Amru bin al-Aas:
Do you think Ali will prevent us from drinking water?
Amru bin al-Aas answered:
Ali doesn't do as you do!
The Shamian soldiers were worried, too. Immediately, the soldiers heard that Imam Ali [a] allowed them to come to the river to drink water. Some people from Shaam realized the difference between Mu'awiyah and Ali.
Mu'awiyah did every evil action for victory. But Ali did not think about that at all. He conformed to the human, good, ideal behaviour. Thus, the soldiers of the Shamian Army left Mu'awiyah's front secretly at night. They joined Ali's front because it was always representing truth and humanity.

Mu'awiyah was displeased with Malik al-Ashtar, for his bravery made Ali's Army fight with enthusiasm. In the meantime it dismayed the Shamian soldiers. So, Mu'awiyah decide to kill Malik in a face-to-face duel with swords.
He ordered Marwan to duel with him. But Marwan was afraid of Malik. Thus he apologised to Mu'awiyah and said:
Let bin al-Aas duel with him because he's your right arm.
Then Mu'awiyah ordered Amru bin al-Aas to duel Malik. He reluctantly agreed to Mu'awiyah's plan. Ibn al-Aas invited Malik to duel with him. Malik advanced towards him holding his spear. He hit him violently on the face. So, Amru bin al-Aas escaped with alarm.

Ammar's Martyrdom
The clashes became intense. Ammar was leading the left wing of the Imam's Army. He, though an old man, was fighting bravely. When the sun was about to set, Ammar, may Allah be pleased with him, requested some food to break the fast. A soldier brought him a cup full of yoghurt. Ammar became cheerful and said:
Tonight, I may he martyred because Allah's Apostle [s] has said to me: Ammar, the unjust group will kill you, and your final drink in the world will be a cup of yoghurt.
The companion broke his fast and advanced towards the battlefield. He fought bravely. Then he fell over the ground and became a martyr. The Imam came and sat near Ammar's head and said sadly: May Allah have mercy on Ammar on the day when he became a Muslim, may Allah have mercy on Ammar on the day when he became a martyr, may Allah have mercy on Ammar on the day when he will be raised from the dead! Ammar enjoy your garden! Ammar's martyrdom in the battlefield affected the course of the battle very much. The Imam's Army was in high spirits. In the meantime, Mu'awiyah's Army was in low spirits. All Muslims memorized the tradition our Master Muhammad [s] said to Ammar bin Yasir. The tradition is as follows:
Ammar the unjust group will kill you.
All understood that Mu'awiyah and his soldiers were wrong and that Ali and his companions were right. Thus the Imam's Army attacked Mu'awiyah's Army increasingly. Therefore, Mu'awiyah and his army were getting ready to escape.

A New Trick
Mu'awiyah thought about a new trick to cheat the Imam's Army. So, he asked the advice of Amru bin al-Aas. Amru bin al-Aas said:
I'm sure we can cheat them with the Qur'an.
Mu'awiyah rejoiced at the trick and ordered his soldiers to raise the Qur'an on their spears. When the Imam's soldiers saw the Qur'an, they thought about stopping the battle. Thus Mu'awiyah cheated many soldiers. The Imam said:
It's a trick! I was the first to invite them to Allah's Book. And I was the first to believe in It. They've disobeyed Allah and broken His promise.
But twenty thousand soldiers disobeyed the Imam's order and said: Stop fighting and order al-Ashtar to withdraw!
The Imam sent a soldier to al-Ashtar to stop fighting. But Malik al-Ashtar went on fighting. Then he said:
We'll get the final victory within few moments.
The soldier said:
But twenty thousand rebels are besieging the Imam. If you go on fighting they'll kill him.
Malik al-Ashtar was forced to withdraw. So, he said:
There's neither might nor power but with Allah.

The Arbitration
Malik al-Ashtar knew that Mu'awiyah's action was only a trick. But he obeyed the Imam's order so as no disaster would happen. He was a brave leader and an obedient soldier. The fights stopped. And the two parties agreed to the arbitration according to Allah's Book.
Mu'awiyah sent Amru bin al-Aas to represent him in the negotiations. And the Imam wanted to choose an alert, wise man. A man who had a good knowledge of Allah's Book. So, he chose Abdullah bin Abbas, the religious scholar of the nation. But the rebels refused him and said:
We'll choose Abu Musa al-Ashary.
So, the Imam advised them and said:
I disagree with you on him. And Abdullah bin Abbas is better than he.
Again the rebels refused him. So, the Imam said:
I'll choose al-Ashtar.
They refused him too. They insisted on Abu Musa al-Ashary. To avoid a disaster, the Imam said:
Do whatever you like!
Thus the two representatives met to talk. Amru bin al-Aas thought about a way to deceive al-Ashary. He said to him:
Abu Musa, Mu'awiyah and Ali have caused all these troubles. So, lets dispose them and elect another man.
Abu Musa al-Ashary did not like Amirul Mu'mineen, Ali bin Abu-Talib. So, he agreed to the plan. He said before the people: I'm removing Ali from the Caliphate as I'm removing my ring from my finger. Then he removed his ring. But Amru bin al-Aas said spitefully:
I'm fixing Mu'awwiyah to the Caliphate as I'm fixing my ring to my finger
Then he wore his ring. The rebels repented of their wrongdoing. But they insisted on disobeying the Imam.
In the meantime, they asked him to turn to Allah in repentance and to announce war again. But the Imam respected the promise and the covenant. He agreed with Mu'awiyah on the truce and stopping the battle for a year. The Imam asked his fighters to be patient for the year. But they disobeyed him, too. So, they were called the Kharijities

Mu'awiyah thought about a way to control Egypt. So, he sent a big army to occupy it. The ruler of Egypt was Muhammad bin Abu-Bakr (the first Caliph's son). He asked Imam Ali [a] to send him urgent military supplies to prevent the invaders from occupying Egypt. So, the Imam said to Malik al-Ashtar:
Malik, may Allah have mercy on you, go to Egypt. I've absolute trust in you. Rely on Allah! Use gentleness in its places and intensity in its place.
Malik al-Ashtar set out for Egypt.

The Poison and the Honey
Mu'awiyah was worried about Malik's going to Egypt, for he knew that Malik would save it. So, Mu'awiyah thought about a way to kill him. Mu'awiyah used to mix honey with poison to kill his enemies. Mu'awiyah imported poisons from Rome.
The Romans allowed Mu'awiyah to import them because they knew that he would use them to kill the Muslims. Amru bin al-Aas said:
I know a man. The man lives in al-Qilzim City on the borders of Egypt. He has vast lands. Certainly Malik al-Ashtar will pass through the city and stop in it to rest.
Mu'awiyah said:
Let's send a man to tell him to kill al-Ashtar and we won't tax him for life.
Thus Mu'awiyah's delegate quickly set out for Egypt taking the poisoned honey to persuade the man to kill Malik al-Ashtar.

The man agreed to Mu'awiyah's plan. He took the poisoned honey. He was looking forward to Malik's arrival. After only a few days, Malik arrived in al-Qilzim City. The man invited the new ruler of Egypt for lunch in his house. Malik al-Ashtar accepted the invitation thankfully.
The man put the cup of the poisoned honey on the table. The guest took one spoon of the poisoned honey. He felt a severe pain in his stomach. He realized the plot. So, he put his hand on his belly and said:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful We belong to Allah, and we'll come back to Him!
Malik al-Ashtar received death with the bravery of the certain believer, who knew that his way was Islam and the Paradise. When Malik al-Ashtar became a martyr, Mu'awiyah was about to fly because of happiness. So, he said:
Ali bin Abu Talib had two hands. I cut off one of them on the day of Siffeen. It was Ammar bin Yasir. And today I've cut off the other hand. It is Malik al-Ashtar. But Amirul Mu'mineen was very sad. So, he expressed his sorrow: May Allah have mercy on Malik! He loved and obeyed me as I loved and obeyed Allah's Apostle [s]. Thus, Malik al-Ashtar ended his life in Jihad. His bright behavior will remain as a model for the Muslim young men everywhere
Ref: Imam Reza Network

Ammar bin Yasir

The people in Makkah lived in ignorance and darkness. The strong persecuted the weak and deprived them of their rights. No one supported the weak. The Quraishi leaders were traders. Each year, they had two trade journeys.
In summer, their caravans went to Shaam. In winter they went to Yemen. The people in Makkah were of two classes: one class was rich, the other was poor. The rich persecuted the poor. Some poor people were slaves.They had nothing, not even their freedom.
Our Master Muhammad [s] lived in that time. He went to Mount Hira. There he thought of his people. He felt pain for them because they worshipped idols.
Our Master Muhammad [s] became forty years old. One day, Jibreel came down from the sky. He told Muhammad [s] about Islam. Our Master Muhammad [s] came down the mountain. He was carrying the Mission of Islam.
He intended to spread it among people to live peacefully. The poor and the persecuted listened to the Mission of Islam. They believed in it. So their hearts were filled with love for Islam. The traders and the rich of Quraish heard about Islam.
Thus, they had spite against our Master Muhammad [s]. in the meantime, they plotted against Islam and the Muslims. Abu Jahal was the most spiteful polytheist. He mistreated our Master Muhammad [s] very much.

Al Arqam's House
Our Master Muhammad [s] met the believers secretly in al-Arqam's house. He wanted to keep his religion a secret so that Abu Jahal, Abu Sufyan and other polytheists would not hurt the Muslims. One day Ammar bin Yasir came and saw a man standing at the door. The man's name was Suhaib. Ammar said to him:
Suhaib, what are you doing here?
Suhaib answered:
I've come to hear Muhammad's words. And what are you doing? I've come to hear his words, too. Then Ammar and Suhaib came into al-Arqam's house
They humbly began listening to Allah's words and to the Verses of the Holy Qur'an. Ammar's heart was full of belief as streams are full of rain water. When Ammar and Suhaib wanted to leave al-Arqam's house, our Master Muhammad [s] said to them:
Stay here till evening. Allah's Apostle [s] was afraid that Quraish would hurt them.
Ammar waited until it got dark. Then he left al-Arqam's house and hurried towards his house. His mother and father were waiting for him anxiously. When Ammar entered, the little house was full of happiness. He began telling his parents about Islam, Allah's religion.

Yasir's Family
Ammar belonged to Yemen's tribes, but how did he come to Makkah? Yasir, Ammar's father, and his two brothers al-Harith and Malik looked for their missing brother everywhere. But they did not find him. Therefore, they decided to go to Makkah to look for him. They did not find him there, too.
Al-Harith and Malik wanted to come back to Yemen, but Yasir decided to stay in Makkah to live near Allah's Holy House. Yasir joined the tribe of Bani Makhzoom. Then he became one of its members. He married a female slave. Her name was Summayya. Days passed. Summayya gave birth to a baby. His father named him Ammar.

