چهارشنبه 25 مهر 1403






منو سخنرانی مکتوب

ENGLISH shiaquest

منو بهداشت و سلامت

Yaum-o-Dar Tradition Weakened by Ebne Kathir

Question: What is the objection made by Ebne Kathir on Yaum-o-Dar tradition? Is his objection acceptable?
Answer: After narration of Yaum-o-Dar tradition, Ebne Kathir has tried to weaken it as narrated by Ebne Ishaq, because Abou Maryam Abdolghaffar Ebne Qassem is mentioned in his chain of transmission is a liar Shia. Ali Ebne Madini has accused him to the fabrication of traditions, and the others too have lowered him.[1]
We shall reply him:
Accusation of the tradition narrators narrating the merits of Prophet’s Household (a.s.), especially those indicating caliphate of Imam Ali (a.s.) is common among some individuals, especially those like Ebne Kathir. This practice has been common among their sect, and when a narrator is not in agreement with their belief and ideology, they lower him. The evidence is that Ebne Kathir has acknowledged trustworthiness of Abou Maryam somewhere else in his book.[2]
Shabeh is another one who has affirmed trustworthiness of Abou Maryam.[3]
Ebne Oqdeh too is one of those who testified his trustworthiness. He has been one of the great trustworthy narrators. Ebne Odai narrates, "I heard from Ebne Oqdeh lauding Abou Maryam and admiring him exaggeratedly, … .[4, 5]
1- البدایة و النهایة, vol. 3, page 53
2- البدایة و النهایة, vol. 5, page 288
3- لسان المیزان, vol. 4, page 42, No. 123
4- لسان المیزان, vol. 4, page 43
5- Ali Asghar Rezvani, Imamology and reply to questions (2), page 188
Ref: makarem.ir

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