چهارشنبه 25 مهر 1403






منو سخنرانی مکتوب

ENGLISH shiaquest

منو بهداشت و سلامت

Anecdotes From The Life of The Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.)

Anecdotes From The Life of The Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.)
The Bedouin and the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)
The Bedouin entered Madina, and went directly to the Masjid, so that he may get some money or gold from the Prophet (S.A.W.). When he arrived, he saw the Prophet (S.A.W.) sitting among his companions. He asked his need. The Prophet (S.A.W.) gave his something. He was not content, and moreover he used harsh and inappropriate language against the Prophet (S.A.W.). The companions became very angry, and were ready to hurt him. But the Prophet (S.A.W.) prevented them from haste.The Prophet (S.A.W.) took the Bedouin to his home, and gave him some more. The Bedouin saw that the residence of the Prophet (S.A.W.) wasn't like those of the heads of governments, and there is no luxury in his home.
The Bedouin became content with the share, and thanked the Prophet. At this time, the Prophet (S.A.W.) asked him:
"You said a harsh word yesterday, which caused anger in my companions. I fear that they will hurt you. Would you be willing to show your appreciation in front of them, so that their anger be resolved, and they don't hurt you?" The Bedouin said: "Sure."
The next day, the Bedouin came to the Masjid. The Prophet (S.A.W.) addressed his companions: "This man says, he is content with his share, is it true?" The Bedouin said: "That is true." Then he repeated the appreciation that he had shared with Prophet (S.A.W.). The companions smiled.
The Prophet addressed the group: "The parable of me and these types of individuals is like that of the man whose camel was running away from him. With the [thought] they could help the owner, people were running after the camel. The camel was frightened and ran faster.
The owner called on the people, please leave my camel alone, I know better how to calm it. When the people stopped chasing the camel, the owner followed it calmly, with a fistful of grass. Then without the need for running, yelling, he showed the grass to it.
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and Education
The mosque of Medina was not only a place of worship. The believers assembled here to learn. When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) was present they heard his words of wisdom, his elucidation on the verses of the Holy Quran and benefitted from his counsel. And when he (S.A.W.) was not present, other faithful companions taught what they had heard from the Prophet of Allah.
Once the Prophet (S.A.W.) entered the Mosque before the prayer time. He found two groups in the Mosque. One group was busy with its own act of worship, some were reading the Quran while the others were supplicating. The other group was in a corner busy learning. They learnt how to read and write and discussed the teachings of Islam and their application to their daily lives.
Looking at both, the Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
"They are both engaged in useful pursuits. But I am a teacher. I shall join the group assembled to learn."
And so he (S.A.W.) sat with the group of students.
The Gift
Whenever they reaped their first harvest, they brought early, fresh fruits to the Prophet, peace be upon him. Then he would distribute them among those who sat around him. This morning, a poor man brought one fruit from his small farm and gave it to the Prophet, peace be upon him.
He accepted the gift, tasted it and then went on eating it alone while the companions watched. One of those present meekly said: O Prophet of Allah, you have over looked the right of those who watch while you eat?
The Prophet, peace be upon him, smiled and waited till the man who had brought the fruit had gone. He said:
I tasted the fruit and it was not yet ripe. Had I allowed you to have some of it, someone would have definitely shown his distaste, thus dissapointing the poor man who had brought the gift. Rather than make him feel bitter, my palate accepted the bitterness.
From Unto Thee I Grant...
Sacrifice of the Lamb
Just as the Prophet (S.A.W.), and his companions landed from their rides, and laid the loads down, it was decided that they would sacrifice a lamb for dinner.
One of the companions volunteered: "I will sacrifice the lamb."
Another: "I will skin it."
Third: "I will cook it."
Fourth: " I will...."
The Prophet (S.A.W.): "I will gather the wood from the desert."
The group: "O Messenger of Allah, it is not becoming of you to discomfort yourself as such. You rest. We will be honored to do all this on our own."
The Prophet (S.A.W.): "I know that you are eager to do it all, but Allah isn't pleased with the slave who disguinshes between himself and his companions, and considers himself better than others."
Then he went to the desert, and gathered some wood, and brought it to the group.
Tying the Camel
The caravan had been traveling for few hours now. Signs of fatigue were obvious on their faces. They arrived at a point and stopped. The Prophet (pbuh&hf) who was also in the caravan, stopped and camel, and landed. Prior to anything, they were in search of water to prepare for prayer.
The Prophet (S.A.W.), also started searching for water. But soon, returned to his camel, without saying anything to anyone. The campanions were surprised that the Prophet had ordered stopping here, and now perhaps he would like to move again? Eyes and ears were awaiting his order. But the surprise of the group increased as they saw him approach his camel, and tied its knees, and returned back in search of water.
Noises were raised from every corner: " O Prophet of Allah! Why didn't you order us to do this for you, and instead you put yourself in discomfort? We would have proudly done that service for you."
The Prophet (S.A.W.) responded: "Never seek others' help in your affairs, don't lean on others, even if it is a small peice of Miswak (the wood used for brushing teeth)."
Wealth and Poverty
It was a usual meeting. The Prophet (S.A.W.) was in his place and his companions gathered around him to hear the words of wisdom and guidance. Suddenly a poor man in rags appeared, saluted the assembly :
"Salamun Alaikum" (Peace be on you)
and finding a vacant place, comfortably sat down.
The Prophet (S.A.W.) had taught them that all Muslims were brothers and in an assembly one should sit wherever one finds a place, regardless of any status. Now, it so happened that this poor man was seated next to a very rich man. The rich man felt very disturbed and tried to collect the edges of his dress around himself, so that the poor man didn't touch them. The Prophet (S.A.W.) observed this and addressing the rich man he said:
" Perhaps you are afraid that his poverty would affect you?"
" No, O Messenger of Allah," he said.
"Then perhaps you were apprehensive about some of your wealth flying away to him?"
" No, O Messenger of Allah."
"Or you feared that your clothes would become dirty if he touched them?"
" No, O Messenger of Allah."
" Then why did you draw yourself and your clothes away from him?"
The rich man said:
"I admit that was the most undesirable thing to do. It was an error and I confess my guilt. Now to make amends for it I will give away half of my wealth to this Muslim brother so that I may be forgiven."
Just as he said this, the poor man rose and said,
" O Prophet of Allah, I do not accept this offer."
People present were taken by surprise, they thought that the poor man was a fool, but then he explained:
" O Prophet of Allah, I refuse to accept this offer because I fear that I might then become arrogant and illtreat my Muslim brothers the way he did to me."
Reference: ImamReza.net

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