دوشنبه 13 اسفند 1403






ENGLISH shiaquest

Imam Hassan Askari (AS) Source of Knowledge

Imam Hassan Askari (AS) had a brief span of life, only 28 years, but even in this short period, which was furled by a chain of troubles and tribulations, several high-ranking scholars benefited from his ocean of knowledge. Also he stemmed the flood of atheism and disbelief, which ensured, from the philosophers of that age, winning conspicuous success over them. One of those was Ishaq al-Kindi,
he was writing a book on what he called “Self-Contradictions” in the Holy Qur’an. When the news reached the Imam (AS), he waited for an opportunity to refute and rebut him. By chance, some of Ishaq’s students came to him. Imam (AS) asked them: “Is there anyone among you who can stop Ishaq from wasting his time in this useless effort fighting the Holy Qur’an? The students said: “Sir, we are his students - how can we object to his teaching?” Imam (AS) urged that they could at least convey to their teacher what he had to tell them. They replied that they would be ready to cooperate as much as they could in that respect

Imam Askari (AS) then recited a few verses from the Qur’an, which the philosopher thought as contradictory of one another. He then explained them, thus: “Your teacher thinks that some of the words in these verses have only one meaning. But according to the Arabic language, these words have other meanings too, which, when taken into consideration, indicate no contradiction in the overall meaning. Thus, your teacher is not justified for basing his objections and claim of contradictions on the premises of the ‘wrong meaning’ - he himself selects for such verses.” He then put up some examples of such words before the students so clearly that the students understood the whole discussion and the precedents of more than one meaning.
When these students visited Ishaq al-Kindi and after routine talk, reproduced the disputed points, he was surprised. He was a fair-minded scholar and he listened to his students’ explanations. Then he said: “What you have argued is beyond your capacity; tell me truly who has taught you these points?” The students said that it was their own reflection, but when he insisted that they could never have conceived those points, they admitted that, it was explained to them by Abu Muhammad, Imam Hassan Askari (AS). The instructor said: “Yes! this level of knowledge is the heritage of that House and only that House.” Then he asked the students to set fire to all such works of his.
Imam Hassan Askari (AS) was a reliable authority for traditionalists who had recorded several traditions in their collections on his authority.
Once when Imam Hassan Askari (AS) was a young child, he fell into a well near their house. His father Imam Ali-un-Naqi (AS) was praying and didn’t even notice the commotion around him of the ladies crying. When he finished praying and asked what had happened, he was told. He went towards the well. The water rose and all he saw was the 11th Imam (AS) sitting peacefully on the water playing.
Once Bahlool saw the young Imam (AS) crying in the street where all the other children were busy playing with their toys. He asked whether Imam (AS) was crying because he had no toys to play with. Imam (AS) replied: “We have not been created to play!”
Bahlool asked where he had learnt this from and the Imam (AS) said: “Have you not read the Qur’an where it says: “Do you think we have created you in vain and that you will not be returned to us.”
When Bahlool heard this he asked Imam (AS) for some advice. Imam (AS) talked about death, Barzakh and Qiyama and cried so much that he fainted. When he came to, Bahlool asked him why he was so fearful as he wasn’t even baligh yet! Imam (AS) said: “I have watched my mother light a fire, she uses the little twigs to get the big pieces of wood to burn; I fear that on Qiyama Allah (SWT) too will use little ones to light the big ones!

His Life and Works
Ahmed ibn Ishaq relates that when he heard of the death of the 10th Imam (AS), he went to Samara (Iraq) and asked for the whereabouts of the 11th Imam (AS). He was told that 11 th Imam (AS) was imprisoned by Mu’taz Billah. After bribing the guards he was able to visit Imam (AS) one night. He described the prison as a tunnel under the Khalifa’s home where there was no space to stretch one’s legs, nor room to be able to stand. Ahmed says he cried when he saw Imam’s (AS) condition. Food was only one glass of water and a piece of dry bread a day. He was imprisoned because all the rulers knew of the justice that was promised to come with the coming of the 12 thImam (AS) and they wished to prevent anyone being born of the 11th Imam (AS).
Whilst in prison he told his companions to ac*****ulate all the Masails of Fiqh and he completed the Masails on the chapters that were found missing.
He introduced the institution of “Taqleed” advising people to follow those who were learned, “Muttaqi”, and just, as he was in prison and it was extremely difficult for people to meet him. Khums was collected through his representative and Masails were also asked of him.

