چهارشنبه 25 مهر 1403






منو سخنرانی مکتوب

ENGLISH shiaquest

منو بهداشت و سلامت


Fizzah al-Nubiyyah (of Nuba, at present in Sudan) has also gained immortality for her devotion to Islam and her love for the Ahlul Bayt. At first, she served Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet.
It was arranged by the Prophet that one day Fatimah would attend to the domestic duties while Fizzah would rest, and the following day Fizzah should work while Fatimah would rest.
After Fatimah's death, 'Ali married Fizzah to Abu Tha'labah al-Habashi.
She bore him a son; and then Abu Tha'labah died. Later on Fizzah married Malik al-Ghatathani.
One day Malik complained to 'Umar about Fizzah. 'Umar said, "A 'hair' from the family of Abu Talib is more learned than 'Adi."

Fizzah raised a family of her own; but her devotion to the Ahlul Bayt continued.
She, on her own accord, accompanied Husayn to Karbala and shared the agonies and sufferings which the family of Imam Husayn had to endure.
Her knowledge of the holy book, the Qur'an, is renowned in the Muslim world. It is recorded that at least for the last twenty years of her life, she never uttered a single word except the Our' an, and always talked by reciting the verses of the Qur'an.
One interesting piece of conversation is given here to illustrate her unique erudition:

Abu'l Qasim al-Qushayri quotes a reliable person that once he was left behind from his caravan and was travelling alone. In the desert, he saw a woman and asked who she was.
The woman recited the verse of the Qur'an: "And say 'salam', and soon shall they know." (43:89)
He realised his mistake and greeted her, and then asked, "What are you doing here?"

The woman: "And those whom God guides, there can be none to lead (them) astray."(39:37)

The man: "Are you a genie or a human-being?"
The woman: "O children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer."(7:31)

The man: "Where are you coming from?"
The woman: "They are being called from a place far distant. "(41:44)

The man: "Where are you going to?"
The woman: "Pilgrimage to the House (of God) is a duty men owe to God, those who can afford the journey."(3:97)

The man: "Since how many days have you been separated from your caravan?"
The woman: "We created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six days. "(50:38)

The man: "Do you want something to eat?"
The woman: "Nor did He give them bodies that ate no food"(21:8)

So he gave her some food.
After that he told her to run quickly.
She said, "On no soul does God place a burden greater than it can bear."(2:286)

So he asked her to sit on the camel behind him. Came the answer: "If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides God, there would have been chaos in both" (2l:22). Hearing it, he came down from the camel and requested her to ride it. When she sat on it, she recited, "Glory be to Him who has subjected this to our use, for we could never have accomplished this by ourselves. "(43:13)

After sometime, they reached the caravan.
He asked her if she had any relative of her in that caravan.
She said, "O Dawud! We have indeed made you a vicegerent on earth; Muhammad is not but a prophet; O Yahya take hold of the book with might; O Musa, verily I am your Lord." (38:26, 3:144; 19:21; 20:11-12 respectively.)

He called these names, and saw four young men running towards him. Meanwhile he asked the woman what was their relationship with her. She recited, "Wealth and sons are adornments of the life of this world."(18:46).
At that time her sons reached them; the mother told her sons, "O my father, engage him on wages, truly the best of men for your to employ is the man who is strong and trustworthy."(28:26)
The sons gave him some remuneration for his trouble and service.
But she thought it was not enough; so she said, " God gives manifold increase to whom He pleases."(2:261) So they increased some more. (These sons were most probably from Fizzah's second husband, Malik al-Ghatathani.)

That person asked the sons who she was.
They informed him that she was Fizzah, the servant of Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet; and that since twenty years she has not spoken a signal word except the Qur'an.


Halima, The Prophet's Nurse

For many centuries it had been customary among the Arabs to give their newborn children to women from the tribes around the city to be wet-nursed.
This was done so that their children would grow up in the fresh air and the natural environment of the desert and also learn the eloquent Arabic dialect whose purest form was to be found at that time in the desert.

For this reason and since Amina had no milk to feed her child, Abdul Muttalib, his grandfather and guardian, felt it necessary to employ an honorable, trustworthy lady to look after the child of his dear son, Abdullah.
After making appropriate inquiries, he selected Halima, who was from the Bani Sa'd tribe (a tribe famous for bravery and eloquence) and who was rated among the most chaste, noble women. Halima took the infant to her own tribe and looked after him as though he were her own child.
The Bani Sa'd tribe had long been suffering from famine in the desert.
The dry desert and lack of rains had added much to their poverty and misery.
But from the very day lie entered Halima's house, good fortune and blessings entered with him.
life, which had been filled with poverty and destitution, suddenly changed into a happy and prosperous one.
The pale faces of Halima and her children became rosy and full of life.
Her dry breasts swelled with milk, and the pasture of the sheep and camels of that region turned fresh and green, whereas before he came to their tribe, people lived in poverty and faced many difficulties.
He grew up more rapidly than other children, ran more nimbly, and did not stammer like them.
Good fortune and auspicious­ness so accompanied him that all the people around him easily realized this fact and admitted it.
Halima's husband, Harith, told her, 'Do you know what a blessed baby we have been given?'


