چهارشنبه 25 مهر 1403






منو سخنرانی مکتوب

ENGLISH shiaquest

منو بهداشت و سلامت

Intercession of Prophets and Holy Imams

In the fourth and fifth verse of Surah Zoha.
Fourth verse "And surely what comes after is better for you than that which has gone before"
Fifth verse "And soon will your Lord will give you so that you shall be well pleased."
In these verses, God promises the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) to give him such things that he will become very much satisfied.
In ‘Tafseer-e-Durral Mansur’, it is written that on the Day of Judgment the Prophet (S.A.W.) will be permitted to intercede (recommend) the sinners of his Ummah (followers) will to be pardoned by God.
Ahmad Hanbal is the Imam of Hanbalis who has also written in his book ‘Musnad’ that the Prophet of God (S.A.W.) has said that he has been given five things and out of those five one thing is ‘intercession’ (recommendation) of the Sinners to God.
In books ‘Sunnan Tirmizi’ and ‘Sunnan Darmee’ the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) is quoted having said that on the Day of Resurrection it will be HE who will intercede (recommend) the sinners to God.
In ‘Musnad Ahmad Hanbal’ the Holy Prophet has said that he spent the whole night in praying God to bestow upon him the right of interceding (recommending) his ill-doing people on the Day of Judgment, and God the almighty accepted his supplication.
In spite of a big volume of traditions and verses of the Holy Quran Wahabis proclaim (declare) that anyone having the belief of intercession (recommendation) to God is likely to be killed. Certainly, such people who entertain this kind of false thing do not have any solid grounds upon which they can base their version. Even they do not have any solitary (secluded) tradition from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) to prove their claim and also they cannot present any verse from the Holy Quran. So it is a perceptible (visible, apparent) and clearly visible form of Terrorism.
There are many other references as well to be cited (quoted) in this connection, regarding intercession.
In Sahih Muslim, there is a Tradition of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) that if in a certain funeral forty people offer the funeral prayers, then that deceased, (dead) person is blessed from God.
In Sahih Tirmizi, it is narrated by a source Anas bin Malik that once he requested the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) to intercede (recommend) him on the Day of Judgment. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) promised him affirmatively.
The Wahabi Scholars and preachers (Ulemas) take the support from those verses of the Holy Quran, which are about idols, in which it is clearly said that the idols can’t intercede (recommend) you to God.
In Surah Yunis verse 18, "And they worship beside God what can neither harm them nor profit them and they say: These are our intercessors with God." it has been clearly mentioned that these idols neither can give you benefit nor can inflict any trouble on you and cannot intercede you to God.
Imam reza network

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