دوشنبه 13 اسفند 1403






ENGLISH shiaquest

The Testament of Imam Ali (A.S.)

Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Hajjaj said: Abul Hasan Musa al-Kazim(A.S.) sent me the testament of Imam Ali(A.S.). It is as follows:
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
This is what Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.) recommends. He professes that there is no deity except Allah, the one and companionless; and that Muhammad (S.A.W.) is His servant and His Messenger. He sent him with clear guidance and rightful religion so that he would overcome and surpass all other religions despite what the polytheists like. Divine greetings of Allah be upon him and his family. All my prayers, my worship, my life and death are for the sake of Allah Who is Companionless and Sustainer of the worlds. I have been thus ordered, and I am obedient. After this I enjoin you O Hasan (A.S.) and all the members of my family and those who would read this will, to fear Allah and to leave this world as Muslims and to cling to the rope of Allah, and not to be divided because I have heard from the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) saying: "Reconciliation and agreement surpass all daily prayers and fasting; and what really is uprooting and destroying the religion is the differences and dispersions and there is no power except what comes from Allah the Magnificent and Great. Take heed to your relatives so that Allah would be Merciful to you on the Reckoning Day.
Keep Allah in view for the matter of rights of the orphans. Let it not happen that you would not give them food regularly and make them starving because I heard from the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) saying: Whoever would take care of an orphan until he would become free from need, Allah the Glorious and High makes it obligatory for Himself to take the benefactor into the paradise while, on the contrary Allah has promised to send to Hell those who misappropriate the orphan's possessions.
Keep Allah in view of the Qur'an, let not others take precedence over you in following its orders. Keep Allah in view concerning the rights of the neighbors; because the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has always given orders regarding them, so as we thought a share of our inheritance would be allocated to them.
Keep Allah in view in the matter of the House of Allah! Do not let it be without the pilgrims as long as you live. Because if you would do that you will lose the opportunity. [You'll suffer Allah's punishment]. The least gain for the one who decides to go on a pilgrimage is that all his past sins will be forgiven.
Keep Allah in view in the matter of the daily prayers, as it is the best deed, and is the pillar of your religion.
Keep Allah in view concerning the Zakat, as it quells the wrath of Allah.
Keep Allah in view in the matter of the month of Ramadan, as it protects you from the Fire of Hell.
Keep Allah in view in the matter of the rights of the poor and the needy make them partners in your life.
Keep Allah in view in the matter of the holy war (Jihad) with the help of your wealth, soul, and speech; Because two persons wage the Jihad: The leader of the right path, and the person who follows him on the right path.
Keep Allah in view in the matter of your Prophets' posterity and they should never suffer oppression in your presence when you are in a position to defend them.
Keep Allah in view in the matter of those companions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) who did not make any religious innovation; and did not support innovators either; because the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) has given orders concerning them, and has cursed those (companions) who make innovations in the religion and are among them and support the innovators.
Keep Allah in view in matter of your wives and those who are in your possession; because the last words of your Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) were: "I advise you concerning two weak creatures: women and those who are in your possession.
Keep Allah in view in the matter of prayer. Do not be afraid of any reproaches, so that Allah would protect you from any oppressor. Speak with the people in good words as Allah the Glorious and the Magnificent has ordered and do not quit enjoining the good actions and prohibiting the evil ones. [Otherwise] Allah makes the wicked to rule over you and then all your curses on them will be unanswered
O my children! May that you would get united and be munificent and kind to one another; and keep away from turning your back to one another. Cooperate with one another in doing good actions; and do not cooperate in doing evil actions. Fear Allah because His punishment is very severe. May Allah protect you O the family of the Prophet. And keep you [respectful] of your Holy Prophet (S.A.W.). I bid farewell to you and entrust you to Allah and wish that His mercy and blessings be upon you.
Source: Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.) in The Qur'an and Hadith
By: Muhammadi Rayshahri

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 شماره نوبت استخاره: 09102506002


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