Great Women of Islam: Khawlah Bint Al-Azwar

Khawlah was the daughter of one of the chiefs of Bani Asad tribe, and her family embraced Islam in its early days.
Her father's name is either Malik or Tariq Bin Aws.
Al-Azwar was his nickname.
Her brother, Dirar, was the knight and poet of his tribe, and was well known for his wisdom.
His love for his sister and confidence in her capabilities were legendary.
In fact, the brother and sister were so attached to each other that she was his companion wherever he went.
He trained her on all arts of swordsmanship and she became also a perfect knight.
Besides that, Khawlah mastered the noble art of poetry.
She was a brunette, tall, slim and of great beauty.

Her name remained greatly unknown, until the battle of Ajnadin, not far from Jerusalem, where Drear lost his spear, fell from his horse, and was taken prisoner.
She donned a male knight's attire, took her arms and rode her mare through the Roman ranks, using her sword skillfully against whoever tried to stop her.
The Muslim soldiers, and their leader Khalid, watched her with great admiration, presuming that she was a man.

The Arab Historian, Al Waqidi, narrates in his book "The conquering of Al Sham (Greater Syria)"

"In a battle that took place in Bayt Lahyah near Ajnadin, Khalid watched a knight, in black attire, with a large green shawl wrapped around his waist and covering his chest.
That knight broke through the Roman ranks as an arrow.
Wondering about the identity of the unknown Knight Khalid and the others followed him and joined battle,

Rafe' Bin Umayrah Al-Ta'if was one of the fighters.
He described how that knight scattered the enemy ranks, disappearing in their midst, to reappear after a while with blood dripping from his spear.
He swerved again and repeated the deed fearlessly, several times.
All the Moslem army was worried about him and praying for his safety.
Rafe' and others thought that he was Khalid, who won great fame for his bravery and genius military plans.
But suddenly Khalid appeared with a number of knights.
Rafe' asked the leader:

"Who is that knight? By God, he has no regard for his safety!"

Khalid answered that he didn't know the man, though he greatly admired his courage.
They were fascinated as they watched the knight appear with a number of Roman knights chasing him.
Then he would turn around and kill the nearest before resuming his attacks.

The Romans eventually lost the battle and fled, leaving many dead and wounded in the battlefield.
Khalid looked for the knight till he found him.
By then he was covered in blood. He praised his bravery and asked him to remove his veil. But the knight did not answer, and tried to break away.
The soldiers wouldn't let him do that.
And everyone asked him to reveal his identity.

When the knight found that there was no way to avoid that, he replied in a feminine voice:

"My prince, I did not answer because I am shy.
You are a great leader, and I am only a woman whose heart is burning."

"Who are you?"
Khalid insisted.

"I am Khawlah Bint Al-Azwar.
I was with the women accompanying the army, and when I learnt that the enemy captured my brother, which lead me to do what I had to do."


Khadija's Business Proposal

Khadija, who was an honourable wealthy woman, used to put her wealth at the disposal of others who traded for her and received wages in return for their services.
As Muhammad's fame for honesty, virtue and trustworthiness spread throughout Arabia and reached Khadija, she started seeking his cooperation.
Then she made this proposal to him:
'I will put at your disposal some property plus a servant, Masara, and pay you more than others'. Being well aware of his uncle's financial problems due to his old age, low income, and large family, Muhammad accepted Khadija's ofher. 30


Khadija, the daughter of Khuwalid, was a lady of supreme character.
She had been twice married, to Abu Halah and Atigh Makhzumi, and twice widowed.
Though she was forty years old, her enormous wealth, popularity, and prestige had led many wealthy and powerful Quraysh to court her.
But she did not accept any of them as her husband and avoided marriage, for she knew well that they either were interested in her wealth or were men whose character she detested.


Hazrat Fatimah Ma'soomah

Oh Fatima intercede for us in heaven since you have reached a dignified status from a high rank with

From the children of the seventh Imam Hazrat Fatimah Ma'soomah binte Musa ibn Jafar (A-S) , has a special position after Imam Ridha (A-S).
Due to her faith, virtuousness and Kid's Health under the guardianship of Imamate she reached such a position that the Masoom (Imam) gave her the title of Ma'soomah (infallible) , and because of her worship and abstemiousness she acquired the status of intercession.
This is why the most learned ulama (scholars) the greatest maraje' (authorities) and the real Gnostics are humbly standing at her holy shrine saying

There is a tradition which states that out of the eight gates of heaven, one will open towards Qum and due to her intercession all Shias will go to heaven.
Her eighteen years of life was spent with suffering and difficulties.
Had to bear separation from her beloved brother

Visitors entitles to Heaven

In tradition it is excessively mentioned that whoever visits (does ziyarat of) Hazrat Ma'soomah, heaven is incumbent upon that person and this position is obtained by her after the fouteen Ma'soomeen.

