چهارشنبه 25 مهر 1403






منو سخنرانی مکتوب

ENGLISH shiaquest

منو بهداشت و سلامت

The Famous Sahaba of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWA)

Compiled By: Syed Ali Shahbaz
Martyrdom of Ammar Yasser
On 9th of the Islamic month of Safar in 37 AH, Ammar Yasser, one of the close disciples of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), attained martyrdom at the age of 93 during a battle in the War of Siffin, in defence of Islam, while fighting hypocrisy and sedition in the company of the Prophet ’s First Infallible Successor, Imam Ali (AS). He was killed in cowardly manner from behind by one of the commanders of the Omayyad rebel, Mu’awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan, and thus the Prophet’s prediction that Ammar will be martyred by a heretical group came true. His parents, Yasser and Somayyah, were the first martyrs of Islam.
They were tortured to death by the pagan Arabs of Mecca, such as Abu Sufyan, for believing in the monotheist message of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA). Ammar stood firm against the persecutions of disbelievers and on several occasions accompanied the Prophet in the expeditions against the pagan Arabs. After the passing away of the Prophet, he stood firmly beside Imam Ali (AS) and refused to accept the regime in Medina that had usurped political power through the coup at Saqifa Bani Sa'da, and among whose ranks were many of the same pagan Arabs such as Abu Sufyan and Mu’awiyah who now hypocritically claimed to be Muslim. Ammar’s mausoleum is situated in Reqqa, Syria, at the site of his martyrdom, and is visited by pilgrims.
Owais Qarani, the devout follower of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) from Yemen
On 18th of of the Islamic month of Safar in 37 AH, Owais Qarani, the devout follower of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) from Yemen, who personally did not meet the Prophet, attained martyrdom during a battle of the War of Siffin in defence of the cause of the Prophet's First Infallible Successor, Imam Ali ibn Abil Taleb (AS). He was a victim of the treachery of the Omayyad rebel, Mu'awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan, who had incited civil war amongst Muslims.
Owais was born in Qaran in Yemen and lived a life of piety. On hearing of the message of Islam, he became a Muslim and journeyed to Medina to meet the Prophet who was not in Medina, and Owais had to return to Yemen without meeting him since his mother was very sick. When the Prophet heard about this he blessed Owais and prayed for him. After the passing away of the Prophet, the devout Owais gave his pledge of allegiance to Imam Ali (AS), and was an ardent supporter of the cause of the Ahl al-Bayt. When seditionists started civil wars amongst Muslims, he stood steadfastly beside the Imam, until he attained martyrdom. His tomb in Reqqa near the Syrian city of Aleppo is a site of pilgrimage today.
Ref: Imam Reza Network

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