Ammar was born four years before the year of the elephant. Our Master Muhammad [s] was born in that year. When Ammar became a young man, he made friendship with our Master Muhammad [s]. then he became his companion.
Ammar loved our Master Muhammad [s] because of his good behaviour. Ammar was twenty-nine years old. Meanwhile our Master Muhammad [s] was twenty-five years old. One day, while Ammar was walking with our Master Muhammad [s] between al-Safa Mount and al-Marwah Mount, Hala, Khadijah bint Khuwailid's sister came. Hala took Ammar aside and said to him:
Ask Muhammad to marry my sister, Khadijah.
Our Master Muhammad [s] accepted her. Then the blessed marriage took place. When Allah appointed our Master Muhammad [s] as Prophet, Ammar, his father Yasir and his mother Summayya believed in him.

The Revenge
Abu Jahal heard that Ammar became a Muslim. So, he got crazy. Abu Jahal led a group of polytheists and went to Yasir's house. Torches were in their hands. They burnt the house and took Yasir, Ammar and Summayya to a desert outside Makkah.
They chained and began torturing them. First, they whipped them till blood flowed out. Then they brought torches and began burning their bodies. But that small family went on their firm belief.
Abu Jahal brought rocks and put them on their chests. They were breathing hard. Still they were believers. It was noon. The heat was intense. Abu Jahal and the polytheists came back to Makkah.
They left Yasir's family in the intense heat of the sun. In the meantime, our Master Muhammad [s] passed by the family. When he saw them he wept and said:
Yasir's family, be patient! Your reward will be Paradise! Summayya said with belief:
I confess that you're Allah's Apostle. And your promise is true. The criminals came back. Abu Jahal was in advance. There was a long spear in his hand. He began torturing them savagely.
Ammar, Yasir and Summayya were unconscious. So the criminals showered them with water. When they got well again, Abu Jahal shouted at Summayya stormily:
Praise our gods; dispraise Muhammad!
Summayya spat in his face and said:
How bad you and your gods are!
Abu Jahal boiled in anger. Thus, he raised his spear high and it Summayya on the belly. Then he began stabbing her body with his spear until she died.
For this reason, Summayya became the first martyr in the history of Islam. Then Abu Jahal began kicking Yasir on the belly savagely until he died.
Ammar saw what happened to his parents and he wept. Then Abu Jahal shouted angrily:
If you don't praise our gods, I'll kill you! Ammar could not endure that cruel torture. So he reluctantly said:
Hubal (an idol) is great! Ammar praised their idols to save himself from torture. So they unchained and left him.

The Belief in the Heart
Ammar went weeping to our Master Muhammad [s]. He did not weep for his parents or for himself or for the torture he had suffered - he wept because he praised the polytheists' idols.
Allah's Apostle consoled Ammar on his parents martyrdom. Ammar went on weeping. Then he said: Allah's Apostle, the polytheists did not release me until they forced me to praise their gods! Our Master Muhammad [s] said kindly:
Ammar, what about your heart?
Ammar answered:
Allah's Apostle, my heart's certain of faith.
The Prophet [s] said:
Don't worry! Allah sent down a verse concerning you:
"Not, he who is compelled while his heart is at rest because of his faith."

The Migration
The condition of the Muslims in Makkah became critical. So, our Master Muhammad [s] ordered his companions to immigrate to Yathrib. Ammar was one of those who migrated for Allah.
When our Master Muhammad [s] immigrated too, happiness covered al-Madina al-Munawwara. And the immigrants lived peacefully with their brothers in Yathrib.
First, Allah's Apostle [s] thought of building a mosque so that the Muslims would worship Allah alone. In the meantime it would be a symbol for the Muslims strength and a castle for the Muslim nation. With enthusiasm, the Muslims began building the Prophet's Mosque.
Some Muslims were carrying dust. Some were making bricks and some were carrying the dried bricks to make the walls. Our Master Muhammad [s] was working with his companions. Ammar, though covered with dust, was working actively. Each Muslim was carrying a brick.
But Ammar was carrying two bricks. For this reason, our Master Muhammad [s] said to him:
They (the Muslims) will get a reward; you'll get two rewards. To encourage his Muslim brothers, Ammar repeated the following enthusiastic words:
Those who build the mosque do not equal those who avoid dust. Some companions were avoiding dust. They became displeased with Ammar's words.
Uthman came to Ammar and said threateningly:
I'll hit you on the nose with this stick!
Ammar looked at Uthman but did not say a word. Our Master Muhammad [s] heard about Uthman's threat. He felt pain. Then he came to Ammar and said:
You're dear to me! Our Master Muhammad [s] rubbed the dust from Ammar's face. Thus the great companions heart was filled with love for the Holy Prophet.

Jihad (Holy War)
Days and months passed. Allah, the Glorified, wanted to punish those who persecuted the Muslims in Makkah and robbed them of their money. The Battle of Badr took place. Ammar was one of the fighters who went to hinder the Quraishi caravan coming from Shaam. The Muslims heard that the polytheists had formed an army. Abu Jahal headed the army. He was heading for al-Madina al-Munawwara.
The Prophet asked the advice of his companions. Finally, he took a decision to face the polytheists. Our Master Muhammad [s] sent Ammar bin Yasir and Abdullah bin Masoud to get him information about the polytheists' army.
Ammar was brave. He approached the polytheists caravans and went round their camp to collect information. Ammar and his friend came back to our Master Muhammad [s]. Ammar said:
The army is afraid. The horse wants to neigh. But its owner hits it on the face. And its raining heavily. Therefore, they can't move easily. Generally speaking, the polytheists are in low spirits. In the morning, when the polytheists woke, they found strange footprints. Munbih bin al-Hajjaj had a good knowledge of footprints.
He said: By al-Lat and al-Uzza, these are Ammar's and Abdullah's footprints.

The Battle of Badr
On the morning of 17th Ramadan, 2 A.H., the great Battle of Badr, the first battle in the history of Islam, took place. At that battle, Allah granted the believers victory over the polytheists. Ammar was fighting with enthusiasm.
When the polytheists escaped, Ammar saw Abu Jahal. So, he remembered those days when Abu Jahal tortured the Muslims and tortured his parents. Now, the swords of the persecuted got revenge on the unjust. Ammar looked at the sky and thanked Allah, the Glorified, for his victory.

Ammar was with Truth
Ammar was sixty years old. However, he was more eager than the young men to strive for Allah. Ammar deeply believed in Allah. He loved the Apostle of humanity, our Master Muhammad [s]. The Prophet [s] also loved his old friend, Ammar. He praised him on several occasions:
Ammar is with truth and truth is with Ammar. Truth is always with him. Ammar is full of faith. Blessed is Ammar, the unjust group will kill you. Your last food in this world will be a cup of yoghurt. Days, months and years passed. Ammar was always with our Master Muhammad [s] he was always striving for Allah against the enemies of Islam and humanity.
In 11 A.H., our Master Muhammad [s] passed away. On that occasion, all Muslims became sad. Ammar wept over his old friend, Allah's Apostle. He remembered the days of his youth in Makkah and the days of Jihad. Ammar (may Allah be pleased with him) stayed loyal to his Islam.
He was always striving for the religion and saying the word of truth. He was not afraid of anyone but Allah. Ammar loved Ali bin Abu Talib because he heard our Master Muhammad [s] always saying: Ali, no one loves you but a believer and no one hates you but a hypocrite. Ali, you are in the same position with respect to me as Harun was to Musa except there is no Prophet after me.
On the farewell pilgrimage, Ammar saw our Master Muhammad [s] taking both arms of Ali and raising them high, he said:
Whoever, I am the master of, this man, Ali is his master. Allah, befriend whoever befriends him, be hostile to whoever opposes him. Support whoever supports him and desert whoever deserts him.
For this reason, Ammar thought that Ali bin Abu Talib would be the Caliph after our Master Muhammad [s]. Anyhow, Abu Bakr al-Sidiq became the Caliph after the Prophet. But some companions opposed his Caliphate. Ammar opposed his Caliphate too. And he stood by Ali bin Abu Talib and Fatima al-Zahra, our Master Muhammad's daughter. After a short while, Fatima al-Zahra, the mistress of the women of the world, died.

Ammar devoted most of his time to the life of Jihad. He took part in the Muslims conquest battles. He also fought bravely against the apostasy in Yemen. When Umar bin al-Khattab became the Caliph after Abu Bakr, he appointed Ammar to rule over Kufa. There Ammar treated people according to Allah's law. And the people were pleased with his just, merciful and humble treatment.

Al-Shura (Consultation)
In 23 A.H., Umar bin al-Khattab was assassinated. Some Muslims had come to Umar, earlier, and asked him to appoint a Caliph after him. The Caliph decided that the Caliphate had to be shura (consultation).
So, he elected six persons. They were Ali bin Abu Talib [a], Uthman bin Affan, Talha, Zubair, Abdul Rahman bin Auf and Saad bin Abi Wakkas. Umar ordered the persons to hold a meeting in one of their houses to appoint one of them caliph within three days.
Ammar hoped that they would elect Ali because of his long jihad, his blood relation to our Master Muhammad [s], his knowledge, his outstanding merits and his priority in Islam. One day passed. Then two days passed.
But there was no result. There was serious competition between Ali bin Abu Talib [a] and Uthman bin Affan for the Caliphate. Some companions such as al-Miqdad, Ammar bin Yasir, al-Abbas, and others stood by the house. They hoped that Ali would be elected.
Banu Ummayyah stood by the house, too. They hoped that Uthman would be elected. To make Abdul Rahman bin Auf hear, Ammar loudly said: If you want to see the Muslims in agreement then appoint Ali. To support Ammar, al-Miqdad said:
Ammar has told the truth. If you appoint Ali, we'll hear and obey him. AbdulRahman's ambition was to be a caliph. He refused to appoint Ali because Ali would not hand him the Caliphate later on. So, Abdul Rahman appointed Uthman to hand him the Caliphate after his death.
Thus Uthman became the third Caliph. Imam Ali went out after he had said to Abdul Rahman:
This is not the first day when you support each other against us! But patience is good and Allah is whose help is sought for against what you describe. By Allah, you have appointed Uthman caliph to hand you the Caliphate.
Ammar was very unhappy for the Ahlul Bait because they were worthier of Caliphate than other people and because Allah kept away uncleanness from them and purified them thoroughly.

Six years passed after Uthman's Caliphate. Gradually, the Caliph deviated from Islam and from our Master Muhammad's behaviour. Uthman appointed his blood relatives rulers over the cities. They were bad, unjust persons.
For example, Uthman appointed al-Waleed bin Utbah, his half brother, ruler over Kufa. Al-Waleed drank alcohol and went drunk to the mosque.
Uthman made Marwan bin Hakam the real ruler of the Muslim government. He appointed the rulers and dismissed them. He dismissed the great companion Salman al-Farsi from Mada-inn and appointed one of his blood relatives over it. Uthman also dismissed Saad bin Abi Wakkas from Kufa and appointed al-Waleed bin Akabah over it. Uthman spent the Muslims' money on his blood relatives from Bani Ummayyah and left the poor to live in pain.