Imam’s (AS) Connection with the Unseen World
Although many amazing stories of the Imam (AS) have been narrated in books, we point to two of them as examples.
1. Ja’far Jurjani says: “I went for Hajj and visited Imam Hassan Askari (AS), I had the money for the Imam (AS) which his friends had sent to him. I wanted to ask the Imam (AS) to whom I might surrender that. When I visited him before I could say anything, he said: “Hand over the money which you have with you, to my servant - Mubarrak.”
I handed the money over to him and told the Imam (AS) that his friends in Gurgan conveyed their regards and salutation to him. He said: “Allah (SWT) may bless them with reward.” You will return to Gurgan and Allah (SWT) will give you a son. Name him Sharif. He will become one of our friends and companions. Allah (SWT) will give a son to Ibrahim, tell him to name him Ahmed, he also will be one of our friends. I bade farewell to the Imam (AS) and returned and what the Imam (AS) had said, did take place.
2. Ismail: He says, “I was sitting on the way of Imam Hassan Askari (AS) so that I many detain him, while he passes that way, and ask him for help.” Prior to that, I had hidden 200 golden coins with me as a future provision for myself. Suddenly, when I was lost in my ideas, Imam Hassan Askari (AS) passed by me. I rushed after him, stopped him and told him about my poverty and misery and swore that I had nothing from the material sources. He was very much annoyed with my swearing. He told his servant to give me what was available to him. The servant put his hand in his pocket and brought out a sack of gold and gave it to me. Then Imam (AS) addressing me, said: “We don’t deprive anybody of our help but you took a false oath and made God angry. You must never do that again and not deny the blessings of God in the future and depend upon God and have hope from Him, make use and benefit of the blessings He has given to you. You have concealed 200 golden coins in a corner so that it may be of use and benefit to you on your rainy day. But beware, you will not have an opportunity to lay your hands upon them, when you need them.”
The man says, Imam (AS) made me aware and conscious of my fault by his words. What he had said did occur. One day when I was in extreme need of those coins, I rushed towards the place I had buried them. But when I dug the place I was surprised to see that there was no sign of the coins. I came to know that my son was informed about them and did an ugly act by taking them without my permission and running away. Exactly the way the Imam (AS) had explained that I would not lay my hand upon them at the time of need. Thereafter, I decided to control myself and put a restraint upon my faults and be a chaste and pious person before Almighty Allah (SWT).

Imam Hassan Askari’s (AS) Letter to One of His Friends
The Imam (AS) used to write letters to his friends and companions. One of the letters was written to Ali ibn Babuya Qumi who is one of the dignitaries and great Shi’a men. The translation of some parts of it says:
“After the praise, eulogy of Allah (SWT) I recommend to you, who are one of our friends, to be pious, forgive the faults of people, and subdue your anger and look after your relatives and near ones and fulfill the needs of the distressed ones. Have a clear and exact insight and perception about your religion, get to know, your Qur’an, and be vigilant about your prayers and worshipping. Always practice my orders and make my Shi’as do the same.
Imam Hassan Askari (AS) had a gracious personality and was an unmatched exigent of the Qur’an. More than 100 well-known wise men remained continuously present in his assembly. During a period of 16 years, when he lived in Iraq, the territories from Syria up to Medina, particularly Iran was under his influence.
Imam Hassan Askari’s (AS) spiritual influence and knowledge was to the extent that it overwhelmed the court of “Al-Mutaz” and all the wise men busy in his government machinery got enamored and fascinated by Imam Askari (AS). When he traveled to Iran and crossed over the Lawasan via Qum and Rey, the people captivated and fascinated by the School of the Ahlul-Bayt (AS), gathered all around him and expressed their warm feelings and sentiments for him. He made a speech before the people of Lawasan and ordered them to build a mosque and declare it as their holy base. His command proved so effective that people became busy in building 70 mosques in a single day.
One of the courtiers of the Abbasid caliphate named “Ahmed ibn Khaqan, who was an enemy of the Prophet’s family, one day said: “I haven’t seen anybody in Samara among the Bani Hashim family more pious, virtuous and chaste than Imam Hassan Askari (AS). If the caliphate goes out of the Bani Abbasid’s hands, then no one except Imam Hassan Askari (AS) will be capable and fit for it.”
The 11th Imam (AS) was once asked of the signs of a believer (Mo’min). He listed the following signs:
He is one who prays 51 rakaats of salaat daily.
He prostates on Khake Shaffa.
He wears rings on his right hand.
He repeats the verses of Adhan and Ikama.
He recites “Bismillah” loudly in Salaat.
He prays his Fajr Salaat before the stars disappear and his Dhuhr prayers before the sun starts to decline.
He recites Qunoot in Salaat
He dyes his hair and bear.
He recites five takbirs in Salatul-Mayyit.

Brief Sayings of Imam Hassan Askari (AS):
1. Lead a simple life and avoid spending lavishly and without moderation.
2. Avoid telling lies, as it is the key to evil.
3. Whosoever is not a friend of Ahlul-Bayt (AS) is a hypocrite.
4. Whosoever has faith in the Resurrection Day and Hereafter, fulfills his commitments.
5. Reach whomsoever, salute him and when you arrive at an assembly, sit at a low place because this is a form of humbleness.

Authors of Imam Reza Network

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 شماره نوبت استخاره: 09102506002


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پاسخگویی سوالات شرعی: 09102506002

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