Imam Ridha (A-S) has said:

Whoever visits her (does her ziyarat) acknowledging her right, is entitled to heaven

In Kamil al ziyarah it is quoted form Imam Ridha (A-S)

Whoever does the ziyarat of Ma'soomah in Qum it is as though he/she has done my ziyarat

Majlisi quoted in Bihar

Whoever visits Ma'soomah it is as though he/she has visited me.
It is equal to heaven

Heaven Ahlulbait

Ma'soomah stayed in Qum for seven days only.
Due to her brief stay and her holy shrine, Qum was blessed with such a special position that Imam Sadiq (A-S) says: Haram of God Mecca Haram of Rasool(S-A-W) Medina Haram of Imam Ali(A.S) Kufa and Haram of Ahlul bait (peace be upon them) is Qum

According to the quote of Imam Musa ibn Jaffar (A-S)
Qum is refuge of Aal Muhammad(S-A-W)

A group of town of Rai came to Hazrat Abi Abdillah (A-S) and said that we are the settless o Rai.
Imam (A-S) said:

Welcome to our brother from Qum

They said again: "We are from the town of Rai. Imam (A-S) replied with the same statement as before.
This act repeated several times, then Imam (A-S) said that:" God's haram is kufa, main and my progeny's haram will be Qum.
Qum is a small Kufa. From the eight gates of heaven three open towards Qum.
One chaste lady from our family, named Fatimah will be buried there.
Her status and position is such that due to her intercession all shias will go to heaven.

It is due to the blessed lady Masoomah, that after the city of knowledge Najaf al ashraf ther greatest centre and learning institute of the shia world is in Qum, surrounding her holy shrine where more than twenty thousand students , the most learned scholars are busy studying , teaching and conducting research.
This city has embraced numerous libraries and learning institutes with in its vicinity.


Hazrat Ma'soomah used to live in Medina.
When Ma'moon Abbas summoned Imam Ridha(A-S) to Khurasan , she found this separation heavy to bear.
After one year she left for Khurasan in order to see her brother.
When they reached Saveh which is about sixty two KM from Qum she felt ill.
Musa ibn Khazray took this dignified lady to their home.
Ma'soomah passed seven days in Qum suffering from illness until finally she departed from the transient abode on the 10th of Rabi uthanni.


Hazrat Zainab (A.S.): Messenger of the Karbala Revolution

The lunar month of Jamadi-Awwal 5th marks the birth anniversary of Hazrat Zainab (SA) the magnanimous daughter of Imam Ali (AS). The noble Lady of Islam safe-guarded the holy religion of Islam by conveying the message of the martyrs of the Karbala Movement through her fervent speeches which served to awaken Muslims all over the world. We have strove to honor the memory of this valiant untiring messenger through this brief article which is as follows:

Zainab (SA) was the auspicious offspring of the unique couple, the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (AS) and Hazrat Fatima (SA).

When the baby-girl was brought before the Prophet (SAW), he held her in his lap and kissed her. Angel Jibrail came to him and conveyed the name that was to be hers and then began to weep. The Prophet (SAW) asked Angel Jibrail why he wept and he answered:

“O Prophet of Allah! From early in her life, this girl will remain entangled in tribulations and trials of this world. First she will weep over your separation (from this world). Thereafter she will mourn the loss of her mother, then her father, and then her brother Hassan. After all this she will be confronted with the trials of the land of Karbala and the tribulations of that lonely desert, as a result of which her hair will turn gray and her back will be bent.”

The life and example of Zainab (SA) crystallized the figure of the ideal woman in Islam. Her versatile and innumerable virtues and sublime personality, modesty, chastity and knowledge reminded one of her mother, Fatima (SA). In the realm of devotion and dignity, she followed the example of Bibi Khadija (SA) (Zainab’s grandmother). Traces of her father’s awe-inspiriting speeches can be found in her eloquent, fervent orations. Her revolutionary patience and forbearance was a reminder of her brother, Imam Hussain (AS).

During her childhood, Zainab (SA) used to rest on her father’s bosom, listening carefully to register his esteemed teachings in her fresh and keen mind.

Once Imam Ali (SA) asked his beloved daughter to repeat the number “one” after him. Zainab (SA) obeyed the father’s order. However, she refused to reiterate number “two” after the Imam (AS).

When she was asked to justify her deed, she said:

“Dear father, how can a tongue which has got used to saying “one” (referring to the Unity of Allah), reiterate word “two”.