The Word of Truth
There were jewels in the Muslim public treasury. Uthman divided the jewels among his daughters and wives. The Muslims became angry. They began talking against Uthman's bad behaviour. Uthman went on with his corrupt policy.
One day, he went up the pulpit and addressed the people: We'll take whatever we need from the Public Treasury in spite of all people. Imam Ali bin Abu Talib became sad when he heard Uthman's words.
Ammar bin Yasir aged 90 stood up and said the word of truth: By Allah, I'm the first man to prevent you from that. The Caliph became annoyed and said:
Bin Yasir, how dare you say these words before me! Uthman ordered his guards to arrest Ammar.
The guards respected neither Ammar's old age nor his friendship to Allah's Apostle [s]. They drew him into Uthman's room. They chained his hands and legs. Then the Caliph came and began hitting Ammar on the belly till he became unconscious.
Some Muslims came and carried him to our Master Muhammad's wife, Umm Salama's house. Ammar remembered the days of torture in Makkah. He could endure as many times as what Uthman did because he was a young man. But today he was unable to endure Uthman's torture because he became an old man.
Umm Salama felt pain when she saw Ammar in that bad condition. Yet Ammar said: This is not the first day when we suffer from torture for Allah.

Uthman Banishes Abu
Uthman banished Abu Dhar to al-Rabatha Desert which is uninhabited because of its bad climate. Besides Uthman prevented the Muslims from seeing off Abu Dhar. Any how, some Companions of the Prophet went out to see off the great companion Abu-Dhar.
Ali Bin Abu-Talib, our Master Muhammad's grandsons, al-Hasan and al-Husain, and Ammar went out to see off Abu-Dhar. Then Imam Ali [a] said: May not Allah amuse those who annoy you. And He may not make safe those who have dismayed you. By Allah, if you want their world, they'll make you safe. And if you are pleased with their actions, they'll love you. Abu Dhar, his wife, and his daughter went to al-Rabatha Desert. He remembered the tradition of our our Master Muhammad [s]:
Abu-Dhar, you'll live alone, and die alone!

The Revolution
The Muslims' anger increased because of Uthman's and his rulers' behaviour. The Prophet's Companion's in Madina wrote to people every where: If you want Jihad, then come to it. Because your Caliph has corrupted Muhammad's religion.
For this reason, the delegates from Kufa, Egypt, Basra, and the like came to Madina and went to the Caliph to ask him to change his based policy. But he dismissed them.
So, they went to Ali Bin Abu-Talib, our Master Muhammad's cousin and his successor. Imam Ali [a] hoped that Uthman would come back to the laws of Islam. Thus he went to advise him:
Don't be a tool in Marwan's hand. Don't let him direct you to whatever he likes. Don't forget your position with respect to Allah's Apostle [s].
Uthman agreed to announce his repentance before people. So, he went out and apologized to people for his bad behaviour. Besides he promised them to follow a new policy Allah and his Apostle accepted. But Marwan, who was cunning, said to him:
Don't be weak before people. Threaten them! Nayylah, Uthman's wife, knew that Marwan was a bad man and that he disliked Muslims. For this reason, she said to her husband:
Listen to Ali because people love and obey him: don't listen to Marwan because people hate him. Uthman did not listen to those who advised him. So, people revolted and killed him in his palace.

Imam Ali [A]
The Muslim masses headed for Imam Ali's house. They asked him to be the Caliph. The Imam refused that and said: Look for another man. But people realized that the Imam was the only man who deserved the Caliphate. Therefore, they insisted on their attitude. Finally, the Imam agreed to shoulder this responsibility to deprive the ambitious of it.

The Muslims revolted for justice. They were angry at persecution. Imam Ali [a] was the symbol of justice. The Imam did not sadden the Muslims. On the first day, he dismissed all the bad rulers Uthman had appointed. Then he appointed good rulers. The Imam dismissed Mu'awiyah from Sham. But Mu'awiyah was always planning to control Sham first. Then he planned to control the Muslim lands in general.
So, he rebelled and announced that he would get revenge on Uthman's killers. For this reason, the Battle of Siffeen took place on the borders between Syria and Iraq. Imam Ali's army included many companions of Allah's Apostle [s]. Ammar bin Yasir, Malik al-Ashter, Abdullah bin Abbas, and others were among them.
Mu'awiyah's army included the enemies of Islam such as Marwan bin Al-Hakam, Amru bin al-Ass, bin Abi-Maayad, and those who escaped from Ali's Justice to Mu'awiyah's world.

The Unjust Group will kill You
The Muslims in both armies were always repeating our Master Muhammad [s] tradition: Ammar, the unjust group will kill you. Ammar was in Imam Ali's Army. He was over ninety years old. Nevertheless, he fought as bravely as the believing young man did. He looked at the sky and said:
Allah, if I know that you are pleased with throwing myself into the Euphrates, I'll do! Allah, I know that you are pleased to see me striving those corrupt people!
Ammar was with truth, and truth was always with him. So, he said: By Allah, if they (Mu'awiyah's Army) defeat and chase us to the Hajar date-palms, I'll say that we're right and they're wrong. When the battle broke out, Ammar addressed the fighters:
Who wants Allah's satisfaction?
Some believers accepted his words. So, Ammar led them towards the enemy. When the companions saw him passing through the enemy army, they followed him.
Although Ammar was fasting, he was fighting with great enthusiasm. In the middle of the battle, Ammar saw Amru bin al-Ass and said to him:
Amru, Woe on you! You've sold your religion for Egypt!
Namely, Mu'awiyah promised to give Egypt to Amru bin Al-Ass if the latter stood by him. Amru bin al-Ass said with trick:
No, I'm requesting Uthman's blood! Ammar said:
I firmly believe that your action is not for Allah. Then Ammar advised him: If you won't be killed today, you'll die tomorrow. And actions are according to intentions. So, correct your intentions because Allah will reward people according to their intentions.

The Trial
The Muslims were in a fix. They did not distinguish right from wrong. Their guide was Ammar because our Master Muhammad [s] said:
The unjust group will kill Ammar. Amru bin al-Ass deceived the people of Sham when he said to them:
Be patient! Ammar will come to your front! The days of the war passed, but Ammar was fighting at the front of right. He was always standing by Ali.
One day, Ammar and a believing group launched an attack. Ammar was fighting bravely. He remembered the days when he fought beside our Master Muhammad [s] . He remembered the Battles of Badr, Uhud and the other Muslims battles. Though Ammar was fasting, he went on fighting.
When the sun set, Ammar asked some water because he was thirsty. A fighter brought him a cup full of yogurt. Ammar smiled. Then he cheerfully said:
Tonight, I may die a martyr. Some fighters asked him about the secret. He said:
My dear Allah's Apostle [a] has told me:
The unjust group will kill you. And your final food in this world will be a cup of yogurt.
Ammar (May Allah be pleased with him) drank the cup of yoghurt. Then he continued fighting till he fell over the ground and became a martyr. Mu'awiyah was about to fly because of happiness. Imam Ali [a] was full of sadness and sorrow. During those moments all Muslims knew the unjust group.
Some soldiers in Mu'awiyah's Army were waiting for Ammar's coming to their front. But they saw him fighting bravely beside Imam Ali [a] till he became a martyr. So, they sneered at Amru bin al-Ass' claim. In the meantime, they took advantage of the dark and began coming to join the Imam's Army. They knew that it was the front of right.

The End
Ammar's martyrdom sounded at both fronts. Imam Ali's Army was in high spirits, but Mu'awiyah's Army was in low spirits. At that night, the Imam's Army launched a wide attack against Mu'awiyah's Army. The Imam's Army was about to win victory. But Amru bin al-Ass created a new trick. He ordered the army of Sham to raise the Koran.
They were demanding the Imam's Army to turn to Allah's Book. The fights stopped. Both armies withdrew from the Valley of Siffeen. The martyrs' bodies stayed on the battlefield. The body of Ammar, aged ninety six, stayed there too. Nowadays, when the Muslims visit that area, they can see the big shrine of that great companion, who spent all his life in striving for Islam. When Ammar became a martyr, the Muslims knew the right front during that bitter war.
Ref: Imam Reza Network

Al-Mukhtar al-Thaqafy

In the month of Rajab, 60 A.H., Mu'awiyah died. He had ruled the Muslim countries for twenty years. He killed many companions of our Master Muhammad. Hajar bin Ady al-Kindy, Amr bin al-Hamq al-Khazay, and Rasheed al Hajry were some of them.
He killed with poison Imam Hasan (the Prophet's grandson), Malik al-Ashtar, Saad bin Abu Waqas, and others. In spite of the Muslims' dissatisfaction, Mu'awiyah appointed his son Yazeed caliph. So, the Caliphate became kingdom.
The Muslims were angry with Yazeed, for he was a corrupt young man. Besides he drank alcohol and amused himself with his monkeys and dogs. The Muslims in Kufa hoped that Imam Husain would be the Caliph, for he was our Master Muhammad's grandson. Moreover, he was good, God-fearing, and a believing man. And he treated the poor kindly.
So, the Muslims sent Imam Husain hundred's of letters asking him to come to save them from persecution. Imam Husain (A.S.) was in al-Madena al-Monawwara. He did not pay homage to Yazeed, for the latter behaved badly. In the meantime, he sent his cousin Muslim bin Aqeel as his envoy to Kufa. Imam Husain asked his cousin to stay with the most loyal person in Kufa.

The people of Kufa were waiting for Imam Husain's coming. They were tired of the Umayyads' persecution. Meanwhile, they longed for Imam Husain's justice. Muslim bin Aqeel arrived in Kufa and stayed with al-Mukhtar.
The people of Kufa heard about his arrival. The people crowded around al-Mukhtar's house to see Imam Husain's envoy. And they wanted to pay homage to establish Allah's government.
Muslim bin Aqeel read the Kufians Imam Husain's message: In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful From al-Husain bin Ali, To the believing Muslim people, Hany and Saeed brought me your letters.
They were your last two messengers. I have understood all that you have written. The majority of your letters have showed that there is no Imam other than me. You have said:
Come. May Allah bring us together with you to follow Guidance and truthfulness. So, I have sent you my cousin Muslim bin Aqeel. I have ordered him to write me about your attitude. If he writes me that your good people are all in agreement, I'll come, Allah willing. By my life! The Imam must conform to the Book and Justice.
The Muslims were full of hope when they heard Imam Husain's message. Al-Mukhtar paid homage to al-Husain's envoy. He promised to establish the Muslim government. He also promised to revolt against the unjust. Besides he promised to support the persecuted. Al-Mukhtar was the first to pay homage to al-Husain. Then thousands of people paid homage. Their number was eighteen thousand people.

