دوشنبه 13 اسفند 1403






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Imammate of Imam Al-Kadhim AS

Imam Jaffar bin Muhammed Al-Sadiq (AS) appointed his son Mousa bin Jaffar (AS) as his successor and the Imam of the Ummah after him. Numerous traditions about this appointment exist, but the following are sufficient.

‘Mansoor bin Hazim went to see Imam Abu Abdullah Jaffar Al-Sadiq (AS), and asked him to specify the Imam who would succeed him.
‘May my father and mother be your ransom’, said he, ‘souls shall certainly taste death. If that is to be, then who will succeed you?’ ‘This is your man’, said the Imam, pointing to Abul-Hassan Mousa Al-Kadhim. Then he placed his hand on the shoulder of his son, as a gesture of emphasis. Mousa Al-Kadhim was, at the time, five years old.’ (Al-Kulayni, Usool Al-Kafi, Vol.1, page 309)
Abd al-Ala reported on the authority of al-Fayd b. al-Mukhtar, who said: I (i.e. al-Fayd b. al-Mukhtar) said to Abu `Abd Allah Jaffar, peace be on him: "Take my hand away from the fire (of Hell). Who is (the Imam) for us after you?" Abu Ibrahim (Mousa Al- Kadhim) entered. Then Imam Jaffar Al-Sadiq (AS) said: "This is your leader. Keep close to him." (Kitab Al-Irshad)

Musa al-Sayqal reported on the authority of al-Mufaddal b. Umar al-Jufi, may God have mercy on him, who said:

I (i.e. al-Mufaddal b. Umar al-Jufi) was with Abu Abd Allah Imam Jaffar AL-Sadiq, peace be on him. Abu Ibrahim Mousa Al-Kadhim, peace be on him, came in. He was still a boy. Abu Abd Allah Jaffar, peace be on him, said to him: "Indicate to those of your Companions whom you trust that the position of authority belongs to him Mousa." (Kitab Al-Irshad).

Aspects of Character of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (AS).

The period during which Imam Mousa Al-Kadhim (AS) assumed Imammate was the worst, the most brutal and troublesome for Ahlul-Bait (AS). However the Imam endured all the atrocities with his perseverance, patience, and courage. For his ability to contain his sorrow, pain and suffering, he won the nickname of Al-Kadhim.

All of Ahlul-Bait (AS) have honourable characteristics and such noble virtues that they embody perfection and personify the Book of Allah (SWT), the Holy Quran. In this section, we elaborate upon some of the exceptional characteristics of Imam Al-Kadhim (AS).

The Devoted Worshipper:

History portrays the relationship between Imam Al-Kadhim (AS) and Allah (SWT); his worship, asceticism and unique spiritual character. He was, as his father and grandfathers were, educated and brought up to love the Qur`an and live it, as it is the Book of Allah, the container of the revelation, and the source of every good and guidance.

Imam Mousa al-Kadhim (AS) was in the habit of reciting the Qur`an. He was at pains to learn it by heart, recite it, act in accordance with its teachings, and hold onto its message and methodology.

It was said that:"He was the best one among the memorizers of the Book of Allah, the Exalted. He had a mellifluous voice when he recited the Qur`an. When he recited the Qur`an, those present would be so moved that they would break into tears for merely listening to him. People in the city of Madinah called him `The Ornament of the Toilers.`" (Al-Tabrasi. l`lam al-Wara bi A`lam al-Huda (Acquainting People with the Leaders of Guidance). p. 309. 3rd ed.)

His closeness to Allah (SWT), his longing to meet Him and his endeavours to please Him, made him journey to the Sacred House of Allah (SWT) on foot. It was reported that he had gone to Makkah, along with his brother, Ali bin Jaffar, four times on foot.

As for his prayer, he was unmatched. The devoted and pious ones followed his example. It is said that "When he stood in the presence of Allah (SWT), to perform his prayer, tears would roll down his face."

