trans lated by
Hamid reza sHossien khani
Our ProPhet said: night of ascent, I sow some of PeoPle on fire wherey they ate carrion. I asked Gabriel: who are they? He said: they are those who ate dead body in world, it means back biting.
According noble transmission, at eternity backbiting emerges as eating the meat of dead body. So in the chambers sura, verse 12, God said:
»Don iacute;t back bite, do you like to eat dead brotherlصs body.
You dislike it surely«. interPretations of this sura indicated that: honor of muslim brother is as meat of his body and dieshonor him with back biting, is as eating of dead body. whereas who is backbited Ilike a dead Personî, is not able to defend himself.
In other word, Islamic dociety, consists of believers and based on God iacute;s order believers are brothers of each other be couse of this, he is unaware of backbiting. And said disliking firm and sure. There is no dobt that you doniacute;t like to eat dead maniacute;s meat who is your brother unless you dislike it, then you should hate backbite.