Al-Mukhtar al-Thaqafy
Al-Mukhtar bin Abu UbAld bin Masoud al-Thaqafy was born in Tayif City, 1 A.H. Al-Mukhtar's father loyally believed in Islam. He led the Muslim Army to conquer the Persian country. An elephant killed him at the Battle of al-Jisr. So, his son Jubair led the Muslim army. He became a martyr, too.
Al-Mukhtar's house became the headquarters. The Muslims went to it every day. The spies told Yazeed bin Mu'awiyah about al-Mukhtar. They also told him about al-Numan bin Basheer al-Ansarys' mildness, the ruler of Kufa, with him.
Yazeed bin Mu'awiyah asked the advice of Sergon. Sergon was a spiteful Christian man. Sergon advised Yazeed bin Mu'awiyah to appoint Ubaidullah bin Zyyad, the ruler of Basrah, ruler over Kufa. Ubaidullah bin Zyyad arrived in Kufa
He ordered his guards to arrest Muslim bin Aqeel. Muslim bin Aqeel disappeared in a house in Kufa. Ubaidullah bin Zyyad's guards arrested al-Mukhtar. They sent him to al-Tamura. Al-Tamura was a fearful prison under the ground. Ubaidullah bin Zyyad filled the prisons with innocent people. Meanwhile he sent spies all over Kufa to look for Muslim bin Aqeel. Muslim bin Aqeel was forced to announce the revolution. Many people supported him. Muslim bin Aqeel's forces besieged the Prince's palace for several days. Ubaidullah bin Zyyad was wicked. He spread a rumour: The Shamian enormous army will come. It will destroy Kufa and kill its people. The people believed Ubaidullah bin Zyyad's rumour. They left Imam Husain's envoy alone. Muslim bin Aqeel was forced to disappear again.

Taua's House
The spies found Muslim bin Aqeel in a house which belonged to a good old woman called Taua. Ubaidullah bin Zyyad sent the police to arrest Muslim bin Aqeel. When the police asked him to surrender, he refused and began fighting alone. Muslim bin Aqeel was badly wounded. The police promised to treat him kindly. So, he handed over his sword.
The police arrested and took him to the Prince's palace. Ubaidullah bin Zyyad was full of spite. He hated Ahlul-Bait and their supporters. So, he ordered his guards to kill Muslim bin Aqeel. Besides he ordered them to kill one of his companions. The companion's name was Hany bin Urwa.
He was a leader in Kufa. Ubaidullah bin Zyyad ordered his guards to throw Muslim bin Aqeel and his companion down the palace. Ubaidullah bin Zyyad began killing and imprisoning the people in Kufa for any accusation. So, the people there were afraid.

The Battle of Karbala
Imam Husain left al-Madina al-Monawwara. He went to Mecca to perform the Hajj. Yazeed bin Mu'awiyah knew about al-Husain's travel. He sent some spies to kill him. So, Imam Husain decided to leave Mecca. He said:
"I don't want them to violate the Holiness of the Kaaba
Imam Husain headed for Kufa. On the way, he heard that Ubaidullah bin Zyyad's guards killed Muslim bin Aqeel, Hany, Qais bin Muzahir al-Saidawy, and others.
A thousand horsemen surprised Imam Husain's caravan. They prevented it from advancing towards Karbala. Then the military battalions came successively. Their number was four thousand fighters. Seventy persons came with Imam Husain. They were his family and his supporters.
When Ubaidullah bin Zyyad's army asked Imam Husain to surrender and to pay homage to Yazeed bin Mu'awiyah, he said his famous words:
"Abasement is far away from us!"
Imam Husain was ready to die a martyr for Islam. In the morning, Muharram 10th, the Battle of Karbala took place. Thousands of fighters launched a savage attack against Imam Husain and his companions.
They faced the attack bravely. Strong fights took place. They astonished the enemies. Only seventy fighters were fighting from the early hours of the morning till afternoon. All of Imam Husain's companions passed away. Imam Husain was alone. Still he attacked Ubaidullah bin Zyyad's army. He was fighting bravely. Ubaidullah bin Zyyad's Army killed Imam Husain. It beheaded the martyrs, tied their heads to the spears, and burnt the tents. Then it took the women and the children prisoners.

Al-Husain's Head
Al-Shimr beheaded al-Husain and gave his head to Ubaidullah bin Zyyad. The people saw Imam Husain's head. They felt pain because they did not support him. Ubaidullah bin Zyyad ordered some guards to bring al-Mukhtar. Seeing al-Husain's head, al-Mukhtar said with pain:
"Alas! Alas!"
Then he thought about a revolution to punish the criminals.

Maitham al-Tammar
Maitham al-Tammar was a good man. He was one of Imam Ali's companions. From the Imam's knowledge, he learnt a lot. Maitham al-Tammar was in the same prison with al-Mukhtar. One day al-Mukhtar said to him:
"Ubaidullah bin Zyyad, the unjust man, had killed the Grandson of Allah's Apostle so, he will kill us!"
Maitham al-Tammar said:
"My dear Ali (A.S.) has said to me:" 'They will tie you to a date-palm trunk. Then they will kill you. They will release al-Mukhtar from prison. He will kill the unjust tyrant. He will kick his face with his leg.' "

Safyyah was al-Mukhtar's sister. She was the wife of Abdullah bin Umar bin al-Khattab. Abdullah bin Umar bin al- Khattab had good relation with Yazeed bin Mu'awiyah. So, he asked him to release al-Mukhtar. Ubaidullah bin Zyyad decided to kill al-Mukhtar. But Yazeed bin Mu'awiyah sent a man quickly to him. He ordered him to release al-Mukhtar.
Ubaidullah bin Zyyad read Yazeed bin Mu'awiyah's message. He obeyed him. So, he released al-Mukhtar. He said to him rudely: "You must leave Kufa within three days. If you do not leave it, I will kill you."
So, al-Mukhtar headed for Mecca.

Abdullah bin al-Zubair
Abdullah bin al-Zubair appointed himself caliph. The people paid him homage. Some people liked him. Some disliked the Umayyads. Al-Mukhtar knew that Abdullah bin al-Zubair was ambitious. Anyhow, he paid him homage because he hated the Umayyads. Yazeed bin Mu'awiyah had killed Imam Husain and captured his family.
So, the people of al- Madina al-Monawwara, the majority of the Prophets companions were with them, revolted against him. Muslim bin Akkaba, whom the people called Mujrim bin Akkaba, headed the Shamian army.
He attacked al-Madina al-Monawwara and the Prophet's Holy shrine. He committed massacre. The number of the killed was more than fifteen thousand people. He violated the women. Then he put them in the markets for sale. After that massacre, Yazeed's Army headed for Mecca to occupy it.

Al-Mukhtar defends Allah's House
Mujrim bin Akkaba headed the Shamian Army. On the way to Mecca, a scorpion stung him. He died. So, al-Husain bin Numair, who took part at Karbala massacre, headed the army. The Shamian Army besieged the Holy Mecca.
The soldiers occupied the nearby hills and mountains. The soldiers placed their Majaneeq (in ancient times, machines for throwing fire in war). Al-Husain bin Numair ordered his soldiers to attack Madena:
"Throw fire at them!"
A soldier said:
"Leader, they are meeting in the Kaaba!"
The leader commanded the soldiers with spite:
"Throw fire at the Kaaba!"
The soldiers did. The fire dropped on the houses and the mosques. The walls of the Kaaba caught fire. After the heavy fires, al-Husain bin Numair ordered the horsemen to break into Mecca. He also ordered them to kill the passers-by. The infantry, heavily armed, followed the horsemen.
They advanced towards Mecca. Violent fights took place in the Kaaba. Al-Mukhtar was defending Allah's House against the invaders. He forced them to retreat. A horseman came from Damascus while the violent fights were going on. The horsemen met al-Husain bin Numair. He said to him:
I've sad news." "Say." "Caliph Yazeed bin Mu'awiyah has died! "What?"
Al-Husain bin Numair was surprised to hear the news. He asked the horseman to keep silent. But the news quickly spread among the Shamian soldiers, who were tired of the siege. They were displeased with attacking the Kaaba, Allah' House, because they turned their faces toward it when they said their prayers.

Al-Mukhtar comes back to Kufa
Al-Husain bin Numair withdrew his forces. He headed for Damascus. So, the siege was over. After four years' stay in Madena, al-Mukhtar decided to come back to Kufa. After Yazeed's death, Ubaidullah bin Zyyad escaped to Damascus.
The people of Kufa took advantage of the situation and supported Abdullah bin al-Zubair. Abdullah bin al-Zubair appointed Abdullah bin Mutea, ruler over Kufa. Some rulers who took part at Karbala massacre supported the new ruler.
One day, one of them said: "
Your Highness, the Prince, al-Mukhtar is more dangerous than Sulaiman. Sulaiman went out to Kufa to fight the Shamian people, but al-Mukhtar wants to announce his revolution in Kufa. He wants to get revenge on Imam Husain's killers."
Another said:
"I think you have to imprison him."
The Prince accepted their ideas. Thus, he imprisoned al-Mukhtar.

Sulaiman bin Sird
Sulaiman bin Sird was a good companion. He and the Kufians felt pain because they did not support Imam Husain at the Battle of Karbala. For this reason, he asked them to turn to Allah in repentance.
Four thousand Muslims followed him. He formed an army. He announced his revolution against the Umayyads, who killed Imam Husain and captured his family. Although the soldiers were few in numbers, they were very eager to start the fight. First, they visited Imam Husain's tomb and wept very much.
Then they headed for Sham. Ubaidullah bin Zyyad formed an army of eight thousand soldiers. Violent fights took place. The two armies met at Ain al-Warda on the borders between Iraq and Sham. Sulaiman bin Sird passed away during the fights. Ryfaah bin Shaddad headed the army after Sulaiman bin Sird. Then he decided to withdraw the army to Kufa.

Al-Mukhtar sends a Message
From his prison, al-Mukhtar sent a message to Ryfaah and his companions. The message was as follows:
"Allah has made your reward greater. He has decreased your sins for fighting the unjust. Allah will reward you."
Ryfaah answered al-Mukhtar's message. In it he said:
"We are ready to break into the prison to release you!"
Al-Mukhtar ordered them not to do that.

Al-Mukhtar announces Revolution
Abdullah bin Umar bin al-Khattab interceded for al-Mukhtar again. He was released. Having left prison, al-Mukhtar began calling up the people to punish the persons who committed Karbala massacre. In the meantime, he received a letter from Muhammad bin al-Hanafiyah, Imam Ali's son. In his letter, Muhammad announced his support to al-Mukhtar.
Muhammad's attitude encouraged people to stand by al-Mukhtar. Ibraheem al-Ashtar, a brave senior army leader, joined al-Mukhtar. The revolutionaries fixed time to announce the revolution. The time was Thursday night, Rabi al-Awwal 14th, 66 A.H. The spies were reporting about al-Mukhtar's movements. Meanwhile, the police were roaming through the streets in Kufa.

