دوشنبه 13 اسفند 1403






ENGLISH shiaquest

Merits and perfections of Jesus

Allah Almighty says, “And we gave ‘Isa, the son of Maryam, clear arguments and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit.” (2:87)
Some have said that the holy spirit was created by Allah and blown by Him into ‘Isa. It is recorded in reliable traditions that the Holy Spirit is a creation of Allah which is higher than Archangel Gabriel and Mika’il and all the angels who had relations with great Prophets and the sinless Imams and who keeps helping them from the time of their birth and guides them up to the last. Some hadiths which have been mentioned in the beginning of this book are concerning this subject. Allah Almighty says elsewhere, “When Allah will say: O ‘Isa, son of Maryam; Remember my favor on you and your mother, when I strengthened you with the holy spirit and you spoke to the people in the cradle; and when of old age I taught you the Book and the wisdom and the Torah and the Injeel; and when you determined out of clay a thing like the form of a bird by My permission, and you healed the blind and the leprous by My permission; and when you brought forth the dead by My permission.” (5:110)
It is well known that the bird made by ‘Isa was a bat. It is described in the hadith of Amir al-Mu’minin that there were six animals, which were not delivered from the womb of their mother. One of them is the bat that was molded from clay by ‘Isa. By the command of Allah it became a living thing and flew away. It is narrated by Wahab ibn Munabbah that once it so happened that fifty thousand ailing persons had gathered around ‘Isa. Whoever was unable to come up to ‘Isa, would go to that ailing person himself. He used to heal him on condition that he would believe in his message. It is said that in the very beginning he brought four dead persons back to life. The first was his friend Aazar. Three days after his death ‘Isa told the deceased’s sister to take him to her brother’s grave.
On reaching there, ‘Isa said, “O Lord of the seven Heavens and the Earth! Verily you have sent me towards The Israelites so that I may call them to Your religion and inform them that I am bringing the dead back to life. So bring Aazar back to life.” Aazar was made alive and came out of his grave. Thereafter he lived long enough to beget children. The second person was the son of an old woman whose coffin was being carried by people before the eyes of ‘Isa. In response to ‘Isa ’s prayer to Allah the dead person became alive and sat up in the coffin. He then descended from the coffin by putting his feet on the shoulders of the coffin carriers. Then he called for his clothes, wore them and went home. He also fathered children thereafter. The third person was a girl named Ashaar. People told ‘Isa that she had died the previous day and asked him to bring her back to life. ‘Isa prayed to Allah and she became alive and got sons thereafter. The fourth person was Noah’s son called Sam whom ‘Isa made alive with the help of (the Glorious Names of Allah). Sam came out of his grave. Half of his hair was white. Sam said, Perhaps this is the final day of judgment. ‘Isa said, No, I prayed to Allah through His Glorious Names so that He may give you life. Now Sam had lived in the world for five hundred years yet his hair had not whitened. But at the said hour his hair turned grey for fear of the Day of Judgment. ‘Isa said to him, “Well, now be dead.” Sam said, “On condition that Allah protects me from the agony of death.” Then ‘Isa prayed for him and he met his Lord.
“And I withheld the children of Israel from you when you came to them with clear arguments, but those who disbelieved among them said, This is nothing but clear enchantment.” (5:110)
It is recorded in reliable sources by Imam al-Baqir that When ‘Isa said, “I am a Messenger of Allah for you. I can mould a bird from clay and give it life. I am the one who can cure people who are blind from birth.” The people of The Israelites said, “All this is enchantment. Give us some other proof so that we may become faithful believers.” ‘Isa said, “If I tell you what it is that you have eaten and what you have stored in your house, would you then believe that I am telling truth.” They said, “Yes.” ‘Isa began to reveal daily what they had eaten, what they had purchased and what they had kept in storage. Some of them believed in him but others still remained adamant on their disbelief.
