دوشنبه 13 اسفند 1403






ENGLISH shiaquest

The Life of the Great Imam Hasan Askari (A.S.) Poem

Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He was made from light of Allah He reflected might of Allah Allah made him so powerful That all life he was powerful
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Allah gave him such vast knowledge Of heaven and earth he had knowledge Had past, present, future knowledge Of all holy books had knowledge
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Allah gave him the purity He was unique in purity All his life he never did sin All his life had no thought of sin
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He was Allah’s Proof on earth He was Allah’s mercy on earth He was the guide for people of world Sent as helper to people of world
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He was born with a glowing face Had miracle, power and grace By miracle he bowed his head With faith in Allah he bowed his head
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He sat up and looked at the skies Angels saluted from the skies He was the prince of king and heavens Respected him angels of heavens
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He was master of all humans He was master of all angels Master of all living beings Controller of non-living beings
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He sat up manifesting grace The divine light shown from his face the wonderful light the powerful light Made the earth bright and skies the bright
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
As baby he was powerful Took Allah’s names and was joyful As baby in cradle he was great Had super qualities was great
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Being in cradle he looked high His vision went beyond the sky Above all havens and Paradise Above Kauthar, Tasneem Paradise
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Above Paradise, higher and high Above Sidra near Arsh so high He looked at holy Guarded Tablet Like Hasan he read Guarded Tablet
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
The Guarded Tablet contained matter Of events happening till Mahsher All that matter was in his mind Given by God merciful and kind
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
As a baby he had knowledge Of heaven and earth he had knowledge Knowledge of heavenly matters Knowledge of all worldly matters
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He was born as a great Imam Had qualities of great Imam His father was the tenth Imam God made Askari eleventh Imam
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
In his house there was a deep well Askari crawled in well he fell His father great Ali Naqi Was praying to God Almighty
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
The ladies screamed painfully cried Askari smiled and not cried Completing prayers went Naqi Saw miracle of Askari
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He was on the top of water Did not get drowned by his power Imam Naqi did miracle Got water raised by miracle
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
His body was dry and clothes were dry He was smiling did not cry All ladies thanked powerful Imam
Ali Naqi, wonderful Imam
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
As a baby he was Imam And as a child he was Imam One day he was with group of boys Who were plying with the toys
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He did not play with worldly toy When asked he said I am that boy Who knows what is the aim of life Worship knowledge are aims of life
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Allah has said in holy Quran You weren’t created aimless O man Each and every person in world With special aim was sent to world
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Thus he explained that the childhood If spent in gaining knowledge is good Even though young may be a boy Worshipping Allah he should get joy
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
When Askari was four years old He left Madinah but was bold His father called by enemy Went as reflector of mercy
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Askari went with his father Stayed in Samarra with his father Mutawakkel the cruel king Had large army was a big king
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He wanted to frighten Imam He showed his army to Imam Imam opened his two fingers Showed heavens’ army in two fingers
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He showed billions of the angels In largest number were angels Alert to fight with heavenly might Imam was controller of might
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Saleha Fatima
ref: www.shiastudies.net

اطلاعات تماس


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6037998157379727 (بانک ملی بنام سیدمحمدموسوی )

روابط عمومی گروه :  09174009011


 شماره نوبت استخاره: 09102506002


آیدی همه پیام رسانها :     @shiaquest


پاسخگویی سوالات شرعی: 09102506002

آدرس : استان قم شهر قم گروه پژوهشی تبارک


پست الکترونیک :    [email protected]




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