The Revolution breaks out
On Tuesday night, Rabi al-Awwal, namely two days before the revolution, on the way to al-Mukhtar's house, Ibraheem al-Ashtar and some of his friends came across a patrol. The Commander of the patrol said:
"Who are you?"
Ibraheem al-Ashtar answered:
"I'm Ibraheem al-Ashtar"
The Commander of the patrol said:
"Who are those with you? Have you permission to go out at night?" "No." "We must arrest you!"
Ibraheem al-Ashtar was forced to attack the Commander. He killed him. The rest of the patrol ran away. Ibraheem al-Ashtar and his friends hurried to al-Mukhtar. They told him about the accident. Ibraheem al-Ashtar said to al-Mukhtar:
"You must announce the revolution at once!"
Al-Mukhtar said:
"What has happened?" "I have killed the Commander of the patrol. It's important to announce the revolution at once."
Al-Mukhtar became cheerful and said:
"May Allah make you happy! This is the beginning of the conquest!"

The Revenge
Al-Mukhtar ordered his followers to make fires. The fires were a sign of the revolution. At midnight, the Kufians woke. They heard the revolutionaries repeating slogans. The revolutionaries went to al-Mukhtar's house. Street clashes took place in Kufa. The Ruler's soldiers and the police surrendered. Then the Ruler himself escaped to al-Hejaz.

In Kufa Mosque
Al-Mukhtar went up the pulpit. He announced the aims of the revolution:
"I'll conform to Allah's Book and to His Apostle's Sunnah. I'll take revenge on Imam Husain's killers I'll fight against those who have broken Allah's laws. I'll defend the weak against the strong."
Al-Mukhtar wanted to follow Imam Ali's just policy. So, the people were full of happiness. The Umayyads were racists. They preferred Arabs to non-Arabs. For this reason, al-Mukhtar abolished racial discrimination. He adopted justice instead.

The Victory
After the Battle of Ain al-Warda, the Umayyad Army went on advancing towards Kufa. It occupied Mousal City. Then it headed for Kufa.
Al-Mukhtar formed an army of three thousand fighters. Yazeed bin Anas, a brave, good, old man headed the army Reaching Mousal suburbs, al-Mukhtar's Army met the Umayyads' one at two battles. It won the two battles. Then Yazeed bin Anas died. His death affected his fighters' spirits. They were afraid of the Umayyads' Big Army. Thus, they decided to come back to Kufa.

The Rumours
Imam Husain's killers rumoured that al-Mukhtar's army was defeated. They also rumoured that Yazeed bin Anas was killed at the battle. So, al-Mukhtar formed an army of seven thousand fighters. He ordered Ibraheem al-Ashtar, a brave leader, to head the army.
The army left Kufa. Al-Mukhtar's enemies took advantage of the situation. They plotted against al-Mukhtar's government. The rebels besieged the Prince's palace. In spite of the siege, al-Mukhtar sent a horseman to Ibraheem al-Ashtar. The horseman told him to come back.
After three days' siege, the rebels were astonished to see the army coming back. The army could end the Mutiny quickly. It arrested some plotters. And some escaped. The army executed Harmala bin Kahil, who killed Imam Husain's baby. It arrested and executed Sanan bin Anas, who took part in Imam Husain's killing. And it executed Amr bin Saad, who led the Umayyad Army at Karbala massacre. Shibth bin Riby escaped to Basrah. Shimr bin Zil- Jawshan also escaped. The army chased him. It found him at a village in Wasit and executed him. Al-Shimr himself had beheaded Imam Husain. He took his head to Kufa and Damascus.

Al-Mukhtar thanks To Allah
Al-Mukhtar was a good man. He fasted to thank Allah for His blessings. Allah granted him victory over the Prophet's enemies, who killed his grandson and robbed his family of their possessions. Al-Mukhtar thought that Allah's blessings are countless. Concerning this, Allah, the Glorified, said:
"And if you count Allah's favours, you will not be able to number them."
So, al-Mukhtar fasted for most days of the year.

The Battle of al-Khazar
Ibraheem al-Ashtar's Army reached al-Khazar River. There he met Ubaidullah bin Zyyad's Army. Violent fights took place between the two sides.
The Kufian Army fought bravely. Some commandos made a brave attack against the Umayyads' headquarters. They killed senior leaders such as Ubaidullah bin Zyyad and al-Husain bin Numair. Anyhow, Ibraheem al-Ashtar's Army defeated Ubaidullah bin Zyyad's. Al-Mukhtar's victory spread all over the Muslim cities. The Muslims became happy when they heard about Ubaidullah bin Zyyad's killing.
The Battle of al-Khazar suited Allah's Words:
"How often has a small party vanquished a numerous host by Allah's permission"
Ibraheem al-Ashtar's small army defeated Ubaidullah bin Zyyad's big one.

Abd al-Malik bin Marwan
Al-Mukhtar made peace with Abdullah bin al-Zubair to unite efforts against the Umayyads, the enemy of Islam. Still Abdullah bin al-Zubair was ambitious. He was afraid of al-Mukhtar's increasing power and popular base, for he could end the persons who committed Karbala massacre. Yazeed bin Mu'awiyah died. His son Mu'awiyah succeeded him.
Mu'awiyah bin Yazeed bin Mu'awiyah was a believing young man. He admitted that his father was bad. Therefore, he resigned from the Caliphate.
Marwan bin al-Hakam was ambitious. He took advantage of the situation. So, he became the ruler. He ruled for six months. He died. Then his son Abid al-Malik succeeded him. Abd al-Malik bin Marwan sent a big army to occupy al-Madina al-Monawwara. Al-Mukhtar heard about the army.
He formed an army of three thousand fighters to save the Prophets' City. Apparently, bin al-Zubair sent an army of two thousand fighters to defend Madina against Abid al-Malik's Army. Abdullah bin al-Zubair's real aim was to attack al-Mukhtar's Army. Al-Mukhtar's soldiers were busy fighting. Bin al-Zubair's army took advantage of the situation.
It attacked al-Mukhtar's soldiers. It killed some soldiers. The rest escaped to the desert. They died of hunger and thirst. Bin al-Zubair disliked the Alawids. He brought them together near a mountain outside Mecca. He prevented them from leaving that place. Besides he demolished their houses. Al-Mukhtar sent five thousand fighters to raise the siege. He released the Alawids and rebuilt their houses.

Musab bin al-Zubair
Abdullah bin Al-Zubair thought about a new, strict ruler to appoint over Basrah. He chose his brother Musab to carry out the task. Musab bin al-Zubair arrived in Basrah. He addressed its people: "Some people have told me that you surname your rulers. Before you surname me, I have surnamed myself al-Jazzar (Butcher)." Some persons killed innocent people. They escaped from al-Mukhtar's justice. They began urging Musab to fight al-Mukhtar.

The Martyrdom
Musab formed a big army and headed for Kufa. He took al-Mukhtar by surprise. Ibraheem al-Ashtar was in Mousil City. Al-Mukhtar faced Bin al-Zubair with his small army.
The two sides won victories during the first fights. Bin al-Zubair's Army launched a strong attack. It forced al-Mukhtar's army to come back to Kufa. Musab's Army followed al-Mukhtar to Kufa. It besieged his palace.
The siege went on for four months. Al-Mukhtar tried to raise the siege. He ordered the Kufians to make street clashes. But they disobeyed him. On Ramadhan 14th, 61, al-Mukhtar decided to leave his palace. He said to his companions:
"The siege will weaken us more and more! Let's go out to die martyrs."
Only seventeen persons obeyed al-Mukhtar. They went out to fight the big army that surrounded the palace. Al-Mukhtar was sixty-seven years old. He fought bravely. Then he died a martyr for Islam. Musab cheated the persons who stayed in the palace. He promised not to harm if they came out. When they opened the gates of the palace, he ordered his soldiers to kill them all. Meanwhile, he executed seven thousand people on one day. It was a horrible massacre. The Kufians had never seen it before.

The Believing Women
Musab ordered his soldiers to arrest al-Mukhtars wife. Her name was Umra. Her father's name was al-Numan bin Basher al-Ansary. She was a believing woman. Musab asked her to disown her husband. She said:
"I won't disown him. He fasted at day. He said his prayers at night. He sacrificed himself to Allah and His Apostle. He took revenge on Imam Husain's killers."
Musab said with a threat:
"I'll kill you."
The believing woman said:
"To die a martyr for Allah is better than this world. I'll die and enter the Paradise! I prefer Imam Ali's to everything!"
Musab decided to kill her. In the dark, a person took her to a place between Hira and Cuba. In that desert the person beheaded her. She died a martyr for Imam Husain's aims. Al-Mukhtar and his wife passed away. They wrote a bright page in the history of Jihad. The page has illuminated the way for generations
Ref: Imam Reza Network


In Ramadan, 2 A.H., 313 Muslim fighters went outside Madina to attack a Quraishi trade caravan coming from Shaam. The caravan was very big. It had one thousand camels. Abu Sufyan, the enemy of Islam, led it.
When the Muslims immigrated from Makkah to Madina, the polytheists attacked and robbed their houses. For this reason, the Prophet [s] wanted to bring back the Muslims' money. Besides he wanted to punish the Quraish. So, he began threatening their trade caravans.
The Muslims camped near Badr wells. They were waiting for the arrival of the caravan. After a period of time, they heard bad news. The news was that Abu Sufyan changed the course of the caravan.
Meanwhile, the Quraish were preparing a big army with good weapons to save the caravan from the Muslims. The Muslims went out to control the trade caravan. They were not thinking about facing the big army.
Our Master Muhammad [s] asked his companions' opinions. Umar bin al-Khattab stood up and said:
It's Quraish and its disloyalty (i.e. the Quraish are always disloyal). By Allah! It (the Quraish) has not become abase since it became strong. And it has not believed (in Allah) since it disbelieved (in him).
The Muslims were very worried when they heard Umar's words. Moreover, some of them thought about coming back to Madina. During those sensitive moments, al-Miqdad bin al-Aswad al-Kindy stood up and said with enthusiasm:
Allah's Apostle, go on obeying Allah's order! We'll support you! By Allah, we won't say as the Jews had said to their prophet: You and your lord, go and fight! We'll stay here! We say: You and your lord, go and fight! We'll fight with you.
Happy expression appeared on our Master Muhammad's face. Then the Prophet [s] said to al-Ansar: What shall I do? Saad bin Maadh answered:
Allah's Apostle, we've believed in you, we've believed you. We've confessed that which you you've brought is true. We've promised to hear and obey! Then, Allah's Apostle, go on what you've wanted! By Allah! If you asked us to cross the Red Sea, we would do!
The Muslims were full of enthusiasm. They got ready to face the polytheists with hearts filled with faith. The fight started. The Muslims won it. Then they came back and remembered al-Miqdad's words.