He used to ask Allah`s forgiveness and thank Him for his graces. Ibrahim bin al-Bilad said, “Abul-Hassan Imam Mousa Al-Kadhim (AS) said to me; `I ask Allah’s forgiveness five thousand times a day.` "

Hisham bin Ahmar is reported to have said: "I was riding with Abul-Hassan (Musa bin Jaffar) on a street in Madinah when he dismounted and prostrated. He remained so, motionless, for a lengthy period of time. Then he raised his head and remounted. "May I be your ransom", asked I. "I saw you going down in a long prostration?" He replied; `I remembered a grace which Allah favoured me with. I loved to thank my Lord for it." (Allamah al-Majlisi, Ibid, Vol. 48, p. 116)

Imam al-Kadhim (AS) was a pious, monotheistic saint. His heart was brimming with love for Allah. He (AS) wished that Allah would grant him an opportunity to serve Him. One of the spies placed in the prison with the Imam, to keep a watchful eye on him, reported to the governor Isa bin Jaffar, that he had heard the Imam (AS) saying,

"O my Lord, You know that I had been asking you to spare me time to devote myself to Your service. You have done that. Praise be to You”

The Imam (AS) would not think much of jails. Nor would he get bored by them. He simply didn`t fear the rulers, his opponents. He was towering over this life, lofty and high; no jail would deter or intimidate him. He had given up the pleasures of life, for a more sublime goal, to defend the right, and serve his Lord.

He considered prison life a divine favour. It is reported that Al-Rasheed, the cruel Abbasid caliph would sit in a place overlooking the prison. He saw the Imam in prostration. "What is that garment?” Al-Rasheed asked Al-Rabi`, "which I see everyday on that spot?" Al-Rabi` replied; `It is not a garment. That is Musa bin Jaffar. He prostrates every day from sunrise until noon’. (Ibid)

It was no secret that the Imam (AS) loved to serve Allah (SWT) devotedly and wholeheartedly. Historians and biographers wrote about his worship and prayer.

"It became widely known among people that Abul-Hassan Mousa bin Jaffar was the highest in status from among Al-Sadiq`s sons, the most devoted in his faith, and the most fluent in expressing his mind. Not only was he the most devoted in his worship among the people, but he was also the most well-versed man in Islamic sciences and jurisprudence. It is reported that he would perform the optional prayers of the night until the Morning Prayer. He would perform it and remain awake reciting some supplications until sunrise. He then would go down in prostration during which he praised, thanked and glorified Allah, and would not lift his head until it was noon. He said, in his prostration: "The sin of your servant is shamefully ugly. Let your forgiveness and pardon be bountiful" (Al-Tabrasi, Ibid., p.305, 3rd ed)

My dear reader, such was the devout and wholehearted worship of Imam Al-Kadhim (AS). Perhaps it is in*****bent upon us to think about our worship of Allah (SWT). Sometimes we become so entangled in this world that we lose sight of our real purpose in this life: to worship Allah (SWT).

Are we worshipping our Creator and Sustainer enough? Are we performing the obligatory acts? All of them? Are we then seeking greater proximity to our Lord by performing recommended acts? Salatul Lail (The Night Prayers), the Nawafil Prayers, the recommended fasts, the recommended supplications, perchance that we may then enjoy that unique relationship that Ahlul-Bait (AS) enjoyed with Allah (SWT). They were whole-heartedly devoted to Allah, fully grasping the monotheistic concepts which were reflected clearly in their conduct, attitudes, and deeds. Is it a surprise then that Imam Musa bin Jaffar won the nicknames of Zain al-Mujtahideen and al-Abd al-Salih. He who spends his days and nights in worship and deep thought, risking being thrown in the terrible prisons, overlooking the pleasures of life, giving out himself and his wealth so as to win Allah`s pleasure, working hard to save humanity and guiding it on the right path.

Authors of Imam Reza Network

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