Upon hearing his daughter’s meaningful assertion, Imam Ali (AS) became delighted and caressed and kissed her.
Monotheism, in its truest sense, was deeply-rooted in her pure soul since her early childhood.

Another day, she asked her father: “O, father! Do you like me?”
“Sure, how can I not like you?” Imam Ali (AS) replied.
Zainab (SA) said: “Dear father, affection and the feeling of devotion only befit Allah, the Great, and what I request is your kindness.”

Such a belief reflects the height of gnosticism and insight in Zainab (SA). It also bespeaks of her monotheistic beliefs in other dimensions. However, the perception of such unique and exalted merits in her, is not surprising since she was an offspring of Fatima (SA) and was nourished at the virtuous lap of such a magnanimous mother. Zainab’s (SA) noble character was thus instructed by the spirit of her mother, Fatima (SA).

Besides, she was brought up in the company of two great Imams: Imam Hassan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) and enjoyed the companionship of the Holy Prophet (SAW), Imam Ali (AS),Fatima (SA).

In her character she reflected the best attributes of those who raised her. In sobriety and severity, she was likened to Ummul-Muminin Hazrat Khadija (SA) - her grandmother. In chastity and modesty to her mother Fatimat uz -Zahra (SA); in eloquence to her father Imam Ali (AS); in forbearance and patience to her brother Imam Hassan (AS) and in bravery and tranquillity of the heart to Imam Hussain (AS). Her face reflected her father’s awe and her grandfather's reverence.

In Medina, it was Zainab’s (SA) practice to hold regular meetings for women in which she shared her knowledge and taught them the precepts of the religion (Deen) of Islam as laid out in the Holy Qur’an. Her gatherings were well and regularly attended. She was able to impart the teachings with such clarity and eloquence that she became known as Fasihah (Skillfully fluent) and intensely eloquent (Balighah).

The depth and certainty of her knowledge earned her epithel given to her by her nephew, Imam Zaynul-Abidin (AS) of ‘Alimah ghayr Mu’allamah’ - she who has knowledge without being taught by anyone.

Gnosticism and Devotion to Allah

Hazrat Zainab (SA) in her great enthusiasm to fulfill religious duties including daily obligatory prayers, etc. had taken example from her beloved mother, Hazrat Fatima (SA). Even on the very same night when her brother. Imam Hussain (AS) attained martyrdom on the Day of Ashura (i.e. 10th Muharram, 61 AH), indeed one of the most distressing and arduous nights of her life, she prayed her mid-night prayers. It is narrated that, on that night her brother Imam Hussain (AS) asked her to remember praying for him in her mid-night prayers.

Her Devotion and Self-sacrifice
Although her husband, Abdullah ibn Ja’far Tayyar, was a wealthy man and enjoyed a comfortable life, Zainab (SA) preferred to accompany her brother on his tiresome and adventurous trip to Karbala. She even sent her two beloved sons, Muhammad and Oun to help Imam Hussain (AS) in carrying out his mission at the desert of Karbala. Both her two sons were martyred in the battlefield.

Her Role in the Negation of Oppression

Hazrat Zainab (SA) assumed the task of delivering the message of the martyrs of Karbala to the people of her time and to the generation to come. She spared no time disclosing the plots hatched by the ruling system to distort the real importance of the Karbala Movement. Her provocative speeches delivered in the Court of Yazid in Kufa, when taken as a captive, still echo throughout the Muslim World.

Delivering a fiery speech in Kufa, at the seat of Ibn Ziyad, she condemned and unveiled his inhumane attitude. In a long speech in Damascus at Yazid’s court, she castigated vicious Yazid and cursed him because of his mischievous acts. She said:

“O Yazid! You are an oppressor and have inherited cruelty and atrocity from your ancestors. You are the grandson of “Hind” who disemboweled the martyr of Uhud (referring to Prophet’s uncle, Hamzah) and ate his liver. Hence, we cannot expect more than this from you. I regard confronting you as a shame. Now that I have been brought here at your court as a captive you and your gaudy court seem so worthless to me and I still curse and rebuke you with all my might.”

Thus was how Zainab (SA) relayed the message of the martyrs of Karbala to the people, enlightening their minds towards the realities. Through her awe-inspiring speeches, she sought to disclose the tyranny of Umayyad’s rulers. Like sparks of fire, her fiery speeches would penetrate deep into the hearts of the staunch enemies, making them tremble on their feet.


