دوشنبه 11 تير 1403






ENGLISH shiaquest

The Birth of Imam Hussain

Six months after Al-Hassan was born, Fatima (A.S.) became pregnant with her second child.

Lady Fatima started noticing the signs that childbearing was near, but the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) had already foretold of Imam Hussain's birth.

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:

"Once, Umme Ayman's neighbors came to the Prophet and said:

"Messenger of Allah, Um Ayman did not sleep last night because of crying; she surely cried until morning. "

The Prophet summoned her and said:

"Umme Ayman, your neighbors say that you spent the night crying, may Allah not cause your eyes to cry!! What made you cry?"

She answered: "Messenger of Allah, I had a fearful dream which caused me to cry all night long."

The Prophet said: "Tell me your dream, for surely Allah and His Messenger are most knowledgeable.

She said: "Last night I saw a dream as if one of your limbs was thrown in my house!!"

The Messenger of Allah said: "Your eyes have slept, but you visioned a good thing. Umme Ayman, Fatima will give birth to Al-Hussain, and you will bring him to me. So one of my limbs will be in your house."

When Al-Hussain was born, Umme Ayman brought him to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) who said:

"Both the carrier and he who is being carried are welcome. Umme Ayman, this is the interpretation of your dream."

Umm al-Fadhl, Al-Abbas's wife, had a similar dream.

Safia Bint Abdul Muttalib, Asma Bint Umais, and Umme Salama were present when Imam Hussain was born. When the Prophet asked Safia (his aunt) to bring him the newborn child, she said: "We have not cleaned him yet."

When the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) heard this, he said: "You clean him?! Surely Allah the Exalted has cleaned and purified him."

After Al-Hussain was born, Gabriel again descended to the Prophet and revealed to him to give the new baby the name Al-Hussain. Al-Hussain is the Arabic version of the old Hebrew name Shabbir, which was Haroun's second son's name. When Gabriel descended to the Prophet, scores of angels accompanied him to congratulate and console the Prophet for Hussain's birth and expected martyrdom.

Imam Hussain (A.S.) was not nursed by any woman, including his mother (A.S.); instead he suckled the Prophet's tongue until he grew old enough to eat. Because of this, his characteristics were exactly as those of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.).

Seven days after the birth the, Messenger of Allah shaved Hussain's head and gave the weight of his
hair as charity for him.

Fatima (S.A.) The Gracious
by: Abu Muhammad Ordoni


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