It is authentically narrated that Imam as-Sadiq said that there was a gap of four hundred and eighty years between Prophet Dawud and ‘Isa. The religion of ‘Isa was that Only One Allah should be worshipped without selfishness or show. He was also ordained by Allah to propagate all the related things. Allah had revealed Injeel to him and took some vows from him as He had done from other Prophets. It was ordained for them in Torah that they should establish prayers and pay the poor-rate (Zakat), order good and prohibit evil and pronounce the divinely permissible things as permissible and the unlawful as unlawful. There were admonitions and examples in Injeel. The criminal code and rules regarding punishments and rights and inheritances were not therein. Allah had given some relief in the hard and fast commandments given by Torah. For example it is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an that ‘Isa said, “I am appointed to permit for you some things, which were prohibited (according to Torah).” ‘Isa asked those who believed in him that they should have faith in both the Torah and Injeel. ‘Isa talked with them while he was yet in the cradle. Thereafter he did not talk with them for seven or eight years after which he began propagation among The Israelites and started to tell them what they had eaten and what they had stored in their dwellings. He began to raise up the dead, heal the blind and leprous and to teach them Torah. When Allah willed to conclude the arguments for The Israelites He revealed Injeel on ‘Isa.
It is mentioned in another hadith that Abaan bin Saalab asked the same Imam whether ‘Isa had raised up any dead person who after revival had lived long enough to have children? He said, “Yes! ‘Isa had a friend with whom he had established brotherhood just to please Allah. ‘Isa use to live in his friend’s house whenever he visited him. (By chance) ‘Isa could not meet him for sometime, and when he went to see him he was met at the doorstep of the house by his friend’s mother instead. ‘Isa inquired about his friend. She replied, ‘O Messenger of Allah! He is dead.’ ‘Isa inquired from her whether she would like to see him again. She replied, ‘Surely O Prophet of Allah!’ ‘Isa said, ‘All right, I will come back tomorrow and by the command of Allah bring him back to life for you.’ The next day ‘Isa went back to the house and asked the mother to accompany him to the grave of her deceased son. She took ‘Isa to the grave. ‘Isa stood at the grave and recited a supplication to Allah. The grave opened and the son came out alive. When mother and son saw each other, they wept. ‘Isa felt pity for them and inquired of the son whether he would like to live with his mother? He asked whether it would be with provision, and food and a span of life or without all of it? ‘Isa said it would be with all that. He then told him, ‘You will live with all these things for another twenty years in the world, and that you will get married and beget children.’ The youth replied that he would like to live that way. So ‘Isa entrusted him to his mother. That youth thereafter lived for another twenty year, got married and reared his children.”
Another authentic hadith tells us that some companions of ‘Isa requested him to make the dead alive. So he enlivened Sam, son of Noah and asked him whether he wanted to live in this world or to revert to his past position. Sam said he did not want to remain alive as the agony of his (former) death was still painful to him.[133]
According to authentic sources it is mentioned that, according to Imam as-Sadiq some people asked ‘Isa as to why he did not marry? He replied, “Of what use will a woman be for me?” People said, “She will bear sons for you.” He said, “What shall I gain from sons. If they remain alive they will create trouble and disturbance for me and if they die they will only give me grief and gloom!”
It is recorded in reliable sources that ‘Isa used to recline on a pillow of rock and wear thick rough clothes while sleeping. He remained hungry most of the time. At night, the moonlight was his light. During the cold season his holdings were the entire east and the west under the sun. (He was always on the move). The grass which sprouted from the earth for animals provided him with fruits and fragrance. He had no woman whom he would love nor a son to worry about. He had no wealth which could deter him from the remembrance of Almighty Allah nor did he entertain any greed which could bring about disgrace. His vehicle were his feet and his servants his hands.
As recorded in reliable traditions Imam as-Sadiq said that ‘Isa in some of his sermons to The Israelites mentioned: My helpers are my hands and my vehicle my legs. The earth is my bed and my pillow the rock. The sun is the warmth giving fire for me and my lamp during the night is the moon. My food is hunger. My clothing is fear of Allah and my covering is thick rough clothes made of hair. My fruits and flowers are the grass which animals eat. I pass my night without possessing any belongings. When I awake I have nothing with me on the surface of this earth yet no one is more rich or needless than me.