Hazrat Zainab (s.a.) and Imamate

In her life Zainab (s.a.) always saw the evildoers, oppressors, insurgents and breakers of covenants defy the truth and Imam Ali (a.s.), the supporter of the truth and justice had to quell their revolts. Finally, an evil hand gave Imam Ali (a.s.) a stroke from a poisoned sword on his head in the mosque of Kufa. After Imam Ali (a.s.), his son Imam Hassan (a.s.)became the Caliph. Hassan was also greatly oppressed until at last he signed a peace treaty with the ruler of that time and moved to Kufa in the company of Zainab, her husband, and his own companions. Imam Hassan (a.s.) was poisoned by his treacherous wife Joda, by the order of the Caliph of that time. After Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain (a.s.) became the Imam, but the ruler of Syria Mavia violated the peace treaty and appointed his son Yazid as his successor and insisted that Imam Hussain (a.s.) should pledge allegiance to him. Imam Hussain refused to pledge allegiance and made up his mind to move to Mecca.

Zainab (s.a.) said farewell to her husband and went with her brother accompanied by her sons Muhammad and Aun. They reached Mecca in 61 Hijra year.

Imam Hussain (a.s.) was informed that some agents of the ruler of that time had come to Mecca to assassinate him while circumambulating the Holy Ka'bah. Imam Hussain (a.s.) deemed it advisable to move to Kufa and let people know of his secret mission. They arrived at Karbala on the 2nd Muharram. Zainab had heard from her grandfather and father that Karbala would be the place where Imam Hussain (a.s.) would be martyred.


Hazrat Zainab (s.a.) in Karbala

Zainab (s.a.) is the shining sun in the history of Islam and of humanity. Her brother's name and Karbala associate the idea of freedom, justice, humanity, virtue, fighting against despotism, with the realization of the sovereignty of Allah. The history of Karbala is based on two pillars: the rising of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and the rising of Zainab (s.a.). She was an outstanding figure in the history of Karbala endowed with divine steadfastness and fortitude. She sacrificed her two sons and one should not say anything if one devoted his life for the cause of Allah. After the martyrdom of her brother and her two sons, she said: "O my Lord! Accept our humble sacrifice to You."

When Zainab(s.a) reached Kufa, she addressed people with fury words: "Praise to Allah, and may the blessing of Allah be upon Muhammad and his progeny. O people of Kufa, you are hypocrites and deceitful. You feign to be sorry for the death of my brother and his companions. May you always shed tears. I find nothing in you but flattery, evil acts and thoughts, pride and spite and ill will. By Allah! You deserve lasting sorrow instead of joy. Shames on you, your hands are imbrued with the blood of the son of the Holy Prophet (SAW), the one who was your sole refuge in case of adversity. By your evil act and disloyalty, you incurred the wrath of Allah against you. Woe betides you! No one will intercede with Allah for you." Her furious words provoked people of Kufa to avenge Hussain's martyrdom.

This frightened Ubaidullah and his cruel agents. She also delivered a furious sermon in the court of the caliph that made his authority and despotic rule feel undermined. She said: "I fear no one but Allah. Make whatever evil plot you can. Blazes are waiting for you in the hereafter. You'll he accountable to Allah for your atrocities."


Hadrat Shahrbano: The Reverend Mother of Imam Zayn al-Abidin Part II

The Holy Relationship

Shahrbano was the holy relationship between the Arabs and the Persians.
This is because she was the mother of Zayn al-'Abidin, who was the son of the two good (communities) and father of the pure progeny who filled the world with all the factors of awareness, dignity, and advancement.
Sayyid 'Abid al-'Aziz Sayyid al-Ahal said: "Zayn al-'Abidin is a strong relationship between us, we, the Arabs, and the Persians.

Then he is a strong relationship among all people.
It is as if he is among the strong causes which the Subtle, the Powerful (Allah) drove to erase division, to strengthen unity, and to bring people close to each other."
This was the strongest relationship between the Arabs and the Persians because it has spread love, affection, and unity among them.

Pre-Islamic Beliefs

Islam destroyed the pagan beliefs that divided the Muslims and paralyzed their unity.
Among those beliefs was that an Arab did not marry a non-Arab (woman ).
This is because he wanted to preserve Arab blood and lineage.
Surely this phenomenon divided the Muslims and destroyed their unity. Islam indeed cast away this hollow selfishness and these vain titles.
It supported the honor and beauty of soul.

Hence the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, said:
"Surely, the most honorable of you with Allah is the most pious of you." Islam has denoted in a positive way the just equality among the Muslims.
It has destroyed class differences and all racism. Allah's Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, married his relative Zaynab, the daughter of Jahash, who belonged to the chiefs of the Hashimites, to his retainer, Zayd b.
He, may Allah bless him and his family, wanted the Islamic community to learn a lesson from that and to follow this clear straight path.

The Imams of the members of the House (ahl al -Bayt), peace be on them, followed this Prophetic method.
They waged war against racism and resisted pre-Islamic beliefs by marrying female slaves after they had released them.
They sometimes married them with money before they had freed them.
This had great influence on the Arabs, and they abandoned their pre-Islamic beliefs.

