چهارشنبه 25 مهر 1403






منو سخنرانی مکتوب

ENGLISH shiaquest

منو بهداشت و سلامت

Mother of Awaiting - Part 2

Alchemy of Courtesy :

Boshr ibn Sulayman, says on the arrival of the Roman Princess to Samarra (a city in Iraq), Imam Ali al-Naqi (AS) said to her:
"How Merciful God unveiled the myth of Islam against Christianity to you?
And how did He reveal the nobleness and superiority of Muhammad (SAW) and his Household to you?"
The courteous Princess said modestly:
"How could I explain to you, son of the Messenger of God something which you are far more aware of it than I am"!
Politeness indicates the eminence of a perfect human being.
Courtesy in character and behavior are manifested and displayed in the manner and speech of man. In the Holy Qur'an, God has practised politeness.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has introduced himself by a beautiful sentence as "Divine chastised".
All distinguished people are known by this meritorious quality.
Hakima daughter of Imam Jawad (AS) said: "One day I went to visit Narjis (SA) [after her marriage to Imam Askari (AS)], she humbly asked my permission, and tried to help me in taking my shoes off.
I told her that she was my Lady and it was my duty to be at her service most willingly."
This clearly manifests the height of refinement and politeness of pure lady of Rome towards the daughter of Imamate and Vilayat.
In another narration, Hakima Khatun (Lady) said:

"At the eve of the birth of Hazrat Hujjat (the 12th Imam of the Shi'a Muslims), and on the request of Imam Hassan Askari (AS) I stayed with them.
In absence of any visible impression of pregnancy and imminent birth, I became agitated but the Imam (AS) with his remarks calmed me down, so I returned to the side of Narjis (SA). She asked me: `O my lady! How are you tonight?' I replied that she was the one who was my lady and Khatun of our household."
By using the term "My Lady" Narjis paid her respect and declared her devotion to the Household of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

An Apostle of Insight and Perspicacity :

Enlightened and Vigilant women, when faced with a variety of choices, always select nothing but the best. They are never deceived by delusive appearance.
Narjis (SA), the Lady of Honor, was at the audience of Imam Hadi (AS), when she said to her :

"I wish to honor you, and give you a present.
Please tell me which of the two suits you best: 10,000 dirhams or glad tidings to eternal honor and glory?"
Lady Narjis (SA), the Roman Princess who was brought up in comfort and luxury of castle of Kaiser (Caesar), had such insight and vision that would never even comprehend the thought of worldly riches against eternal spiritual riches.
So, she emphasized her preference of `Eternal Honor and Glory' and not money!
Imam Hadi (AS) replied:
"Glad tidings to you with news of a child, whose vast governorship would embrace East and West of the world, and who would fill the world with justice and equity."
This is how the vessel of existence of Narjis found its just capability and merit to host Hazrat Vali-e-Asr (AS).
Hence the most beautiful birth of existence took place.
With little deliberation on the political circumstances of Samarra on time of Imam Hassan Askari (AS), we perceive that Narjis was fully aware of the time and with clear perception distanced herself from watchful eyes of spies.
Thus, protecting the life of the Last executor of the will of the Prophet (SAW). Political circumstances of the time were so oppressive that they demanded the secrecy of the marriage.
So it was commenced in the house of Hakima Khatun.
Weary of reaction of an enemy, who would stop at nothing in eliminating the possible birth of Imam-e Zaman (AS) - the Twelfth Imam of Shi'a Muslims.
Even after the birth of the blessed child, she prudently observed the ever-present agents of Abbasides in the House of Al-e Muhammad (SAW).
Living under such circumstances, needed a strong spiritual awareness and spiritual support in addition to a deep-rooted insight.
Another evidence of her insight and vision could be seen in her reply to Boshr ibn Sulaiman, who was the son of Abu Ayub Ansari and a confident of Imam Hadi (AS).
He is quoted as saying that: when I saw her kissing the letter of the Twelfth Imam (AS) and laying it upon her eyes, I told her:
"How strange that you kiss and honor the letter of someone you don't know?" She replied:
"You are ignorant of the status of the Household of the Prophet (SAW), hear me and let your heart follow me. I'm Melekeh, the daughter of Joshua who was the son of Ceasar and ...."

