چهارشنبه 25 مهر 1403






منو سخنرانی مکتوب

ENGLISH shiaquest

منو بهداشت و سلامت

Shafaaat (Intercession)

The Entire Creation Including Messengers Will Need Muhammadi Shafaa'at
As per Bihar-ul-Anwaar, Abu Aiman is reported to have said that he once requested Imam Baqir (a.s): O Son of Rasoolullaah! You saints have made people proud (careless) by promising shafaa'at to them. This made the face of Hazrat turn red. He said: "Woe unto you. On the Day of Ressurection, all the formers and the latters, including even messengers, will be in need of the intercession of my grand father Muhammad (s.a.w.s.). Have you become proud imaging that you need no Shafaa'at!
Greater Intercession Is The Prerogative Of Only Muhammad And Aale Muhammad (a.s.)
The main shafaa'at is the intercession by Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) and the Aale Muhammad (a.s.). Rest of intercessors are branches of the main one. This is to convey that they got this privilege because of the formers. For example, among the rest of the intercessors are also the ulema (scholars) and the righteous who will help many in entering paradise. Can they ever be other than the followers of Muhammad and Aale Muhammad (a.s.)? Likewise, among the intercessors will be Momineen (faithful persons) too. The Masoom (a.s.) says that every momin will intercede n favour of a hundred persons. From where the Momineen got this honour? Only from Muhammad and Aale Muhammad (a.s.). Also for instance, the intercessors will also include the Saadaats. Have they not been given this respectable position only due to their belonging to the Holy Progeny? Similarly the Holy Quran and the Holy mosques will also intercede on the Day of Resurrection. They too are among the aasaar (symbols) of the aforesaid Holy persons.
Intercession At Every Stage
The main place of intercession is the field (Maidaan) of Mahshar (Qiyamat). But there are evidences to show that intercession is effective not only in Barzakh but also in this world. For example, some kind of calamity is about to fall at a certain place but that trouble is removed as a result of the intercession of Hazrat Valiy-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.). Or, for instance, a body is under chastisement in the grave (barzakh) but some one from his relatives in the world approaches the Holy Ahle Bayt (a.s.) and after much weeping makes them a waastah (medium). The Merciful God pardons the aforesaid dead relative or friend due to the holiness of the said saints. If all our said masters will intercede God will surely forgive us. Many such events have taken place. (In this connection, martyr Dastgaib Shirazi has, in his commentary of Surah Najm quoted two events. Those who wish may refer to pages 120-131 titled 'Shafaa'at by Hazrat Abul Fazl Abbas'). The story of Syed Humeri is also to be found in many books. (Refer to Gunaahaan-e-Kabeerah under Aasaar-e-Share Khumr).
Student Who Became A Doctor
An event of healing by Muhammad and Aale Muhammad (a.s.) is also recorded in our world and that is the story of Haji Mirza Khalil. It is a recent event. Some aged people even today may remember it. At first Haji Mirza Khalil was a student in Madressa Daarus Shifaa in Qum. Once when he was sitting in his room, an old lady came running anxiously and said: "My lady master has a serious heart trouble. Do you know any medicine?" The Haji who had no concern with medical science, at once replied: Give such and such medicine to her. Next day he saw people coming to him with plates full of tasty foods as fees of his prescription. Thereafter neighours knew that a very knowledgable doctor has arrived in the madressa who cures serious illnesses only through prescriptions. As a result, people began to rush to the Haji's room. He also thought that the arrangement won't do. So he purchased Hakim Momin's book 'Tohfaa' and after studying it, engaged in the work of a medical practitioner regularly. He became an expert physician soon and people took him to Tehran and he remained in that profession for long. Once he thought of going to Karbala but he was not in a hurry about it. One night, he saw some one in his dream who was telling him: If your intention is to visit Karbala Shareef, then make haste for there is a likelihood of a ban on visits to the Holy Place after about two months (and so happened).
An Indian Syed Lady And Leprosy
The late Haji Khalil proceeded towards Karbala within two months and witnessed what he had seen in his dream and understood that it was a Rooyaa-e-Saadiqah (a true dream). He stayed in Karbala for quite a long time and continued his medical practice there also. One day, two ladies came to him. One of them showed him her hand which had a strange kind of wound on it. The Haji said: This illness is called Khorah which has reached the bone and hence become incurable. That lady returned very disappointed. But her companion came back and said: O Haji! Did you not recognize that lady? The Haji said: No. She said: That woman is a lady Syed (Alavi) and she is one of the Indian princesses. Her longing for Ziyarat of Husain (a.s.) has dragged her upto Iraq along with all her wealth. Now she has also become poor due to this ailment since long. You too have made her hopeless! The Haji said: Please bring her back at once. When that lady returned, the Haji said: O respected madam! Though this ailment is very complicated and hard, I will make you use some medicines. God willing (Inshaa Allah) you will soon recover.