The historians said: "Ima`m al-Husayn, peace be on him, married Shahrbano

and she bore him the great figure of guidance, Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin, peace be on him.
The Arabs saw his perfection and his high self.
Hence Quraysh hurried to marry slave-wives.
Al-Mubarrad has narrated the following on the authority of a man from Quraysh.
The man's mother was a slave-wife.
The man said:
"One day I sat with Sa'id b. al-Musayyab, and he asked me:
'Who are your maternal uncles?'
My mother is a slave-wife, I answered."

Sa'id disdained the man.
However, the man was clever. He waited for a while.
In the mean time Sa`lim b. 'Abd Allah b. 'Umar came.
The latter was a Quraysh great figure, but his mother was a slave-wife. Sa'id talked with Sa`lim.
Then the latter went away. So the man asked Sa'id:

"Uncle, who is this man ?"

Sa'id became angry.
He shouted at the man, saying:

"Glory be to Allah !
Do you ignore this man who is from your people ?
This is Sa`lim b. 'Abd Allah b.
'Umar b. al-Khatta`b."

"Who is his mother ?" asked the man.

"A slave-wife," replied Sa'id.

Then al-Qa`sim b. Mohammed b.
Abi Baker came to Sa'id.
The former's mother was a slave-wife.
A talk took place between them.
When al-Qa`sim went away, the man asked Sa'id the same question.
The man answered him in the same manner.
Then Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin came.
Sa'id welcomed him warmly.
When the Ima`m went away, the man asked Sa'id: "Uncle, who is this man?"

"This is whom no Muslim can ignore.
This is 'Ali b. al-Husayn b. 'Ali b. Abi Ta`lib," replied Sa'id angrily.
"Who is his mother ?" asked the man.

"A slave-wife," replied Sa'id.

"Why did you disdain me when I said that my mother was a slave-wife ?
Is my mother not similar to theirs?" asked the man.

Sa'id confessed his mistake. He admired the man and took care of him.(Al-Mubarrad, al-Kamil, vol. 2, p. 462 Nazhat al-Jalis, vol. 2, p. 23. al-A'mmia al-Ithna 'Ashar, p. 176).

This bad phenomenon prevailed that time.
It resulted from the backgrounds of the pre-Islamic time that was intellectually and socially backward.
One has no shortcoming when his mother is from Rome, Persia, and the like.
For this reason the poet said:

Do not curse the person whose mother is from the Romans

Or is black from the non-Arabs.

Indeed the mothers of people are entrusted containers

And the lineage has fathers.

They only thing that increases the importance of the person is his good deeds, his services for his community, and his high self even though his mother is black from non-Arabs.
If the person's deeds are bad, then he is mean even if he is a Sharif from Quraysh.
The great Islam has underlined that. It does not hold importance to anything except good deeds, for they are the only criterion in showing the high and low position in it.

Ima`m 'Ali took care of Her

Ima`m 'Ali, the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, took care of Shahrbano, for he was aware of her belief and her perfect intellect.
A group of traditions was narrated on his authority.
The traditions have praised her outstanding qualities.
Some of them are as follows:

A. He recommended his son, Ima`m Husayn, to treat her kindly, saying:
"Treat Shahrbano kindly, for she is satisfactory.
She will bear you the best of the people of the earth after you."('Uyyun al-Mu'jizat.
Ithbat al-Hudat, vol. 5, p. 14).

B. He told his family that she would be the pure mother of the pure Imams. He, peace be on him, said:
"She is the mother of the trustees (of authority ), the pure progeny."( Basa'ir al-Darajat, p. 96. Ithbat al-Hudat, vol. 5, p. 214.
Nasikh al-Tawarikh, vol. 1, p. 13).

The pure Imams, from whom Allah kept away the uncleanness and purified thoroughly, branched from this noble Mistress.

Ima`m 'Ali, the Commander of the faithful, took care of Shahrbano, for he knew that she had good abilities such as virtues, perfection, and politeness.
He, peace be on him, asked her: "What have you memorized from your father after the Event of the Elephant?"

She answered him with this golden word that denotes her father's vast intellect and his experience in the affairs of life:

He said: "When Allah overcomes an affair, the ambitions become humble after it.
When the period is over, death is in the means."

The Ima`m was astonished at this wise word that indicates the reality of life.
Hence he admired her, saying: "What good your father said !
All matters are subject to destiny, so much so that sometimes death results from effort."(Al-Mufid, al-Irshad, p. 160. Al-Bihar, vol. 46, pp. 11-12).

Every thing in this existence is subject to Allah's will.
Indeed Allah , the Most High has the power over everything.
Man may depend on firm means.
He thinks that such means protect him from dangers.
However, they do not avail him.
This is because they might endanger him.
Therefore, his death results from them.