Another narration mentions that the wife of Kinaan had a son who was physically disabled. She brought him to ‘Isa. ‘Isa told her that he had been entrusted with the service of healing the ailing persons among The Israelites. The wife of Kinaan said, “O spirit of Allah! Dogs obtain food from the tablecloths shaken off by the rich. So you too, through your wisdom help us and do not turn us out in despair.”
‘Isa sought permission from his Lord and then prayed and the son of that woman was cured.
It is mentioned in a true hadith that some people inquired of Imam as-Sadiq whether ‘Isa also suffered from ailments like all other children of Adam? Imam said, “Yes, he had suffered from serious old age ailments in his childhood. Once he had suffered from an ailment which generally troubles seamen. He requested his mother to bring a little honey mixed with olive oil. Maryam gave it to him. While drinking it ‘Isa showed disgust at its taste. The holy mother asked as to why he was showing dislike after calling for it himself? ‘Isa replied that it was through his knowledge as a divine Prophet that he called for it but its taste was unpalatable and like any normal child he showed his dislike for it. Yet he took it (and was cured).”
In another narration the same Imam has said that ‘Isa (During his childhood cried so much that it worried his mother very much. Then he would tell his mother, “O kind mother! Feed me with the powder of the skin of such and such tree so that my pain will subside and I will stop crying.” When Maryam put that medicine in the throat of the ‘Isa but he cried even more. Maryam asked him why he cried even more when he himself had desired it. The child replied, “My prescription is based on my Messengership and my crying is natural (due to my young age).”
According to authentic narrations Imam al-Ridha said that the Prophet of Allah has said, “May Allah make Masoor (lentils pulse) tasteful for you. It is blissful and pure, it softens the heart and increasing weeping (tenderness). Seventy Prophets have blessed it of whom ‘Isa is the last.”
According to the same chain of narrators Imam said that two engraved (oft repeated) phrases of ‘Isa were: “Good is for a slave who remembers Allah because of Him and bad is for a person who forgets Allah because of Him.”
According to reliable sources hasan al-Mujtaba said, “‘Isa reached the age of thirty-three years in this world. Allah raised him up to heaven. He will ascend to the world in Damascus and kill Dajjal.”
According to authentic and reliable traditions Imam as-Sadiq said, “‘Isa went on a pilgrimage for hajj of Ka‘bah and passed by Safaih Rauhaa and he was repeatedly reciting labbaik abdu ka wabnuummahika labaik (Here I am, your servant and the son of your slave girl, here I am).”
It is reliably reported that the holy Prophet said, “I saw ‘Isa on the night of Me’raj (ascension to heavens). He had a red face, curly hair and was of moderate stature.”
It is also reported that Allah had appointed ‘Isa only to The Israelites and the jurisdiction of his Messengership was limited to the Jerusalem. After him his twelve Haaris (associates) became his successors.
It is mentioned in Abu-Dharr’s hadith that the holy Prophet said, “The first Prophet of The Israelites was Musa and their last messenger was ‘Isa. In between them six hundred Prophets had been appointed (by Allah).”
According to a true hadith it is reported that a person asked Imam al-Baqir when ‘Isa spoke in the cradle was he the Proof of Allah for the people of his time? Imam replied, “Yes, he was a Prophet and hujjah but he was not Mursal (i.e.. he was not appointed for Tabligh). Have you not heard that Allah has said that he spoke up in the cradle saying that ‘I am a slave of Allah. He has given me the Book and made me a Messenger!’” The narrator inquired was Zakariyya also Proof at that time? He replied, “In that environment he was a proof of Allah for the people and was the Mercy of Allah for Maryam as he testified to the chastity of Maryam at a time when people were misunderstanding her. And he was a Prophet of Allah and hujjah of Allah for those who heard his words at that time. Then he became silent. Thereafter when Zakariyya returned to Allah (expired), Yahya became his deputy. He inherited his property and wisdom when he was still very young. When ‘Isa attained the age of seven years he announced his Messengership and Allah revealed His word to him. Thus ‘Isa became the hujjah of Allah for Yahya and for all others. Since the advent of Adam until the Resurrection Day the world is not to exist without the hujjah of Allah.”