Who was al-Miqdad?
Al-Miqdad belonged to Kunda's tribe. He escaped from his tribe and inhabited Makkah. There he belonged to a man called al-Aswad bin Abid Yaqut al-Zuhry. So, people called him al-Miqdad bin al-Aswad.
In connection with al-Miqdad, this verse came down from the sky: Call them with their fathers' names For this reason, people called him al-Miqdad bin al-Aswad.
Islam rose from the top of the Hiraa Mount. Al-Miqdad became twenty-four years old. He heard about our Master Muhammad's mission. He hurried to believe in the new religion. He kept his Islam a secret.He met our Master Muhammad [s] secretly. Thus, he was among the earlier Muslims. He always felt the Muslims' sufferings.

The Migration
Our Master Muhammad [s] ordered his companions to immigrate to Madina. They immigrated one by one or group by group. Then Allah, the Glorified, ordered His Apostle to immigrate to Madina. Al-Miqdad rejoiced at the safety of Allah's Apostle.
He admired the Muslim young man Ali bin Abu-Talib [a] who sacrificed his life to save our Master Muhammad [s] from polytheists' swords.
When our Master Muhammad [s] immigrated to Madina, the polytheists attacked and robbed the Muslims' houses. So, our Master Muhammad [s] thought about threatening the Quraishi trade caravan as a punishment.
Hamza bin Abdul-Muttalib headed the first company and went towards al-Ays area near the Red Sea. There he met the polytheistic troops headed by Abu Jahal. No fight took place because some Arab leaders mediated between the two parties.
In Shawwal, 1 A.H., another company went out. The number of the company was sixty fighters. Its aim was to get to Rabgh Valley to threaten the Quraishi trade road between Makkah and Shaam.

In Makkah
Al Miqdad decided to join the polytheistic troops. He took advantage of the condition to immigrate to Madina. Utbah bin Ghazwan became Muslim secretly. Al-Miqdad headed for him.
They agreed on joining the polytheistic troops.
Abu Sufyan led two hundred fighters and headed for Rabgh Valley. There, the polytheists met the Muslim company. The two sides reciprocated arrows.
In the meantime, the polytheists were surprised to see two of their fighters running towards the Muslim company. Besides, they heard the Muslims' yells sounding in the desert:
Allah is great! Allah is great!
Then Abu-Sufyan knew the runaways' names. They were al-Miqdad and Utbah bin Ghazwan. Abu-Sufyan was full of spite. He ordered his fighters to come back to Makkah. He was afraid that there might be secret Muslims among his fighters.

In al-Madina al-Munawwara
Al-Miqdad lived happily in Madina The Muslims were full of faith, for the Prophet [s] treated them all kindly. Our Master Muhammad [s] was very careful of the Muslims.
He was always thinking about their security and future in here and hereafter. Al-Miqdad was deeply believing. He loved Allah's Apostle. He was always going with him to wage holy war against the polytheists.
One day, the polytheists attacked Madina pastures and robbed them of their cattle. So, our Master Muhammad [s] asked the Muslims to chase them. Al-Miqdad was among the first Muslims who obeyed the order of Allah's Apostle. Our Master Muhammad [s] led two hundred horsemen to chase the attackers, but they ran away. After the Prophet [s] had dismayed the polytheists, he came back to Madina. That raid was named Badr Minor Battle.

Battle of Badr
Near Badr wells, the Muslims heard that the polytheists would form an army. Besides Abu Jahal led the army. Our Master Muhammad [s] asked his companions' opinions. Some companions advised him to come back to Madina.
Meanwhile the Muslims were very worried. During those moments, al-Miqdad stood up and said enthusiastic words. The words made the Muslims full of faith. When the fight broke out, the Muslims fought bravely.
In the meantime, our Master Muhammad [s] asked Allah to grant His believing slaves a victory. After only a few hours, the Muslims could defeat the polytheists.
Allah took revenge on Abu Jahal and Umayyah bin Khulaif, for they had tortured the Muslims. Besides, the Muslims captured some polytheists, such as al-Nadhar bin al-Harith, Akabah bin Abu-Myad, and others.
Al-Miqdad captured al-Nadhar bin al-Harith.
The Muslims took the prisoners of war and headed for Madina.
When they reached al-Atheel area, the Prophet [s] ordered a Muslim to kill al-Nadhar bin al-Harith. Al-Nadhar bin al-Harith had tortured the Muslims in Makkah.
So, the Muslims prayed for Allah to save them from him. For this reason, Allah's Apostle ordered Ali bin Abu Talib [a], the hero of Islam, to kill al-Nadhar bin al-Harith to save the deprived Muslims from his torture.
Al-Miqdad said:
Allah's Apostle, he's my prisoner!
The Prophet [s] knew that al-Miqdad wanted ransom. So, he raised his hands towards the sky and said:
Allah make al-Miqdad rich with your favour!
Al-Miqdad became satisfied with the prophet's prayers. So, he handed the enemy of Islam and of humanity to the Muslims to punish him.
The Prophet [s] asked his companions to treat the prisoners of war kindly. Besides he released some prisoners without ransom because they were poor. And he asked the prisoners who could read and write to teach the Muslims' children as ransom.

The Battle of Uhud
After their defeat at the Battle of Badr, the polytheists decided to take revenge on the Muslims. So, they formed a big army. The number of the army was three thousand fighters.
The polytheists advanced towards Madina. When they reached it, they left their camels and horses to graze on its pastures. They did that to challenge the Muslims.
The Prophet [s] asked the advice of his companions. Some companions advised him to stay at Madina, and some advised him to go out of it. The Muslim young men were eager to start the battle outside Madina.
So, the Prophet [s] decided to go out of Madina. The Muslim army got to Uhud Mount. There, the Prophet [s] prepared his troops to start the battle.
The Prophet [s] ordered the best fifty bow men to stay on al-Ainain Mount, a small mountain, to guard the Muslims from the back.
When the battle broke out, the polytheists horsemen tried to attack the Muslims from the back. So, the bow men faced them, stopped their attack, and forced them to withdraw.
The polytheists tried three times, but they failed because the Muslim horsemen headed by al-Miqdad faced their attack and fought them bravely.
The polytheists headed by Khalid bin al-Waleed came back to their positions. During those moments, the Prophet [s] ordered the Muslims to launch an opposite attack to drop the polytheists' banner to weaken their spirits.
Strong fights took place around the banner. When the banner dropped from a fighter's hand, another raised it. Finally, the banner dropped.
So, the Muslims defeated the polytheists. The polytheists ran away. Their idol fell off the camel. The bow men saw the polytheists running away. And they saw their Muslim brothers chasing them and collecting booty.
They came down the mountain. Their leader reminded them of our Master Muhammad's advice, but they said:
The polytheists have run away There's no need to stay
During that moment Khalid bin al-Waleed and his horsemen launched a severe attack. So, the remaining bow men could not resist the attack. The polytheist horsemen took the Muslims by surprise.
Hence, the Muslims were in chaos. In the meantime, some Muslims were killed and others were wounded. When the polytheists saw the Muslims' chaotic condition, they came back and carried their banner.
So, the Muslim Army was between two forces. The horsemen were at their back, and the infantry were in front of them. The polytheists tried to kill our Master Muhammad [s] to destroy Islam totally.
But the sincere companions such as Ali bin Abu-Talib [a], al-Miqdad, al-Zubair, Mus'ab bin Umair, Abu-Dujana al-Ansary, Sahal bin Hunaif and others resisted the polytheists bravely. They defended the Prophet [s] against them.
Our Master Muhammad [s] decided to withdraw his troops to Uhud Mount to defend themselves against the polytheists easily. While the Prophet [s] and his troops were withdrawing, they fought the polytheists till they reached Uhud heights. So, after a while, the polytheists stopped their attacks.

The Great Lesson
The Battle of Uhud was a lesson for the Muslims. They learnt a lot from it. They learnt how to obey the Prophet [s] at any rate, for obedience to him meant victory, and disobedience meant defeat. Our Master Muhammad [s] was badly wounded.
The reason was that he ordered the bow men not to leave their place on al-Ainain Mount at any rate, but they forgot his order. The Arab tribes scorned the Muslims' shaken reputation.
Meanwhile, the hypocrites and the Jews rejoiced at their misfortune. For this reason, our Master Muhammad [s] wanted to restore Islam to its reputation. So, he reorganized his troops to chase the polytheists.

Hamraa al-Asad
Though wounded, the Muslims obeyed and supported the great Prophet [s]. So, he took them and headed for a place called Hamraa al-Asad.
The Jews were surprised to see the Muslims going with enthusiasm to face the polytheists army a day after the battle of Uhud. The polytheists thought about attacking Madina again to destroy Islam completely.
So, Abu-Sufyan had camped at al- Rouhaa. Abu-Sufyan heard about the Muslim Army's coming. He was worried, for he knew that the Muslims' defeat was because of the bow men's neglect. So, he withdrew his fighters to Makkah.
He tried to frighten the Muslims. Thus, he sent them his threats to Hamraa al-Asad. The Muslims did not pay attention to his threats. They went on camping at Hamraa al-Asad for three days. They were burning fire at night to challenge the polytheists. Abu-Sufyan was afraid. So, he ordered his troops to withdraw to Makkah.
Thus, our Master Muhammad [a] could restore Islam to its former reputation in the Arab Peninsula. Allah loves Him Al Miqdad deeply believed in Allah and His Apostle. So, our Master Muhammad [s] said about him and about some of his companions:
Allah has ordered me to love four (persons), and He has told me that He loves them. The persons are Ali, al-Miqdad, Abu-Dhar and Salman.
Our Master Muhammad [s] passed away. Some companions were certain that his successor would be Ali bin Abu-Talib [a]. Still some Muhajireen and Ansar held a meeting in Bani Saaida's Saqifa (Shelter). There was a serious competition for the Caliphate.
Finally, Abu-Bakr was appointed caliph. Al-Miqdad, Salman, Ammar, Abu-Dhar, Abu-Ayoob al-Ansary, al-Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib, and others were surprised at that appointment. So, they stood by Imam Ali bin Abu Talib [a].
The Imam insisted on his attitude. His wife Fatima al-Zahra, our Master Muhammad's daughter, supported him. Fatima al-Zahra was displeased with what had happened after her great father's passing away.
She passed away six months after Abu-Bakr's Caliphate. Imam Ali [a] was forced to acknowledge Abu Bakr to avoid disunity Then the other companions acknowledged him, too. Al-Miqdad paid homage and began waging holy war.
He taught people the Qur'an. His reading became famous all over Shaam. Al-Miqdad stayed loyal to Allah and His Apostle. He did not change his opinion.
The Second Caliph appointed six persons. They were Ali bin Abu-Talib [a] Uthman bin Affan, Abdul-Rahman bin Auf, Saad bin Abi-Wakkas, al-Zubair bin al-Awam, and Talha bin Abdullah. The appointed persons held a meeting to elect one of them caliph.
Some Companions hoped that Imam Ali [a] would be elected. Thus al-Miqdad shouted to make the appointed person hear: If you appoint Ali caliph, we'll hear and obey. Ammar bin Yasir supported al-Miqdad. But the ambitious persons played an important role. So, Uthman was appointed caliph.
The End
Al-Miqdad saw Uthman deviating from the Prophet's behaviour. However, he stayed loyal to his religion. He became ninety years old. Then he passed away.