Al-Husayn took care of Her

Ima`m Husayn, peace be on him, took care of his wife,Shahrbano, very much.
He preferred her to his wives.
As a result this Shahrbano found respect and honor with the Ima`m.
So she forgot the luxurious life which she led during the rule of her father.
The Ima`m taught her the Islamic spiritual teachings to the extent that she renounced her royal life.
Sayyid 'Abd al-Aziz Sayyid al-Ahal said: "Al-Husayn, peace be on him, taught her Islamic teachings to the extent that she forgot the palaces of al-Mada`'in and the meadows of Kabul."

The Historians praised Her

Some historians praised this noble lady.
The following are their words (concerning her):

A. Al-Mubarrad

Concerning this great Mistress, al-Mubarrad said:

"Shahrbano was among the excellent women."(Al-Kamil, vol. 2, p. 462).

Indeed Shahrbanowas among the mistresses of the women. She was chaste, and her intellect was perfect. Moreover, her morals were high.

B. Ibn Shadqam

Ibn Shadqam said: "Shahrbano had many outstanding merits."(Zahrat al-Maqul, p. 16).

C. Al-Kunji

Ima`m al-Hafiz, Mohammed b. Yousif al-Kunji, said: "Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, created the rightly-guided Imams, from among the progeny of al-Husayn, from the daughter of Choesroe with the exclusion of the rest of his wives.(Kifayat al-Talib, p. 414).

Indeed Allah bestowed His favors and His care on this noble lady.
He endowed her with great favor.
He made her a noble mother for Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin and good pure grandmother for the pure Imams, who raised the Word of Allah high in the earth.


Hadrat Shahrbano: The Reverend Mother of Imam Zayn al-Abidin Part I

Shahrbano was the daughter of the (Iranian) kings and was mother of Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin, peace be on him.
This great mistress occupied an important position in the world of the Muslim woman.
Indeed, she was among the great mistresses of her time. She was among the prominent Muslim women and was distinguished by noble qualities.
Among them are:

A. She had a very clear lineage.
She was the daughter of Choesroe, the just king and pride of the kings of the East.
Concerning him, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, said with pride: "I was born at the time of the just King, Choesroe."

B. She was the wife of the father of the free and lord of martyrs, Ima`m Husayn, peace be on him.

C. She was the mother of Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin and Sayyid al-Sa`jidin, peace be on him.

D. She was the grandmother of the pure Imams from among the children of Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin, peace be on him.

E. She was the holy relationship between the Arabs and the Persians.

Indeed these qualities added honor to her honor and glory to her glory.

Her Psychological Traits

As for her psychological traits, they were chastity, purity, perfection, standard morals, and cleverness.
As she had good inclinations and honorable traits, the Commander of the faithful (Ima`m 'Ali ), peace be on him, hastened to marry her to his son Ima`m Husayn, peace be on him.
He ordered him to treat her kindly and to do good for her.
We will briefly present some of her affairs according to what the references have mentioned.

Reports of her Marriage

The reports have differed over the time when she married Ima`m Husayn, peace be on him.
The following are some of them:

A. At the Time of 'Umar

Al-Kulayni reported on the authority of Ima`m Abu Ja'far al-Baqir, peace be on him.
He said: "When Yazdigird's daughter came, 'Umar made the virgins of Medina honor her.
When 'Umar looked at her, she covered her face and said:
"Uf biru`jj ba`da` Hurmuz."
These words meaning the day of Hurmuz has become black because his daughters have become prisoners.

"Is she abusing me ? "asked 'Umar.
"That is not for you," said the Commander of the faithful, "Let her choose a person from the Muslims."

She walked till she put her hand on the head of al-Husayn, peace be on him (Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 467. Dala'il al-Imama, p. 370.)

Some historians have mentioned a report similar to this account. They said: "Yazdigird had two daughters.
They were taken prisoners during the time of 'Umar.
Thus, the Commander of the faithful (Ima`m 'Ali), peace be on him, took them. Of these he had given Ima`m al-Husayn and she bore him Zayn al-'Abidin.
He had given the other to Mohammed b.
Abi Bakr and she bore him al-Qa`sim.(Shadharat al-Dhahab, vol. 1, p. 104. Nazhat al-Majalis, vol. 2, p. 192. Zahrat al-Maqul, p. 6).

Ibn Kullakan has mentioned a similar report to this.
However, he has added that they were three (daughters). So he (the Commander of the faithful)had given the third to 'Abd Allah b. 'Umar.(Ibn Khullkan, Wafayat al-A'yan, vol. 2, p. 429).

B. At the Time of 'Uthma`n

Al-Sadu`q has reported: "When 'Abd Allah b.
'Umar conquered Khurasan (Iran)during the days of 'Uthma`n, he took the two daughters of Yazdigird prisoners.
He sent them to 'Uthma`n. Of them the latter had given to al-Hasan.
He had given the other to al-Husayn."('Uyyun al-Akhbar wa Funun al-Athar, p. 143. Roudat al-Wa'izin, vol. 1, p. 137.