It is recorded in reliable reports that Safwan asked Imam al-Ridha, “May Allah not keep me alive when you are not in the world. If it so happens who will be our Imam (leader)?” Imam al-Ridha pointed towards Imam Muhammad al-Taqi standing nearby. Safwan exclaimed that he was only three years old. Imam said, “So what? ‘Isa attained his Messengership when he was only three years old!”
It is mentioned in a reliable tradition that Imam al-Baqir said, “After ‘Isa was born he grew up speedily. In one day he grew as much as others grow in two months. When he was seven his mother took him to a school and seated him in front of the teacher. The teacher said bismillah hir rahman nir raheem (In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful) and ‘Isa at once repeated the words. Then the teacher asked him: say ABJAD. ‘Isa raised his head and asked the teacher whether he knew the meaning of ABJAD? The teacher picked up a lash to hit him. ‘Isa said, ‘O teacher! Do not hit me. If you know the meaning tell it to me otherwise ask me to describe it.’ The teacher said, ‘Describe it.’ ‘Isa, ‘A (Alif) is AALAA meaning the bounties of Allah, B is for BAHJAT meaning ‘GRACE’ and Divine Attributes, J is for (Jamaal e Ilaahi), D that is Daal is for Deen e Ilahi (religion), H (hey) stands for Haul (hell), V (vaav) indicates VAIL LI AHLIN NAAR which means woe unto the dwellers of Hell, Z (Ze) points to Zafeer which indicates the screaming of sinners in the hell and the bursting of hellfire, Huttiya shows that sins are washed away by Istgfaar, KALMAN is ‘Kalma e Khudaa’ (words of Allah) and that nobody can alter His words and figures, SA A FA SA means the Resurrection Day (Dooms day of Final Judgment) which will exhibit tit for tat (perfect justice will be given to all by exact measure) QRESHAT means all will be made to sleep in the grave and will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment.’ Hearing all this, the teacher told the lady to take away her son as he possessed divine Knowledge and needed no teachers.”
It is narrated in reliable traditions that Imam as-Sadiq said, “One day ‘Isa went to the bank of a river and threw bread from his box into the water.” One of his companions asked, “Why, O spirit of Allah! Did you throw away a part of your food?” ‘Isa explained, “So that creatures in water may eat it. It carries a great reward.”
It is also recorded with authentic chains that Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq said, “There are 73 Graceful Names of Allah. ‘Isa was bestowed with two of them thereby he could show all miracles. Allah has taught all His 72 Names to us reserving one for Himself that has not been taught to any one.” (That is, including the two given to ‘Isa too. Thus 72 Names in all were taught).
It is recorded through the same sources that Imam said, “Fear Allah and do not envy one another.” Doubtlessly the holy ‘Isa’s shari‘ah included his tours in the world too. Once during such tours his companions included a short stature gentleman who was always keeping close to him. When they came across a river ‘Isa said, Bismillah (In the Name of the Allah) and stepped onto the water with firm faith and began to cross the river on foot. His companion also uttered ‘Bismillah’ and followed him trustfully and came very near to the. His soul became proud with a thought about ‘Isa that since he also was walking like ‘Isa on water, how is ‘Isa superior to me? Immediately he began to drown. So he complained to ‘Isa who held his hand and fetching him out asked him, ‘O little man! What thought did your heart nurture, which resulted in this calamity for you?’ He described whatever had come to his mind. ‘Isa told him that he (the pigmy man) had turned his heart in a direction in which Allah had not wanted it and also explained to him that he had imagined himself to be on a level that was higher than his. Therefore Allah regarded him as His enemy. So ‘Repent’. He repented and got his earlier status.” Imam said, “Repent before Allah and do not envy one another.”