Ja'far al-Tayyar, the Owner of the Two Wings

The Beginning
Abu Talib, Shaikh al-Bat-ha, missed his nephew our Master Muhammad [s]. So, he went to look for him. He was not alone. His son Ja'far aged twenty was with him. Shaikh al-Bat-ha and his son went to the hills near Makkah. They found him there.
Our Master Muhammad [s] was praying humbly. Ali, the young man of Islam, was praying on his right. They were not afraid of anyone but Allah. They were praying for Allah, the Creator of the skies and the earth, the Creator of creatures,
While they were praying, their number was a pitiful sight. Abu Talib turned to his son and said: Join your cousin's wing
Namely, stand on his left hand, for Ali has stood on his right hand. The bird can't fly but with two wings. This means that Abu Talib, the Prophet's uncle, did not want our Master Muhammad [s] to stay with one wing. Since then, Ja'far's name has appeared in the bright history of Islam.
Ja'far bin Abu Talib was born about 25 years after the Year of the Elephant. He was 10 years older than his brother Ali. He was about 20 years younger than our Master Muhammad [s].
Ja'far bin Abu Talib looked like our Master Muhammad [s]. He lived with his cousin al-Abbas. Abu Talib had a big family. Our Master Muhammad [s] wanted to relieve his worries. So, he took Ali to his house. Al-Abbas took Ja'far to his house.
The light of Islam illuminated the sky of Makkah. Our Master Muhammad [s] invited the bewildered to the New Light. He invited the defeated and the oppressed to the religion of salvation and freedom. He invited the drowning in the darkness of ignorance to the light of Islam.
But the Quraishi tyrants did not listen to the voice of Islam and the Call of the Sky. So, they began fighting our Master Muhammad [s] and those who believed in him. They wreaked their wrath upon the weak Muslims. They whipped Bilal al-Habashy, Summayya, Yasir, and other Muslims. They whipped them for no sin but because they said:
Our Lord is Allah.
The Immigration to Habasha
One night the Muslims met Allah's Apostle. He was sad to hear that the Muslims were suffering from torture So, he said to them: There's a just King in Habasha. Immigrate to his country. Stay there till Allah drives away your worries.
The idea of immigration shone in the believers' hearts as the sun shone to fill the earth with light and warmth.
At midnight, a small group crept into the land of Habasha (Ethiopia), via the Red Sea. The Muslim immigrants stayed there.
In the meantime, the Quraish increased their torture against the Muslims who stayed in Makkah. So, they were in a fix.
At that critical time, our Master Muhammad [s] ordered his cousin Ja'far to lead a bigger group of Muslims to Habasha.
The number of the new group was over 80 Muslims. Ja'far began leading the immigrating caravan towards the coasts of the sea.
The sea was calm. The wind was gentle. The immigrants reached the coasts of the sea. Allah, the Almighty, wanted a ship to pass by them. The ship was going from Jeddah to Habasha. Ja'far asked her Captain to take them there. The Captain accepted.
The ship set out plowing the sea. The Muslims thanked Allah, who turned their fear into safety to worship Him only.
Ja'far himself was visiting the immigrants, especially the children. His wife Asmaa bint Umayys was visiting the women.
Days and nights passed. The ship anchored at the coasts of Habasha. The Muslims reached the land where our Master Muhammad [s] had ordered them to immigrate.
The Muslims were always praying to Allah freely. No one prevented them from that. During their prayers, they were always asking Allah to grant our Master Muhammad [s] and his Muslim brothers victory over the unjust Quraishi tyrants.
But the news that reached them was sorrowful. Yasir and Summayyah became martyrs under torture, They were in pain to hear about the torture that was happening to their brothers. But they firmly increased their belief.
In Makkah
Abu Jahal, who had a spite against our Master Muhammad [s], was always planning to destroy Allah's religion. He wanted to put out the candle of Islam so that people would live in darkness and ignorance.
But Allah's religion spread as the scent of roses did. It made happiness enter hearts as spring did.
One day, the Quraishi leaders held a meeting in Darul Nadwa. They were thinking about a way to extinguish the light of Islam. Umayyah said:
I'll make Bilal a lesson for slaves so that they'll not think about entering Muhammad's religion.
Abu Jahal said: We'll go on banning Bani Hashim till they die of hunger or they give us Muhammad to kill him.
Abu Sufyan said: But what shall we do for those who escape from Makkah and go to Habasha?
Abu Jahal said: We'll bring them back.
We'll send our friend al-Najashy lots of gifts. So, he'll accept our request.
Who will go?
We'll send a clever man to negotiate with al-Najashy.
After several weeks, they decided to send a delegation to bring back the runaway persons.
In al-Najashy's Presence
In the morning, Amru bin al-Ass and Amarah bin al-Waleed headed for the sea holding gifts to al-Najashy, the King of Habasha.
The delegates crossed the sea with a ship. They reached the land of Habasha. They came to the King's palace.
Amru bin al-Ass said to the guards of the palace: We're the Quraishi delegates holding gifts to the King.
Al-Najashy greeted the delegates and accepted the gifts of the Quraish. The priests received their gifts, too. The King asked them about the purpose of their visit.
The delegates said: Some foolish persons have taken refuge in the land of Habasha. They've abandoned their fathers' and grandfathers' religion. They haven't accepted the King's religion. Rather; they've brought a new religion. Neither you nor we have known it. We, the Quraishi noblemen, have come to bring them back and to educate them.
The King of Habasha was just and wise man. So, he said: How can I hand you the people who have chosen my country and asked me for help? But I'll ask them some questions. If their thoughts are corrupt; if they are deviated, I'd hand them to you. Otherwise, I'd leave them to live in my country.
Al-Najashy sent for the immigrants. They came. Ja'far bin Abu Talib was in advance. They came into the palace and stood in front of the King.
The Habashian people bowed when they met the King. So the Habashian and the delegates bowed to the King. The Muslims did not bow; their heads remained high raised.
Al-Najashy asked the Muslims: Why don't you bow to me?
Ja'far answered: We don't bow to anyone but Allah.
The King said: What do you mean?
Ja'far answered: Your Majesty; the King, Allah has sent us an Apostle. The Apostle has ordered us not to bow to anyone but Allah. He has also ordered us to pray and to pay zakat.
Amru bin al-Ass said evilly: They're breaking the King's religion!
Al-Najashy asked him to keep silent; and asked Ja'far to go on. Ja'far politely said: Your Majesty, the King, we were ignorant people. We worshipped the idols. We ate dead animals. We did bad actions and abandoned our relatives. We mistreated our neighbors. The strong oppressed the weak. So Allah has sent us an Apostle. We know his ancestors and his truthfulness. We know that he is pure and trustworthy So, he has invited us to worship the Only Allah. He has ordered us to avoid what we and our fathers had worshipped. He has ordered us to be truthful and to give the trusts to their owners. He has ordered us to visit our relatives, to be good neighbors, to stop bad actions and shedding blood. He has prevented us from atrocities, falsehood taking the orphan's money and speaking evil of the married women. He has ordered us to worship Allah only and not to be polytheists. He has ordered us to pray, to give alms, and to fast.
Your majesty; the king, we've believed him and followed what he has brought from Allah. So, we've worshipped Allah only- we're not polytheists.
But our people have aggressed against us. They've tortured us. They've prevented us from our religion to worship the idols again.
After they had persecuted us, we came to your country. We've preferred you to others. We want to live in your country. Thus, your majesty, the king, we ask you to treat us justly.
Al-Najashy said politely: Have you anything of what your Prophet has brought?
Ja'far politely said: Yes.
Al-Najashy said: Read me something.
Ja'far began reading some verses of the Chapter of Maryam: And mention Maryam in the Book when she drew aside from her family to an eastern place. So, she took a veil (to screen herself) from them; then We sent to her Our Spirit, and there appeared to her a well-made man. She said: Surely I fly for refuge from you to the Beneficent God, if you are one guarding (against evil). He said: I am only a messenger of your Lord: That I will give you a pure boy. She said: When shall I have a boy and no mortal has yet touched me, nor have I been unchaste? He said: Even so; your lord says: It is easy to me: and that We may make him a sign to men and a mercy from us; and it is a matter which has been decreed. So, she conceived him; then withdrew herself with a remote place and the throes (of childbirth) compelled her to take herself to the trunk of a palm tree. She said: Oh, would that I had died before this, and had been a thing quite forgotten! Then (the child called out to her from beneath her): Grieve not, surely your lord has made a stream to flow beneath you. And shake towards you the trunk of the palm tree, it will drop on you fresh ripe dates. So, eat and drink and refresh the eye. Then if you see any mortal, say: Surely I have vowed a fast to the Beneficent God, so I shall not speak to any man today and she came to her people with him, carrying him (with her). They said: 0 Maryam! Surely you have done a strange thing. O Sister of Haroon! Your father was not a bad man, nor was your mother an unchaste woman.
Al-Najashy wept. His tears flowed on his cheeks. The priests and the monks wept humbly, too.
Ja'far's voice was flowing humbly:
But she pointed to him. They said: How should we speak to one who was a child in the cradle? He said: Surely I am Allah's servant; he has given me the Book and made me a prophet, and has made me blessed wherever I may be, and he has enjoined on me prayer and poor-rate so long as I live and dutiful to my mother; and he has not made me insolent, unblessed and peace be on me on the day I was born, and on the day I die, and on the day I am raised to life .
Al-Najashy stood up for Allah's Words and said humbly: Certainly this and what 'Isa had brought come out of one niche.
He turned to the Quraishi delegates and said angrily: I won't hand them to you and I'll defend them.
Then he ordered his soldiers to dismiss the delegation and to return the gifts to them. He said: They are bribes. I don't want to be bribed.
He turned to Ja'far and his Muslim group and said: You're welcome; Your Prophet is welcome. I admit that he is the Apostle whom 'Isa bin Maryam had given good news about. Live wherever you like in my country.
Al-Najashy wanted to know something about the manners of Islam. He asked Ja'far: How do you greet each other?
Our greeting is to say Assalamu Alaikum.
Another Plot
On the following day Amru bin al-Ass and Amarah decided to go to the King's Palace.
On their way, Amru bin al-Ass said to Amarah: This time, I,ll get my revenge on Ja'far. I'll tell the kings that the Muslims have another idea about 'Isa.
Again the delegates came to al-Najashy and said: Your majesty; the king, the Muslims say that 'Isa is a slave.
Al-Najashy kept silent for a while then he said to the guard: Go to Ja'far to hear his point of view