Tuhaf al-Raghib, p. 13. A'lam al-Wara, p. 151. Al-Mufid, al-Irshad).

C. At the Time of the Caliphate of the Commander of the Faithful

A group of the historians and the narrators has reported:
"When the Commander of the faithful (Ima`m 'Ali), peace be on him, had assumed the caliphate, he appointed Hurayth b. Ja`bir over part of the eastern provinces.

The latter had sent him two daughters of Yazdigird b.
Of these he had given his son al-Husayn, peace be on him, Shahrbano and she bore him Zayn al-'Abidin, peace be on him. He had given the other to Mohammed b.
Abi Baker and she bore him al-Qa`sim, the famous jurist."

These are the reports which have been mentioned of her marriage to Ima`m (Husayn), the Lord of martyrs, peace be on him.
/ m,;Worth mentioning, the last two reports have not mentioned the capture of Shahrbano with her two sisters, rather they have mentioned that they were sent to the Caliph.
But the first report is clear in mentioning their capture.

Checking the Reports

We must check these different reports.
We think that the first report is incorrect for the following reasons:

1. Yazdigird was alive throughout the caliphate of 'Umar.
He died after his death. He was killed in Maru in the year 30 A.H.
That was in the sixth year of the caliphate of 'Uthma`n.
We firmly believe that Shahrbano and her two sisters disappeared after the murder of their father till the caliphate of the Commander of the faithful (Ima`m 'Ali).
The Commander of the faithful appointed Hurayth b. Ja`bir over that area. The latter found them and sent them to the Ima`m, peace be on him.

2. What Abu Hanifa reported indicates that the first report is incorrect.
When the daughter of Yazdigird was brought to the Commander of the faithful, he, peace be on him, said to her:

"Choose whomever you want of the Muslims."

She answered with awareness and high purpose:

"I want a head over whom there is no head."

This indicates the strong awareness of this Princess.

The Ima`m answered her kindly, saying:

"Indeed 'Ali is an old man."

This means that the Ima`m was in no need of women, for he was an old man.
Besides he was busy treating the general affairs that surrounded him.

But the Princess insisted on her idea, saying:

"I talked completely to you."

Some Persian leaders asked the Ima`m to marry her to them.

The Ima`m answered, saying: "That is up to her. If she wishes to refuse (marriage), (she can refuse it).
If she wishes to accept (marriage), (she can accept it)."

The Ima`m had no right to impose marriage on her, rather that was up to her psychological wishes.
No one had the right to force her to what he wanted.
The Mistress refrained from answering him.( Al-Akhbar al-Tiwal).
We firmly believe that it was Shahrbano. Her marriage took place during the time of the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him.

The most famous of the foregoing two reports. Most jurists think that fame makes the report superior to (the other reports).
Al-Muqrim, a researcher, believed in this report.

Irregular Ideas

Some historians have mentioned irregular ideas concerning the lineage of Shahrbano.
They are as follow:

A. She was from the country of al-Sind.

B. She was among those who were taken prisoners in Kabul.

These two ideas oppose what the narrators and the historians have unanimously agreed on, for they said that she was the daughter of Yazdigird, the king of the Persians.
That was famous even during the time of the Ima`m.
All the people knew that. In this connection, Abu al-Aswad al-Du'ali, who was contemporary with the Ima`m, recited:

Indeed there is a son between Kasra and Ha`shim.
He is more noble than him to whom charms were
He is the light.
The place of his secret
is the Light of Allah.

He is the source of the fountain of the Ima`mate.(Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 46, p. 166).

He is knowledgeable

Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin, peace be on him, denoted that when he said: "I am the son of the two good (communities)." With this he, peace be on him, referred to the well-known tradition:
"Allah, the Most High, has two good (communities) among His creatures.
His good (community) from the Arabs is Quraysh, and from non-Arabs is Persia."(Ibn Khullaka Wafayat al-A'yan, vol. 2, p. 429. Ibn Tolon, Al-A'mmia al-Ithna 'Ashar, p. 175).

Some historians said: "Indeed 'Ali b. al-Husayn (Zayn al-'Abidin) gathered prophethood and authority on the side of his grandfathers."

Her Holy Name

The mother of the Ima`m, peace be on him, was known as Shahrbano.
This was not her name.
Rather it was her nick-name.
It means the queen or the mistress of the women.1 However, the historians have differed over her name.

The following are some of her names:

1. Sala`ma.
2. Sala`fa.
3. Ghaza`la.
4. Salama.
5. Sa`dira.
6. Shahrbano.

These are some of the ideas which we have mentioned concerning her name.
It does not concern us which name is correct, for it does not avail readers.


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