Recognition and true insight concerning the Prophet (SAW) and his Household is a precious gift that is not bestowed upon everyone.
She was blessed with such insight, vision and perception that comprehending the importance and magnificence of Imamate and Vilayat of the Ahlul-Bait (AS) was the reality in making which didn't need any proof, thus in her supplication we read:
"I testimony that you passed away while you were satisfied with Allah.

Nectar of Forbearance :

The writings of Muslim and non-Muslim historians indicate the turbulent and troubled political and cultural circumstances of the time, which made patience essential for living under these circumstances.
Bearing in mind the timing of the birth of Imam-e Zaman (AS) in the year 255 Al-Hejira and the martyrdom of the 10th Imam (AS) in Rajab of the year 254 Al-Hejira, as well as increased pressure of Abbasid caliphs on Ahlul-Bait (AS) will throw some light on the harsh conditions of life in Samarra at the time.
According to numerous narrations, marriage of Imam Hassan Askari (AS) and Narjis Khatun (SA) took place in the lifetime of Imam Hadi (AS).
So, Imam-e Zaman (AS) was born during the Imamate of Imam Hassan Askari (AS).
Therefore, it could be anticipated that at least one and half years after the marriage the household of Imam (AS) were under enormous pressure by the ruling government.

In order to prevent the appearance of the Last Executor of the will of the Prophet (SAW), the Imam (AS) spent a great part of his short-lived marriage in prison and responsibility of upbringing and safeguarding of their son laid solely on the shoulders of this patient lady.

Historians reported that it was certain that from the year 255 till 256 in time of Mohtadi, Abbasid caliph of the time, Imam Hassan Askari (AS) spent some time in prison which was located in Jousaq and again in the year 259 Hejira before Dhu al Hejja, Imam Hassan Askari (AS) was imprisoned. 18

Considering that Imam Hassan Askari (AS) was martyred on the 8th Rabi' al-Awwal, 160 Al-Hejira which is four month after his last imprisonment, it is apparent that for the greater part of his marriage, he was imprisoned.
So, it consequently put a great deal of pressure on Narjis Khatun (SA), especially with political situation prevailing then in Samarra and brings about further praise and respect for this forbearing lady.


Guest of the Holy Ka'aba Fatima bint Asad

Fatima, was a special person even before she was born because she was conceived from the fruits of paradise.
The Prophet (S.A.W) says:

“That before she was conceived the Arch-Angel Gabriel came down from the heavens with a plate containing a cluster of dates and a bunch of grapes ordering me to eat them.
After I ate them I was ordered to go to Khadija and thus Fatima was conceived from the fruits of paradise.”

Khadija was now pregnant with Fatima and as she says, it was an easy pregnancy because the embryo would speak to her from inside her womb.
Khadija did not inform the Prophet about this miraculous occurrence, but one-day when she was home alone, he found Khadija speaking to someone.
He inquired as to whom she was speaking to, she replied, “That which is in my womb, surely it speaks to me”.
The Prophet then cheerfully said, “Rejoice Khadija, for this is the girl whom Allah has made to be the mother of eleven of my successors who will come after me and after their father”.

So for the duration of the pregnancy, Fatima was comforting her mother who had been deserted by the women of Quraysh because she married the poor orphan, Mohammad.

When Fatima's delivery came near, Khadija sent for the qurayshi midwives, who still refused to help her.
But by the grace of Allah, four of the most beautiful women came to help her in this time of need, as she says, “When Fatima’s delivery came near, I sent for the qurayshi midwives who refused to help me because of Mohammad.
During childbirth four ladies whose beauty ad brilliance were indescribable entered the house, each one began to introduce herself.
The first one said, “I am your mother Eve”. The second one said, “I am Asiya bint Muzahim, Firauns wife”.
The third one said, “I am Kulthum Musa’s sister”, and the fourth one said, “I am Mariam bint Imran, Isa’s mother, we have come to deliver your child”.

So with the help of these heavenly ladies, Fatima was delivered.

She was born on the 20th Jamadi al-Akhir.
She fell to the ground in the position of prostration and the brightness and brilliance of her face illuminated the skies from east to west, and for this reason she was named “Al-Zahra”, lady of light.
Al-Zahra is known by nine names, such as Fatima.
She was named Fatima because she and her followers are protected from hell.
She is also Al-Siddiqa meaning she is a woman who has scrupulous honesty and sincerity, believing in the commands of Allah and his Prophet, never doubting for one moment.
She is also Al-Mubaraka, which means the blessed one because abundant blessings originated from her, such as the necklace that fed a hungry man, satisfied a poor man and freed a slave.

Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari relates that an old man weak from hunger came to the Prophet and asked to be fed and clothed.
The Prophet did not have anything to give him so he sent him to Fatima’s house.
When he arrived he asked the same of her, so she gave him a necklace.
He took the necklace and went to the mosque and showed the Prophet.
The Prophet said, “sell it for Allah will grant you a solution to your problems because it was given to you by the Mistress of All Women. Meanwhile Ammar bin Yasir asked the Prophet if he had permission to buy it.
The Prophet gave him permission so Ammar paid generously for it, then he gave the necklace to Sahim, his slave and said give it to the Prophet and tell him that I give you to him also.
The Prophet said to the slave, take this necklace and give it to Fatima and tell her that I gave you to her.
When the slave reached Fatima, she took the necklace and told the slave that he was free. Upon hearing this the slave laughed. Fatima asked him the reason that made him laugh.
He answered: “I smiled when I thought of the abundance put in this necklace, it fed a hungry man, freed a slave and returned to its original owner.

We now understand why she was Mubaraka.
Some other names she is known by, are Al-Tahera, meaning she was virtuous and pure, cleansed from all sin, and she was Al-Batool, meaning she was chaste and pure, safeguarded from menstruation and childbirth bleeding.
She is also Al-Zakiya, meaning the chaste and Al-Radhiyah, the satisfied or gratified one, and of course Al-Mardhiya which means she who pleases Allah.

Father and Daughter

Prophet Mohammad and his daughter had an extremely powerful relationship.
Even Ayisha, the Prophets wife has spoken about the strong relationship between Mohammad (SAW) and Fatima; “Never have I seen anyone like the Messenger of Allah, in his solemn way of standing and sitting, more than Fatima, may Allah grant her more honor.
When she came to see him, he would rise to his feet, take her hand, kiss her, and seat her where he was seated.
And when he came in to see her, she would stand up, kiss his feet, kiss him, and seat him where she was seated”.

Aiyisha has also said: “Never have I seen anyone resembling the Prophet of Allah, in his way of speaking and talking, better than Fatima”.

When people threw rocks at the Prophet of Allah, it was Fatima that came and cleaned and helped.
And as much as Fatima loved the Prophet, he loved her back.

Importance of Fatima

This great lady who has been of the brightest stars of Islamic history had lived a most powerful and eventful life.
Her name was Fatima, the daughter of Asad, son of Hashem.
Fatima had been gifted with some most unique qualities that no other woman before her and no other woman after her had been granted by Allah.
Every aspect of her outstanding life has invaluable lessons to teach to all mankind past, present and future.


Life of Hazrat Maryam (A.S)


Hazrat Maryam`s respectable parents are Hazrat Emraan and Hazrat Hannah. In her old age, Hazrat Hannah was expecting a child.
With the birth of a son in mind, she made an oath to Allah that the child to be born would be freed from all worldly affairs and specially dedicated to Allah's service.
Almighty Allah blessed her with a daughter, who was to be the mother of Hazrat Isa (A.S), Hazrat Maryam (A.S) , the chosen one among the women.

The Holy Quraan says:

When the wife of Imraan said: "O my Lord! I do dedicate unto Thee what is in my womb for Thy service.
So accept this of me; for thou Hearest and Knowest all things." When she delivered, she said: "O my Lord! Behold! I am delivered of a female child!" (Surah Ale-Emraan:35-36)

Hazarat Maryam's Childhood

Thus Hazrat Maryam (A.S) was born. She could not be devoted to temple service as her mother had intended, due to being a female.
This was under the Mosaic Law at the time.
However, as the new born was marked out for a special destiny to be the mother of the miracle-child Hazrat Isa (A.S) , she was accepted for the service of Almighty Allah.

Hazrat Maryam's Miracle

Hazrat Maryam (A.S) grew up under Allah's special protection. Her sustenance came from Allah, and her upbringing was indeed a pure one.

The Holy Quraan, most beautifully testifies this childhood miracle of Hazrat Maryam (A.S) :

"Right graciously did her Lord accept her, He made her grow in purity and beauty, to the care of Zakariyya (Alayhis-Salaam) was she assigned, every time he (Zakariyya) entered (her) chamber to see her, he found her supplied with sustenance.
He said: "O Maryam! Whence (comes) this to you?" She said: "From Allah.
For Allah provides sustenance to whom He pleases without measure." (Surah Ale-Emraan:37)

Hazrat Zakariyya looked after Hazrat Maryam (A.S) whilst she was in the service of Allah.

