چهارشنبه 25 مهر 1403






منو سخنرانی مکتوب

ENGLISH shiaquest

منو بهداشت و سلامت

Some Lessons from Karbala

1.Importance of Amr bil maroof (enjoining good ) and Nahi anil munkar (forbidding evil)
The event teaches us ;not to waiver from the right path & not to panic while discharging obligations. One has to have conviction on the hereafter & focus ones mind on permanent consequences in the hereafter.
This has to be done irrespective of how big or strong the enemy is & irrespective of the consequences ,but with the knowledge of what Shariat(Islamic laws) requires us to do under those circumstances. One should never give up, for eg despite strength of Media or other social widespread ills., we need to continue to believe that we can overcome it & continue to fight rather than give up saying what we alone can do.One can atleast begin with ones own family & then the surrounding environment.Know & Discharge your duties with whatever is in your capacity & leave the results to Allah(swt)
2.Taqleed & resorting to an aalim, & not making your own verdicts on Islamic issues
Once there is conviction on the leader & his knowledge, his word is obeyed without any objections/reservation.The importance of knowing fiqh(Islamic practical laws) is seen from the event when Imams sister asks for edict from the Imam of the time.,even while the tents are burning.
3. Selection of spouse & Islamic upbringing of children
This is seen from 2 events once, when First Imam chooses Ummul Banin as wife for a progeny like Hazrat Abbas(as) & secondly when Imam addresses the Yazid troops telling them its the fault of their forefathers & upbringing also which has made them fight against them.
4.Husband- wife relations It teaches that the wife is to be a source of peace for husband...thus Imam’s statement that I don't like a house devoid of Rabab & Sakina.The wife should not stop her husband from discharching his duties HIM ..Bibi Rabab did not stop imam even when he took their child towards death.Sometimes women don't even allow their husbands to go to haj without them. Women should support & encourage their men in discharging their duties to HIM(swt) & others.
5.Importance of knowledge (ilm).so that life can be led as per HIS will.The purpose of Imams sacrifice is mentioned in four words in Ziarat Arbaeen where we say that I give witness that the entire purpose of the total sacrifice was "saving people(bande) from ignorance (jihalat)"
6.The event teaches Ikhlas ie do your duties for HIS sake only, without any Riya(show off),thus belief in hereafter /qiyamat must be very strong only then one can sacrifice material things/pleasure for permanent benefits in hereafter.
7.It teaches us to have control over emotions while acting for HIS sake.At the same time it does not prevent us from expressing our emotions,but without compromising on the actions required for HIS sake.
8.Importance of Hijab & Reservation from all namehram, whether they are close family friends or namehram family members.This is seen from many events after 10th Muharrum
9.The 4th Imam(as) said that his follower should; avoid Music ,should not shave his beard & should not indulge in gambling/chess or drink liquor ,as these were the traits of Yazid & it reminds him of the day.he was standing in court.
10.Importance of Namaz as even during the battle this was remembered.Praying on time & in Jamat Importance of Quran as even the severed head of the Imam was reciting the Quran.
11.Azadari & Namaz are complimentary & have no conflict as 4th Imam was the Greatest Azadar & the Greatest Abid ,at the *same * time.
12 The event teaches us to be in Submission to HIS will at all times, in all states.Imam(as) even offerred a sajda of thanks when every concievable difficulty was upon him.We too need to Find out what is HIS will ….&…. Accept it …..& Act upon it.
In one of his speeches, Imam Hussein a.s. said that the authorities
in Kufa had given him only two options - humiliation or death. He
carried on to say, 'And we do not accept humiliation'. A tradition
reported by Imam Sadiq a.s records that, other than not accepting
humiliation, Allah Almighty has given to believers a choice in all
This means thinking independently and being just in one's
judgements. Not simply following others blindly and keeping one's
eyes closed. On the Day of Ashura Imam Hussein a.s. addressed Yazid's
troops: "O followers of Abu Sufyan, if you are not following the
teachings of Islam then as freemen, be independent of judgement. On
what basis do you fight me now?"
Few people desire death. The Holy Qur'an challenges the Jews for not
welcoming death in view of their alleged special relationship with
Allah s.w.t.
Imam Hussein a.s. extended our comprehension of death by drawing
attention to the three points below:
a) Death is written for everyone and no soul may escape it. He said:
"Death is an adornment of life as a necklace is an adornment of a
beautiful woman."
b) Death with dignity is preferable to a life lived in humiliation.
c) Dying for the cause of Islam is martyrdom and a great honour. In
his farewell to relatives in Madina, Imam Hussein a.s. said: "Whoever
joins us will be martyred, those who remain behind will miss the
Desertion is discouraged via military courts martial and firing
squads. A commander has never given troops permission to evade the
battlefield before or after Imam Hussein a.s. The Imam himself would
like them all to be aware of the consequences of the impending action
before any accepted the challenge.
Imam Hussein a.s. announced: "Don't y see that Truth has been
replaced by falsehood. We must be prepared to sacrifice everything
that is precious in support of Truth!" Truth is the 'essence' of
Islam and fortifies the values emphasized in the Holy Qur'an. Hazrat
Ali Akbar asked his father Imam Hussein a.s.:"Are we not supporting
the Truth?". Imam a.s. replied in the affirmative Hazrat Ali Akbar
said: "then, it makes no difference if death comes to us or if we
approach death."
Hur Riahi, the first commander to surround Imam Hussein's troops and
prevent their access to the water of Euphrates, provides an excellent
illustration of repentance. Regretting his action, he asked Imam
Hussein a.s. if his repentance would be accepted. Imam Hussein a.s.
told him that it is never too late to repent. Hur joined Imam
Hussein's camp and was honoured by being one of the first martyrs
(Peace be upon Him).
Fidelity is a characteristic admired by all. If friends meet in
times of comfort and wealth but leave when hardship and difficulty
strike, it is clear that their friendship is not true. On the day of
Ashura, Imam Hussein a.s. told John, a servant of the renowned
companion Hazrat Abu Dhar: "You have accompanied us all the way but
now you may go." John replied: "It is not fair that I benefit from
your company and hospitality but abondon you in your hardship?" His
attitude exemplifies fidelity, loyalty and true friendship.
Without Lady Zainab's participation in Karbala, the mission of Imam
Hussein a.s. could not have been fulfilled.
The objective of all believers should be the pleasure of Allah
Almighty. Imam Hussein a.s. said in one of his speeches that the only
objective of the Prophet's household is to please Allah. Whenever he
saw family members martyred he would utter "It's bearable only
because Allah is its witness."
In Islamic terminology, giving preference to the needs of others is
referred to as "Ithaar". On the Day of Ashura, the actions of Hazrat
Abbas, brother of Imam Hussein a.s. exemplify "Ithaar"! Hazrat Abbas
a.s. battled bravely to gain access to the water of Euphrates.
Although he gave no consideration to his own thirst but strove
instead to bring water to the tents for the women and children.
Allah tells us in the Holy Qur'an that only those who remain patient
will receive reward without measure. Imam Hussein a.s. brought up to
understand the Quran that is why he was happy to 'remain patient' in
hardship and endurance and to await his Lords reward. His patience
wasn't out of weakness or helplessness but a demonstration of his
steadfastness and bravery. Those who saw Imam Hussein a.s. on the Day
of Ashura reported.
"We have never seen a man remaining as composed as Imam Hussein a.s.
whereas his relatives and children were slaughtered before his eyes."
Imam Hussein a.s. declared in a speech that the only objective of
seeking this reform is to emphasis the significance of 'Amr bil
Marouf and Nahy anil Munkar'. (Enjoining good and forbidding evil).
Imam Hussein a.s. tried to stop Umar ibn Sa'd from pursuing his evil
objectives. He said to him: "You are promised government over
'Ray'(Tehran today) yet you will never eat the wheat of that area."
Ibn Sa'd responded: "Its barley will suffice!!" Realizing that he
couldn't change Ibn Sa'd's mind, Imam Hussein a.s. said: "Those who
use unlawful means to achieve their objectives never attain them."
After the tragedy of Ashura, women and children became prisoners of
war and were taken first from Karbala to Kufa and then to Damascus.
They were tortured on route and forced to walk behind the soldiers
who carried the heads of Imam Hussein a.s. and his companions mounted
on their spears. When they arrived at Yazid's headquarter in
Damascus, Imam Sajjad a.s. asked that the 'heads' be removed from the
proximity of the women and children in order to protect them from
"Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Honour, beyond what they
And peace be upon the Apostles.
And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds."
Reference: ImamReza.net

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