He (Imam) said in another reliable tradition that one day ‘Isa passed by a group of people who were rejoicing noisily. He asked them why were they so joyful? He was informed that the daughter of such and such person was marrying the son of such and such person. ‘Isa told them that though they were merrymaking that day, they would mourn and grieve on the next day. Someone asked him, ‘O Messenger of Allah! How would it be so on the next day?’ ‘Isa told them that the girl would die that night. So those who had put faith in ‘Isa said that his word was true but the hypocrites retorted, ‘Tomorrow is not too far to prove the falsity of his word!’ Next morning all of them went to the door of that girl’s house and inquired about her. They were informed that she was alive. Returning to ‘Isa they exclaimed that though he had told them that the girl about whom he had said would die was yet alive. ‘Isa replied, ‘Allah does what He wills.’ He added, ‘Come let us see what took place’. Reaching the girl’s house her husband came out. ‘Isa asked his permission to talk with his wife. That man went to his wife and told her that ‘Isa wanted to ask her something, in the presence of some people. That lady covered herself with a sheet and called ‘Isa into the house. ‘Isa asked her as to what kind of a deed she done the previous night. She replied, “Nothing except what I do every Friday night. On every Friday night a beggar comes to me and I give him away what suffices him until next Friday. Since last night all in the house were busy due to my marriage ceremony no one attended to the calls of the said beggar. But I heard him so, I stealthily (so that others might not recognize me) went to the beggar and gave him something as usual.” ‘Isa asked her to get up from her bed. Accordingly she rose and swapped the bedding beneath it snake resembling the branch of a palm tree came out holding its tale in its mouth. ‘Isa said that it was due to this action of that lady for the poor beggar that Allah removed the calamity of the snakebite and postponed her death.
In another narration of Ibn ‘Abbas it is mentioned that one day when ‘Isa was in the valley of Jerusalem some Shaitans approached him with the intention of harming him. Allah Almighty asked Archangel Gabriel to hit the Shaitans with his right wing. Archangel Gabriel did so and ‘Isa was saved from harm.
Babawayh has narrated through Ibn ‘Abbas that when ‘Isa who was then 30 year old was in the aqabah (vale) of Jerusalem called Aqaba ar-Rafeeq, the accursed Iblis approached him and told him that since he had talked while in the cradle only his sovereignty (Godhood) was the highest. But ‘Isa retorted, ‘O Iblis. It is not so. Only One Allah is the Greatest. The one who has empowered me to talk in the cradle. He could have made me dumb, had He willed so’. Then that condemned Satan repeated, ‘Only you are the great Allah who is able to shape a bird with clay and blow into it to make it alive.” ‘Isa replied instantly, “Greatness is reserved only for Allah who created me and who creates a bird with my hands.” That condemned Satan spoke again: “Your Godhood is so high that you heal the ill.” ‘Isa told him: “Godhood is only for Him with whose permission I heal the ill, because if He wills it He can make me ill.” Then Iblis continued: “It is none but you who with your divine power make the dead alive. ‘Isa retorted: “But the real greatness belongs only to Allah at Whose command I raise up the dead, and it is only Allah Who will make those dead whom I have made live and also make me dead. Only He will remain ever alive.” Iblis said again, “It is only you whose godhood is so great that you walk on water without even wetting your feet.” said, “No, but sovereignty belongs only to the One Who made the water subservient to me, if He wills Allah may drown me.” Then that accursed said, “O ‘Isa, it is only you that one day the heavens and the earth and whatever is in between the two will come beneath your feet and you will be upon all of them and will direct their affairs and you will distribute their provisions.” These words of Satan made ‘Isa very uneasy and he said, “Subhaan.....Nafsih (meaning Highly Exalted is Allah above all that you utter. I will glorify him so much that both the heavens and earth will be full of it and the ink (writing his never-ending knowledge) will finish and the weight of his glorification will equal his throne so that he may be pleased with me. Hearing these words Iblis ran away and jumped into the sea of Akhzar. A female jinn going towards the seashore saw Iblis prostrating on a hard stone. Tears flew from his wretched eyes across his inauspicious face. That she Jinn who was astonished to observe this spoke, ‘O Iblis! Woe unto you. What the hell do you expect to get by making such a long prostration? He said, “O lucky daughter of a virtuous gentleman. I hope that Allah, after throwing me into Hell according to His swearing will also free me from hell by virtue of His Mercy.”