Birth of Hazrat Isa (A.S)

So Hazrat Maryam (A.S) grew up in a very pious religious environment, always remaining busy in the worship of her Creator Almighty Allah.
Then followed the miraculous birth of Hazrat Isa (A.S) .


Hazrat Maryam (A.S) , the mother of Hazrat Isa (A.S) was unique, in that she gave birth to a son by a special miracle, without the intervention of the customary physical means.
This of course does not mean that she was more than human, any more than her son was more than inhuman.
She had as much need to pray to Almighty Allah as anyone else.
The Christian dogma, in all sects except Unitarian, holds that Jesus was Allah and the son of Allah.
The worship of Maryam became the practice in the Roman Catholic Church, which calls Maryamthe mother of Allah.
All these are baseless and false claims as has been clarified by the verses of the Holy Quraan mentioned in this context.
May Almighty Allah give us all the true and proper understanding.


Great Women of Islam: Fatimah bint Muhammad PBUH

She was the youngest daughter of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his favorite.
She married his cousin 'Ali bin Abi Talib and was the mother of the great martyrs of Islam, Hasan and Hussein.
She was born in Makkah a few years before her father was granted Prophethood.
Though both Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and Khadijah already had three daughters before her they expressed great happiness at her birth.
Going against the accepted custom, her mother did not send her beloved youngest daughter away to be breast fed in any of the surrounding villages, but kept her with her and nursed her herself. She loved her too much to entrust her to anyone else's care. Some years later her father was declared by Allah to be His Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and last Messenger.

She and her mother and sisters Zaynab, Ruqayya, and Umm Kulthum accepted Islam.
She spent her early years under the loving and tender care of her parents.
Zeal for the defense of what is sacred and love of the righteous was ingrained in her.
Before Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) proclaimed himself the Last Prophet of Allah Almighty, he was the most popular, loved and respected man among the Quraysh.
But once he announced himself to be the Allah's Prophet and Messenger, his whole life seemed to turn around.
The streets he previously frequented were strewn with thorns and filth and garbage was thrown on him from balconies and rooftops. Elaborate plans were made to murder him.
Naturally, all these trials and tribulations could not but leave a mark on his home life.
Fatimah was passing the impressionable years of her childhood in the shadow of these events.
Yet, her maturity was such that she faced all this with remarkable patience and determination.

She fought like a courageous little tigress to defend her father and protect him.
She would stand in front of him to shield him from the attacks of devilish men like Abu Jahl, 'Utbah and Shaybah.

On one occasion, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) went into the sanctuary of Makkah with some of his Companions and started to pray, the disbelievers had just then sacrificed a camel.
The filth and bowels of the camel were lying there, when a horrible idea came to Abu Jahl.
He asked who among his friends would like to lift all that filth and pile it on the back of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) 'Uqbah bin Abi Mu'it, the lowest of the low among his friends, got up shrugged his shoulders with satanic glee, and said he would perform the task. And he lifted up the bloody filthy mess and piled it on the Prophet's back while he was in the act of prostrating before Allah.
All of them then broke into peals of uncontrollable devilish laughter.
When news of this dastardly act reached Fatimah, she rushed to the sanctuary.
Removing with her little hands the impurity, furious at the brutal treatment given to her beloved father, she scolded the disbelievers.
When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) finished his prayers, he lifted his hands in supplication and appealed to Allah to hold these men, Abu Jahl bin Hisham, Shaybah bin Rabi'ah, 'Uqbah bin Abi Mu'it and Umayyah bin Khalaf, in His relentless grip.
These devils became very nervous because they knew that any supplication made at the sanctuary in Makkah is never rejected by Allah Almighty.
And the Prophet's prayers were answered.

Once Abu Jahl was sitting with the disbelievers in front of the Ka'bah, they were planning how to eliminate this man for the 'crime' of rejecting the idols.

They hated him for propagating the Oneness of Allah and for proclaiming himself as His Last Prophet and Messenger.
Fatimah happened to pass by and heard him.
She was so terrified of what these barbarians could do to her father that she went running to tell him of their dastardly plot.
As she wept she told him they had sworn in the names of their most famous idols to kill him.
All of them would attack him the moment he stepped out of his house.
Innocently she asked him what would happen now.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told her to have faith in Allah, as He was her father's Protector.


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