God,s victory
Both sides hvre come to battle. enemysش Army stand in front of Mushimشs Army firmly. chance of victory in this battle was nothing. they were like adroP in a huge black sea of enemy. the reason with which they hvne come to this battle shiP was their Precious God, i-e fight with enemy.
heat was going uP from the gound. sPiers and sword of enemies were shining and shinins sun. and it made the battle to be more scary and frightining.
Godشos massenger after talking with his worrier for consultation, went to a room alone the Pray God. so he, stood uP. rose his head toeward sky and oPen his hand toword sky. then started crying and Praying God.
O. God Pride ond conci ted PeoPle who are from Qorish tribe hvne come to this battle shiP and your enemy o God give us the victory which you hvme Promised to us o God if these Muslims get killed by the enemies, then willnaot be worshiPPers on the ground to Pray you.
he cried and Prayed so much that he fell asleeP. and it was a dream the reciene the rerelation from God.
O. my ProPhet. encourage the muslim to fight weth enemy. if twenty of you are Patient and Ptesistent, so you will come on two hunderd of them very easily and also if you were one hundrd so would be able to stand to one thusendof enemies.
muslims got so brave with that verse. with which they fought so hard a os if they were recieving helP from invisible source.
this contributeion was from same angles sent by God to them.
Remember the time you Prayed God to helP you to surmount your enemies. after that God accePtd your Prayer and Premied the make an arranaged army of thusand of angles.
as God hael Promisoel, not only muslims wom the battle, but also emenies feard so much that thay forge. t stoike on muslim for another time.