According to a reliable narration from Imam as-Sadiq ‘Isa had once gone up mountain named Areehaa. Satan approached him in the form of the King of Palestine and said, “O Roohullaah (Spirit of Allah), since you make the dead alive and cure the ill and the blind and the leprous just make yourself fall down from this hill.” ‘Isa replied, “I do everything as ordered by Allah and He has not commanded me to do so.”
It is also recorded according to the same sources that once upon a time the crafty Iblis came to ‘Isa and told him, “Are you the one who claims to be able to make the dead alive?” said, “Yes.” Satan said, “If you are telling the truth, just make yourself fall off this wall and show us that you are still alive thereafter.” ‘Isa replied, ‘Woe unto you! a slave who is subordinate to the commands of Allah cannot experiment upon himself as he likes.” Then Iblis said, “Is your Lord able enough to close up the entire universe into an egg without shortening the universe or enlarging the egg?” ‘Isa replied, “Inability can never apply to Allah. What you ask for is absurd and hence unlikely to happen and this is not against the perfection of the ability of Allah.”
In another authentic hadith it is reported by Imam Muhammad al-Baqir that one day ‘Isa, having seen Iblis, asked him, “Has anyone of the webs of your deceit ever reached me?” He replied, “How can I ever cheat you when your respected maternal grandmother had, at the time of the birth of your mother Maryam prayed to Allah, ‘O Allah! I entrust her and her progeny to your fold so protect them from the deceits of Satan (and you belong to their progeny).” It is mentioned in some books that when Maryam had arrived in Egypt ‘Isa was until that time a child. She (Mary) had taken shelter in the house of a farmer because she was very friendly with the poor and helped in nourishing them too. One day some of that farmer’s wealth was stolen. He made allegation against those poor people who then were living in his house. This made Maryam very sorrowful. Seeing this ‘Isa asked his mother whether would she like him to reveal who actually stole the property of the farmer? She said, Yes. ‘Isa said, Such and such blind man and lame man have jointly made theft. When the blind man was asked to pick up the lame man he said he was unable to do so. ‘Isa said, “Last night how were you able to lift him up (and carry him away). How is it that you are not able to do so now?” Then both of them confessed and all the other inmates were thereby proved not guilty. Next day it so happened that some more guests came to the farmer’s house. The farmer worried as there was not water enough for them all. Observing this ‘Isa went into the room where empty waterspouts were kept. He scanned his hand over those pots and all were filled up. he (‘Isa) was twelve-years old.
It is recorded that, in his childhood, ‘Isa was standing with some boys. One of the boys had killed another boy and threw his dead body at the feet of ‘Isa. Relatives of the dead boy took ‘Isa to the court of the Qadi. The ruler asked ‘Isa about this and ‘Isa replied that he had not killed the boy. The ruler wanted to punish ‘Isa. Thereupon ‘Isa demanded that the dead boy should be brought before him. Then he (‘Isa) prayed to Allah. Consequently the dead boy came alive. Then ‘Isa asked the dead boy as to who had killed him. He replied that such and such person had killed him. Then The Israelites asked him who the man standing before him was. He replied that he was ‘Isa son of Maryam, then he dropped down dead.
It is reported in narrations that Maryam entrusted ‘Isa to a dyer for learning the art of dying. The dyer had a lot of clothes to be dyed. While going out for some other work he explained to ‘Isa that he should die the clothes in particular colors. But ‘Isa put all of them into a single color tub. On inquiry, after the dyer returned, ‘Isa told him that he had put all the clothes in such and such tub. ‘Isa told him not to worry. The dyer shouted angrily, “You have spoiled all the clothes.” He arose and took out the clothes. All of them were colored in different colors as desired by the dyer. The astonished dyer realized that ‘Isa was Allah’s Messenger and so he became a Muslim (faithful). Finally when Maryam took back ‘Isa and went to Syria she camped in a hamlet called Naasirah. The word Nasara therefore has this connection. Then ‘Isa started the mission of guiding Allah’s creation and conveying the Messages of the Creator.
Excerpt from the book "Hayat Al-Qulub" written by Muhammad Baqir Majlesi
Source: www.shiastudies.net

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