Ja'far came and greeted the King and said: Assalamu Alaikum.
The King asked him: What's your point of view about 'Isa?
Ja'far answered calmly: We say as Allah and His Apostle have said about him.
The King asked him: What's your Prophet said?
Ja'far answered calmly: He's Allah's slave, His Apostle, His Spirit, His Word that He has given to the chaste, virgin Maryam.
Al-Najashy kept silent for a while, then he drew a line on the ground with his stick. So, he said:
Go to your friends. You're safe in my country.
Again the delegates' plot came to nothing. The delegates hopelessly came back to Makkah. Since that meeting, the Muslims had been happy in the land of the just King.
Our Master Muhammad [s] and the Muslims rejoiced at Ja'far's victory and his stay in Habasha.
The Good Stay
Days, months, and years passed.
Ja'far and the Muslims heard news. When they heard good news, they became happy. When they heard bad news, they became sad.
They became happy when the ban the Quraish imposed on Banu Hashim was over.
They became sad when they heard about the death of Abu Talib, the protector of the Prophet [s] and Khadijah's death, our Master Muhammad's wife, who stood by him and spent her wealth for Islam.
The Muslims in Habasha heard about our Master Muhammad's migration to Madina and the establishment of the first Islamic State, where the flag of monotheism was hoisted. They were filled with happiness.
The news of the decisive Battle of Badr, and the victory of Islam over polytheism and idols arrived to them. They heard about the news of the Battle of Uhud. They were sad to hear about the Prophet's wounds in the battle.
They were happy to hear the news of the Muslims' victories over the polytheists and the Jews. Their happiness was great when they heard about the Prophet's letters to the Kings all over the world.
The Prophet [s] sent letters to Hercules, the Emperor of Rome, Kossra, the King of Iran, and al-Mokawkas, the Pharaoh of Egypt.
Letter to al-Najashy
Amru bin Umayyah al-Dhimry our Master Muhammad's delegate, arrived in Habasha carrying the letter of the Prophet of Islam.
The letter read: From Muhammad, Allah's Apostle To al-Najashy the King of Habasha You are safe.
I thank Allah. There is no god but Him, the King, the Holy, the Peace, the Believer; the Almighty.
I bear witness that 'Isa is Allah's Spirit, and His word He has given to Maryam, the Virgin, the good, and the chaste. Allah created him with His power as He created Adam before.
I am inviting you to worship Allah only, to obey Him, to follow me, and to believe in what has come to me. I am Allah's Apostle. I am inviting you and your soldiers to worship Allah, the Almighty. I have told and advised you. So, accept my advice.
And peace upon him who follows guidance.
Ja'far accompanied our Master Muhammad's delegate on his going to al-Najashy's palace. First they greeted the King of Habasha. Then he received the Prophet's letter respectfully.
Al-Najashy read the letter. He came down the throne and sat on the ground to show his humbleness and respect for Allah's Apostle, our Master Muhammad [s].
Al-Najashy put the letter on his eye to show his great respect. Then he ordered his guards to get him an ivory box to put the letter in. He said: Habasha will be prosperous as long as its people keeps this letter.
The Prophet's delegate gave the King another letter. The letter asked the King to allow the immigrants headed by Ja'far bin Abu Talib to come back to their country.
The Muslims were very happy to hear about their repatriation to their homeland. In the meantime, they thanked al-Najashy for his good hospitality.
Al-Najashy ordered his guards to prepare some ships to bring back the immigrants to the land of al-Hejaz. He sent his representative with them.
The representative was carrying gifts and a letter of greetings to our Master Muhammad [s].
The sails of the ships were raised to start journey, the Muslims set off. They rejoiced at Allah's victory.
The Conquest of Khaibar
In al-Madina al-Munawwara, the army of Islam was getting ready to advance towards the strongholds of the Jewish Khaibar.
The Jews of Khaibar were always plotting to put out the light of Islam. They were always encouraging the Arab tribes to invade Madina to destroy the new Muslim State.
So, our Master Muhammad [s] decided to uproot the danger of the Jews so that people would live in peace.
The Muslim forces reached the road that joined the tribes of Ghatfan and the strongholds of Khaibar to surprise the enemy there.
The number of the Muslim Army amounted to one thousand and four-hundred fighters. Two hundred horse riders were with them. The Muslim women took part in the battle, too.
The Muslims advanced towards the strongholds. At dawn, they surprised the Jews and besieged them completely.
Some Companions launched strong attacks against the Jews. But they were in vain because the Jews faced them with a lot of arrows. The Jews were sneering at our Master Muhammad [s] and his soldiers.
So, the Prophet [s] said: Tomorrow; I'll give the banner to a man. The man loves Allah and his Apostle; Allah and His Apostle love him.
In the morning, some companions wished that the banner would be for them. But our Master Muhammad [s] asked Ali, Ja'far's brother.
Ali shook the banner strongly and advanced towards the strongholds of the Jews. When Ali killed Marhab, the hero of the Jews, they felt fear. Quickly, the Muslims occupied the strongholds of Khaibar, one by one.
Our Master Muhammad [s] and the Muslims were filled with happiness. So, they thanked Allah for the victory over their enemies.
In the meantime, the immigrants of Habasha headed by Ja'far bin Abu Talib arrived. Our Master Muhammad's happiness doubled. So, he said with a bright smile on his face: I don't know which event is more cheerful - Ja'far's coming or the Conquest of Khaibar!
Our Master Muhammad [s] embraced his cousin Ja'far and kissed his forehead and said: Certainly Ja'far and his friends have two immigrations - an immigration to Habasha and an immigration to al-Madina al-Munawwara.
The Battle of Mautah
Our Master Muhammad [s] had sent a messenger to the ruler of Busra, a town in Sham. But the messenger was captured and executed in the land of Mautah. This action was against the humanitarian morals.
The Prophet [s] felt sadness. So, he ordered the Muslims to get ready to make an attack to punish the killers.
In the month of Jamadil-Ula, the second year after the blessed immigration, three thousand fighters went to take part in the battle. The Prophet's advice was lightening their way: I advise you to fear Allah. Invade in the Name of Allah. So, fight Allah's enemy and your enemy. You'll find lonely men in the cells. So, don't fight them. Don't kill a woman or a child. Don't cut down a tree. Don't demolish a building.
Our Master Muhammad [s] appointed Zaid bin Haritha leader to the Muslim Army. The Prophet said: If Zaid was martyred, the leader would be Ja'far bin Abu Talib. If Ja'far was martyred, the leader would be Abdulah bin Rawaha.
The news of the Muslims' attack reached the Romans. So, they established an army. The army was composed of the Romans and the allied Arab tribes. The number of their forces was two hundred thousand soldiers. The armies gathered at the land of al-Balqaa.
The first clash took place between the two armies at the Village of Masharif near al-Balqaa. The mastery of the Romans appeared in the battle because they had a big army. Hercules, the Emperor of Rome, gave the general leadership to his brother Tyodor.
The Muslim Army, though few in number, chose the land of Mautah to be the theater for the war operations because the elevations of the land were suitable for the Muslims to protect themselves against the Roman Colossal Army.
Zaid bin Haritha got ready for the start of the battle. He strongly shook the banner of the Muslim Army and rushed towards the core of the enemy. His rushing made the Muslim forces start the battle with enthusiasm.
Strong fights took place. Spears tore Zaid's body. So, he fell on to the ground dyeing it red.
Before the banner dropped from Zaid's hand, Ja'far bin Abu Talib had rushed and caught it strongly. He began fighting severely. His voice became loud in the middle of the noise of the fights. He announced the good news about victory or martyrdom which each believer hoped.
Ja'far bin Abu Talib jumped off his horse to show his insistence on fighting. He was the first to do that in the history of Islam. He was like the mountain. He was facing the enemies hits. His firmness astonished them.
So, the enemies intensified their attacks against him. A sword hit his right hand. So, it flew in the wind.
Ja'far took the banner of Islam with his left hand and began fighting. Another sword hit his hand and cut it off. Ja'far pressed the banner to his bosom with his upper arm so that the fight would go on.
During those terrible moments, Ja'far was hit again. He fell over the ground and became a martyr.
Abdullah bin Rawaha, the third leader, rushed towards the banner to wave again in the sky of the battle.
The new leader fought bravely to stop the attacks of the Romans who were moving like waves.
Abdullah fell over the ground and became a martyr. So, Thabit bin al-Arqam took the banner and asked the Muslims to elect a new leader.
The Muslims elected Khalid bin al-Waleed.
Very quickly, the new leader decided to withdraw his forces. So, he did some tactic operations to cheat the enemy.
When it got dark, the Muslim Army withdrew with peace and disappeared in the core of the desert.
In the morning, the Romans were surprised to hear about the Muslims' withdrawal. They were afraid to go further into the desert.
At the same time, the brave Muslims, though few in number, dismayed them.
So, the Romans preferred coming back to stay.
In Madina
Jibreel came down from the sky to tell our Master Muhammad [s] about the news of the battle. So, Allah's Apostle went up the pulpit and addressed the Muslims: Zaid took the banner. He fought till he was killed and became a martyr. Then Ja'far took it and fought till he was killed and became a martyr. Then Abdullah took it and fought till he was killed and became a martyr.
Finally, our Master Muhammad [s] began condoling Asmaa, the great Martyr's wife.
The Holy Prophet [s] came into Ja'far's house. He found his children sitting. His wife had just finished doing her hair.
The Prophet [s] kissed Ja'far's children and held them on his lap. He shed tears. Asmaa felt that something had happened to her husband. So, she asked the Prophet [s]: Allah's Apostle, have you heard anything about Ja'far and his companions?
Yes, they've been martyred!
The Prophet [s] left the house. He asked his daughter Fatima al-Zahra to fix some food for them, for a disaster had befallen them.
The Owner of the two wings
When the soldiers of Islam came back to their homeland, they began telling their families about Ja'far's heroic actions and those who were martyred.
One of them said: We've seen 90 wounds in Ja'far's body.
Another said: I've seen him when his right hand had been cut off.
The third said: I've seen him when his left hand had been cut off. He had fallen over the ground and his wounds bled.
Our Master Muhammad [s] said: Jibreel has told me that Allah has granted Ja'far two wings to fly with in the Paradise.
That night, Ja'far's children lay on their beds. They were looking at the sky full of stars. In the meantime, they imagined that their father was flying with his wings like angels.
Ref: Imam Reza Network

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