So the treatment began and the lady's hand was cured. After this, that lady was so impressed by the Haji that she stayed in his premises and behaved like a kind mother with him.
You Will Die After Ten Days
After a few days, Haji Khalil saw the same person in his dream whom he had seen earlier (and who had advised him to hasten to Karbala). Now he told the Haji: You will fall ill and die after ten days. Haji made his will. He became ill after a few days and his condition turned for the worse until on the tenth day; he was almost dead. When the Haji was breathing his last, that Alwi lady came up to him. Seeing the Haji's serious condition she became very fearful. She told the people not to touch the Haji until she returned. She proceeded directly to the Holy Haram (tomb) of Syed-us-Shuhadaa (Imam Husain a.s.), caught hold of the net and said: O His Grandfather! I will obtain the Haji from you. Please take back his life from Almighty God. Then she wept so much that she fainted. In her consciousness she saw that the Hazrat (a.s.) was telling her: O My Daughter! What has happened to you? The lifespan of the Haji has ended and the time of his death has arrived. That lady submitted: I know nothing of it. I am asking the Haji from you.
Double Life Due To Barkat OF Husain (a.s.)
The Hazrat (a.s.) said: Okay. Since you are insisting so much, I am praying to Almighty Allah. If He wills, He will return the Haji to this world. After a short time, the Hazrat smiled and said: God has answered my prayer and He has returned the Haji to the world and has also doubled his lifespan. At that time the Haji was thirty year old. Thereafter he died at the age of ninety years. During that period he got four sons one of them being the great Marjaa Faqeeh Alhajj Mirza Husain and another was a famous doctor.
Briefly concluding, when the Alawi lady heard this good tiding and returned to Haji's house, she found him sitting in a good condition. He exclaimed: O respected Alavi Madam! May God give you a great good reward.
One of the admonitions mentioned in Haji Khalil's will was his instruction to his son that he must take care of Saadaats (Syeds), especially their respected and honourable ladies, as they are very esteemed in the highest court of Almighty Allah.
There are many similar examples in books. In Darus Salaam of Iraqui, the last chapter of which is about wonders resulting from the Tawassul of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) there is a story of a child (from Turbat Peach) who had died after falling from the ceiling of his house.
Our Hope Is Closely Connected With The Intercession Of The Holy Prophet
Che Gham...Kishtibaan
Meaning: (O Mercy for Mankind
What fear is there to the wall of the community when a personality like you are its support. What fear can there be of ocean waves for a man whose ship is being navigated by Noah (a.s.)!
It is mentioned in vol. 3 of Biharul Anwaar that the Holy Prophet said: "A prayer of every messenger is necessarily answered. Earlier messengers made that prayer concerning this world and God accordingly answered it here and fulfilled their aim. I have left that prayer for the Hereafter so that the sinners of my community (Ummah) may be forgiven." Let us hope that this great mercy will include us also.
There are several narrations regarding the intercession by Fatima Zehra (s.a.) based on the sayings of the Holy Prophet and the Holy Imams (a.s.). According to one of such narrations, the impeccable (a.s.) has said, after making a mention of Fatima (s.a.)'s arrival in the field of Mahshar and her welcome there: "Every woman who never missed an obligatory prayer (Namaz), compulsory fast, and Hajj and payment of Zakat dues and whose husband was also not displeased with her, will certainly be entitled to the intercession of Fatima Zehra (s.a.)."
Intercession Is The Anchor Of Hope, Not Of Pride
Of course it must always be remembered that shafa'at or intercession must not make one proud or careless, imagining that as the said shafa'at is certainly from the Ahle Bayt (a.s.) we may do whatever we please or like. No, it is never so. There are some sins which result in man's departure from this world as a Kafir (denier). In that case there is no question of intercession. Again there are some sins the punishment for which must be suffered in hell till the sinner is purified and only thereafter he may become qualified for shafa'at. So man must remain fearful of God at every moment and along with it, he must also remain hopeful of the Most Merciful's Mercy.
Wal Alal...Bi Seemaahum (Surah A'raaf: 46)
Translation: And some people will be on A'raaf who will recognise everyone by looking at their foreheads.
According to the news given by Ahle Bayt (a.s.) A'raaf is high place which will on Siraat. God Almighty will allow room for the Holy Prophet and Ahle Bayt there. One with a shining forehead will be recognized as a friend of Aale Muhammad (a.s.) and Ali (a.s.) will allow him to proceed to paradise. Accordingly the meaning of the above quoted verse will be: Wal Alal... (Muhammad and Ali (a.s.) will recognize everyone passing from over the bridge from their faces.
Imam reza network

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